Chapter 404
Thank you for your support all the time. Gujing is in the hospital, and it is very inconvenient to type. Recently, due to daily infusion, both hands are swollen, and the type is often weak. Please forgive me!Thank you ぶ Seven Nights Butterfly ぶ for your monthly ticket support, Sister Rong and Brother Dingfeng for your rewards and encouragement, and thank you to those who still supported Gujing when it was closed!thank you all!

After the emperor and Huang Jiyun had a detailed discussion, the two fell silent relatively silently. Seeing that the imperial study room had been quiet, the prince did not dare to disturb him, but the empress sent someone to invite the emperor to come over. After coming out, the emperor nodded to Huang Jiyun, and Huang Jiyun left the palace.

On the 21st day of the first lunar month, eight days before the Supreme Emperor’s Longevity Festival, the emperor once again drove to the Xishan Bieyuan, but returned without success.

For the next three days, the emperor must set up a stand in the Xishan Bieyuan every day. Although the Supreme Emperor has not seen the emperor, the emperor has given a secret order on this matter. Even the next day, the guards of the Xishan Bieyuan changed their defenses. The Taishanghuang waited on him, and the entire Xishan Bieyuan was almost completely changed.

It started to get a little nervous, especially in the honorable family, but before they could respond, the emperor hurriedly recruited the head of the imperial hospital to go to the other hospital in Xishan, and then these imperial doctors never showed up again.

The next day the emperor ordered Huang Jiyun to go to Xishan Bie, and he did not come out for a whole day after he went in. The meritorious nobles couldn't help but panic and sent their wives into the palace to pay their respects to the queen, but they were all stopped, and the queen didn't see anyone.

Until the 28th of the first lunar month, Huang Jiyun accompanied the emperor back to the palace, but the emperor immediately announced that he would build ten six-art halls in the suburbs of Beijing, as a gift for the emperor's [-]th birthday, for children aged six and under sixteen to learn the six arts.

As soon as the news came out, some students from poor families all praised the emperor's holy name, and although no one from the Hanmo clan spoke out against it, the news came out and they were not optimistic.The meritorious family also remained silent.For a moment, the court was divided into two factions.Only ten elementary schools caused such a reaction, Huang Jiyun frowned, but the emperor's eyes became more and more stern.

Daiyu received the news from the sidelines when she entered the palace to present a gift to the Supreme Emperor following the imperial conferment of the women's relatives the next day, she was startled into a cold sweat, and even now, she really understood Huang Jiyun's original intention She is far from the meaning of government.

But regardless of the reaction of Shilin or the court, the common people cheered and cheered, and the Six Arts Hall was successfully built after the Longevity Festival.

Time flies, and the turmoil caused by the royal family's construction of the "Six Arts Hall" on the Longevity Day quickly calmed down without the emperor taking any further action.On Daiyu's 17th birthday, Liuyitang had already quietly and steadily recruited students and started teaching formally.At the same time, there was also news from the southwest: Jia Rong had made great achievements in teaching the mountain people in the southwest, and she was pardoned and returned to Beijing.

In March, Huang Bilian married Qu Hanlin's second son, and then it was reported that Wanyu Lin'er was on the upper body. Princess Wujun went there in person with medicinal materials and a small dress made by Daiyu herself. Even Xue Baochai was born in June. A thousand pieces of gold, of course, this is something later.

On April 28, Jia Rong, who was exiled in the northwest but was pardoned due to meritorious deeds, finally returned to Jia's mansion with Jia Baoyu. When the door saw the two, they hardly dared to recognize each other.

Both Jia Rong and Jia Baoyu were dressed in coarse cotton shirts, and they had lost a lot of weight. Jia Rong was fine, although she looked thinner, her eyes were much brighter than before.But Jia Baoyu seemed a little listless.

When Mrs. Jia learned that the two of them had returned, she immediately called them to the Rongqing Hall. When she saw Jia Baoyu like that, she burst into tears.Everyone comforted him for a while, but they couldn't stop, and finally his eyes darkened and he passed out.

At this time, everyone in Jia's family panicked, Madam Xing ordered someone to take Jia Amnesty's name card to invite Wang Taiyi over, and at the same time sent someone to inform Youshi of Jia Rong's return.Wang Xifeng, with a big belly, was also busy, and Jia Rong followed Jia Lian in and out.Jia Lian also said with a smile: "It can be seen that eating a sting has gained a wisdom, and now it has grown a lot."

Jia Baoyu was sitting blankly in front of Mrs. Jia's couch, not knowing what he was thinking, and no one in Jia's house paid any attention to him.

Until Youshi rushed back with Jia Yun and Xichun, the old lady Jia still didn't wake up, Wang imperial doctor shook his head and said: "I'm getting old, and I've been depressed for a long time, and suddenly I'm happy... Sigh, let's see again." , take two doses of medicine to take good care of it, if you wake up at night, it will be fine."

After Jia Lian sent off Doctor Wang, he thought for a while and went to Zhuangzi outside the city to bring Sister Qiao and Daiyu back.

Daiyu hadn't seen Jia Baoyu for several years. Although Jia Lian had said that Jia Baoyu had been pardoned and returned home, when she saw Jia Baoyu at this time, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.When he walked past Jia Baoyu, he couldn't help saying softly: "Since Cousin Baoyu is back, I'll go to Yulong Village to have a look. Sister Miaoyu has been worried too."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she walked straight to Old Madam Jia's bed without looking at Jia Baoyu, but Jia Baoyu's eyes suddenly brightened, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Daiyu personally helped old lady Jia's pulse, frowning and hesitated for a while, Mrs. Xing hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with Yu'er?" After speaking, she asked cautiously: "Old lady... how can the family live?" What needs to be done?"

Daiyu nodded and smiled forcedly at Mrs. Xing, "Auntie, please invite uncle and elder brother over. Yu'er has something to discuss with everyone."

When Mrs. Xing heard this, she was shocked. Although she had a bad relationship with Mrs. Jia these years, Jia Amnesty was her own.Mrs. Xing didn't dare to delay and hurriedly sent someone to invite Jia Amnesty and Jia Lian to come over.Jia Amnesty is fine, but when Jia Lian heard that Daiyu invited them all to come over, he felt bad.

Seeing that Jia She and Jia Lian had also arrived, apart from Wang Xifeng, who was pregnant and ordered by Jia She to raise her baby in the house, and Rong Guogong, who stayed in the capital, all gathered.

Daiyu cleared her throat, and after all the maids had retreated, leaving Yuanyang alone to serve in Mrs. Jia's house, Daiyu said solemnly: "Grandmother is old, and brother Zhen from Dongfu had an accident earlier. , and kept saying that something happened to the second uncle's family." Speaking of which, Daiyu glanced at Jia Baoyu.

When Jia Baoyu heard Daiyu mentioning her parents, her face was astringent, and she lowered her head as if she dared not meet anyone.Daiyu sighed softly: "The old lady has always been worried, especially cousin Baoyu, who grew up beside his grandmother. Although my grandmother didn't say anything for more than a year, she was always concerned about it. Now suddenly At first glance, the yang energy rushes up in surprise and gathers in the brain.”

Speaking of this, Daiyu paused, and after listening to Daiyu's words, everyone in the room remained silent, only Mrs. Xing kept sweeping her eyes at Jia Lian. Jia Lian smiled wryly, but Mrs. Xing treated him like a parent all these years , it's not easy to pretend not to know.

Jia Lian coughed lightly and asked, "My sister's words are not far from what Wang Tai-physician said. Wang Tai-physician prescribed prescriptions and boiled medicine, which was also given to the old lady, but the old lady is still unconscious. I don't know what to say?" Speaking of this, seeing Mrs. Xing glaring at herself, she quickly added: "Father and mother mean..."

Before Jia Lian had finished speaking, Mrs. Xing hurriedly said, "I don't mean anything to the master!" After she finished speaking, she felt that something was wrong, and she didn't know how to go on. Seeing this, Daiyu couldn't help laughing out loud. Jia She also snorted angrily.

Next time, don't say Madam Xing didn't know how to continue, even Jia Lian lowered her head and didn't know what to say, her face was flushed red, and she didn't know whether she was ashamed or smiling.

But Jia Baoyu suddenly regained his energy, and said with a smile: "Auntie means to ask Sister Lin to make an idea." After talking about something, he thought of something, and then said: "If you can invite Sister Lin, the master, I am afraid it will be from the ancestors." There will be hope for the illness, and our family will feel at ease."

Daiyu really didn't expect Jia Baoyu to say such a thing, which shows that he was a little biased towards him in the past, but she was a little embarrassed, thought about it and smiled softly: "That's what I want to say."

Hearing what Daiyu said, not to mention Jia Baoyu and Jia Lian, even Jia Amnesty was a little excited, but she heard Daiyu say: "Master's medical skills are superb, and everyone in the government and the public knows everyone. Although he is not in the Imperial Hospital, he It also won the trust of the Holy One."

Seeing everyone nodding, Daiyu bit her lips, then lowered her voice and said: "After the year, the Supreme Emperor's body has been disobedient, and he hasn't seen any improvement. The Holy General's hospital has been moved to another hospital in Xishan, and the master has to take care of the court I'm afraid I don't have the time to come to our mansion on both sides of the Central Government Affairs and Xishan Bieyuan, so I don't want to bother Master about it."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Jia Baoyu looked embarrassed, and Mrs. Xing also pouted and hesitated to speak, but Jia Amnesty and Jia Lian looked at each other with a clear nervousness on their expressions.

Daiyu had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, but changed the subject and said: "Brother also knows that I was a teacher at the age of five, and although I have learned nothing in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting these years. But since then..." Daiyu paused at this point After a pause, Jia Lian's heart tightened, he nodded but did not speak.

Daiyu took a few deep breaths before continuing: "When my mother found out that she was pregnant, I studied medicine with my master." When Jia Min was mentioned, Jia Amnesty and Mrs. Xing's eyes were slightly red, and Jia Lian even lowered her head and hid herself. Gone look.Daiyu wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and continued: "Later, my father was seriously ill, and I even learned a few golden needle techniques from my master."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu took a deep breath and said: "If uncle, aunt and brothers are at ease, I will give my grandmother an injection. If not, I will continue to use medicine. I have seen the prescription of Wang Taiyi, it is very good, and then use it." That's right."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Jia Amnesty hesitated, but Jia Lian smiled and said, "my sister's medical skills are unknown to others, but I know it well. I invited my sister to show the old lady. Besides, the old lady My wife is my younger sister's grandmother, are you still afraid that we will suspect you of something? Go ahead and do whatever you want."

Daiyu looked at Jia Lian with a sweet smile and said, "Aren't you afraid that my brother will be worried? Why does it seem that I and my uncle have separated?" I'm not very sure either..."

Jia Lian got up as she did when she was a child, and stretched out her hand to help Daiyu's head, but Daiyu hid her and said with a smile, "now Yu'er is a big girl, brother, don't untangle my bun!"

Seeing their siblings being so close, not to mention Jia Baoyu, even Jia She and Mrs. Xing were a little surprised, and then looked at each other, seeing satisfaction from both sides' eyes.Jia Lian stretched out her hands and sighed with a lonely expression: "Sister is so old..."

Daiyu's heart stagnates, but she snorts at Jia Lian angrily, "If Yu'er hadn't grown up so old, how could she help you and take care of Sister Qiao?" The foreigner ordered: "Shi Nan, take my medicine box and come in!"

Everyone didn't expect Daiyu to come with a medicine box, and they turned their attention away, but Jia Baoyu stared at Jia Lian with envy in his eyes, but Jia Lian was puzzled by Daiyu's sentence "look after sister Qiao for you". I was a little embarrassed, thinking about whether to bring sister Qiao back.

Daiyu had never given needles to people, especially the old lady Jia's current situation, and she felt somewhat flustered and hesitant.

Daiyu cleaned her hands and prepared the needle, and while she was taking a deep breath, someone told the news to Wang Xifeng. Wang Xifeng didn't care about Jia She told her to keep her child behind closed doors, so she hurriedly supported the little girl's hand and drove away. come over.

Seeing that Daiyu was a little nervous, Wang Xifeng stepped forward, shook Daiyu's hand and said with a soft smile, "Sister is not someone who has no idea, since she said she wanted to give the old lady an injection, I think she has a plan in mind, old lady. At my wife's age, I don't have any regrets when there are many children and grandchildren, my sister can just do whatever she wants." He said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, I'm here to accompany you!"

What Wang Xifeng said earlier displeased Jia She, but before he could open his mouth, Wang Xifeng sat in front of old lady Jia's couch and said that he wanted to accompany Daiyu.Jia Amnesty breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and led his son and nephew back out.

Mrs. Xing stayed in the inner room and joined hands with the mandarin ducks to take off Mrs. Jia's clothes. Wang Xifeng lit the Ningshen incense with her own hands, and Daiyu stepped forward to give Mrs. Jia the needle.

Not to mention that Daiyu was nervous, even Wang Xifeng who was at the side was also very nervous.After Daiyu finished administering the needles to Mrs. Jia, Mrs. Jia woke up slowly, and everyone in the Jia residence surrounded and greeted Mrs. Jia, and after Mrs. Jia left Jia Baoyu by her side to serve, Wang Xifeng felt her belly slump. Feeling uncomfortable, suddenly pale with fright.

Not daring to tell Jia Lian, she ordered the little girl beside her to report to Mrs. Xing quietly. Mrs. Xing panicked immediately and ordered someone to carry her shoulders to send Wang Xifeng back.

But in the end, we can't hide it, not to mention Jia Lian, even Jia She has got the news, thinking of the grandson who died before he was born, Jia She was so angry that he jumped up.It was Jia Lian who hurried to find Daiyu, who was tired and a little bit weak, and said that Wang Xifeng couldn't look after her well.Daiyu didn't care to rest, and hurried to Wang Xifeng's room.

Fortunately, Wang Xifeng was fine. After Daiyu helped her pulse, she ordered her to lie down, and instructed the maid to give Wang Xifeng a massage. The whole family was relieved to see Wang Xifeng recovering.

Daiyu stayed in Jia's mansion for a few more days, giving old lady Jia an injection once a day. Gradually, the old lady got better, so Daiyu resigned everyone and went back to Zhuangzi outside the city.

When Miaoyu learned that Jia Baoyu was pardoned and returned home, she also had a smile on her face, although she was still innocent, she added two points of joy.But Daiyu jokingly said: "Sister, don't you think that Cousin Baoyu was pardoned because of the offense?" Seeing this, the smile on Miaoyu's face faltered, and she hurriedly asked, "Sister, what do you mean?"

Daiyu explained that when Jia Rong was dispatched to the southwest, Jia Lian sent someone to help him and asked him to teach in the official school there. Although he didn't learn anything himself, he could teach those mountain people how to read. But it is possible.After Jia Baoyu passed by, Jia Rong helped Jia Baoyu again.

Unlike Jia Rong, Jia Baoyu is not as illiterate, but he has also made a name for himself there. This time, he was pardoned and returned home to teach calligraphy in the Six Arts Hall by taking advantage of the Dongfeng of the Longevity Festival to build a school.Jia Rong was Jia Lian who found a relationship, got him back and found an errand in Liuyitang, saying that he was teaching Mengtong children to read.

Miaoyu breathed a sigh of relief when she heard what Daiyu said, and fought with Daiyu angrily, adding to her anger.

On June 21th, Mo Xuan, who is far away in the northwest, also celebrated his [-]st birthday.Daiyu sent a hundred sets of military uniforms made of "denim" to the Northwest as a congratulatory gift.The emperor was very interested when he found out about it, and Prince Yi took another [-] sets back from Mo Xuan.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Princess Hanyi came forward to partner with Daiyu to set up Rongyun Weaving and Dyeing Workshop to process and produce new military uniforms full-time. Even Princess Hanyi was recruited from the Ministry of Industry;

At the beginning of September, Wang Xifeng gave birth to Jia Lian's second son. Jia She gave the name: Jia Yu, and Jia Lian took the nickname: Man Geer.Jia Lian and his wife, who were overjoyed at the full moon, held a three-day flowing water banquet and invited the Sanqing class to sing for three days.

Ever since Concubine Xiande passed away, Ningrong Street has never been so bustling again. Even though Jia Zhengyifang is gone, General Jia’s Mansion is also very lively. The whole family came to the Liu Mansion and the Liu Mansion, and even the Huang Mansion sent female relatives to congratulate them.

The male guests and female family members, with their fragrant clothes and temples, the inner house and the outer courtyard, cups and cups intertwined, especially the wives and grandmas who came from the inner courtyard, surrounded by jewels and jade, it seems that Jia's mansion is very lively for a while, and it is beginning to show signs of prosperity.

Daiyu was personally accompanied by the Linde family, and brought Shinan and An'er to Jia's mansion to congratulate her. Zhixuan married the manager of the shop who came to Beijing to reconcile accounts in July, and has already followed the manager to the south.

Grandma Sun is getting old, Daiyu released her family's registration, gave her a house, and went home to be raised.Now beside Daiyu, the only ones in charge are the Linde family and Madam Tang.Taking Shinan and several big girls to take care of Daiyu's daily life.

Sister Qiao had already been left in Jia Lian's mansion by Jia Lian after the old lady Jia woke up. At this time, those who came to Jia's mansion with Daiyu to congratulate her, besides Linde's family and the maids, also brought Miaoyu.

Aunt Xue and the others also knew Miaoyu, and after a chat with each other, they sat together.Wang Xifeng was puzzled that Daiyu had never brought Miaoyu to Jia's mansion, but why did she bring Miaoyu now?

In order to support Daiyu, Princess Hanyi condescended to present a pair of red gold coiled dragon gold necklaces, a pair of gold bracelets, a longevity lock, and a piece of tribute brocade in twelve colors, which made all the noble ladies in Beijing envious.

Before the winter solstice, Mo Xuan was ordered to return to the capital to report on his work, and the border town affairs were temporarily handed over to Zhao Bing.Although it is logical that Mo Xuan should come to Beijing to report on his work next year, but who would let him have an aunt who is a queen?Mo Xuan hurried back with various gifts.

On the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, even Li Wan brought Jia Lan, Jia Huan and Brother Chun back to the capital for the New Year, and You Shi also brought Xi Chun with him to the General's Mansion.The liveliness of the hall made Mrs. Jia feel better, and even discussed taking Daiyu back to the General's Mansion to celebrate the New Year together.

(End of this chapter)

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