Chapter 405

Thanks to Sang Yu Nini, yuncat, and Ruan Qingluo for their monthly ticket support, and thanks to Hongchen+Boke for their rewards and encouragement.


On the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month, Mrs. Jia hurriedly sent Jia Lian to the village outside the city to pick up Daiyu, but Daiyu tried every means to evade it, but Jia Lian said with a smile: "My sister has spent the New Year alone here all these years. In honor of my uncle and aunt, I never said anything."

Speaking of this, Jia Lian paused, took a deep breath, frowned and said, "But the old lady is very old, and I don't know how many years she still has." Jia Lian looked into Daiyu's eyes firmly, and said softly. Sighed: "Let the old lady live two comfortable years."

When Jia Lian said so, Daiyu naturally couldn't say anything more, so she nodded and told Ling Lan, "Go to Sister Miaoyu yourself and explain to Sister Miaoyu." Ling Lan squatted down and stepped back. Finally, Daiyu explained with a smile: "I thought that sister Miaoyu was also in Beijing alone, so I made an appointment to watch the new year together."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Jia Lian raised her eyebrows and smiled and said, "What's so difficult about it? After picking it up and going back, the old lady not only likes to be lively, but also likes beautiful children. Miss Miaoyu, your sister-in-law has also seen it before, and said He is extremely handsome, and the old lady would also like it."

Jia Lian's words passed through Daiyu's mind, her eyes lit up, and she said, "My brother is thoughtful." After speaking, he ordered Shinan to catch up with Linglan and go to Miaoyuzhuangzi together.

Seeing that Jia Lian really took Daiyu back, Mrs. Jia was very happy, but she didn't notice Jia Baoyu's eyes shining when she saw Miaoyu get off the car beside Daiyu.He only held Daiyu with one hand and Miaoyu with the other and kept saying yes, and arranged for both Miaoyu and Daiyu to live in their own courtyard.

Old lady Jia was full of joy and could celebrate the New Year with her own grandson and granddaughter. Who would have thought that on New Year's Eve, on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, the empress would send Xia Shouzhong, the chief executive of Kunning Palace, to bring Daiyu into the palace.

Although it is said that according to the rules, women who are both inside and outside have to enter the palace to pay New Year's greetings during the New Year, especially those who are also titled princesses, princesses, and county lords, but even if they look like princesses, princesses, and county lords, they should enter the palace on the night of New Year's Eve.

In addition, since the emperor's eldest grandson incident, Daiyu and the queen have also become estranged by two points. In the past two years, Daiyu has even handed over the booklets, and they all stay in her own village to keep the year old.The emperor and empress never said anything. At this time, the empress suddenly sent someone to pick her up into the palace, and she sent someone on the 29th, but it had never happened before.

This sudden accident, not to mention Daiyu and Jia Xie Jia Lian and others, even the old lady Jia was shocked, holding Daiyu's hand, all in cold sweat.

But Daiyu still calmed down, changed her clothes, said goodbye to Mrs. Jia and other people in Jia's residence with a smile, and followed Xia Shouzhong to the inner courtyard of the palace.However, to Daiyu's surprise, she actually met Mo Xuan who was supposed to be far away in the northwest in the Queen's Palace.

Mo Xuan, who was talking about the folk customs of the northwest with the queen, stopped talking involuntarily when he heard the servant coming to ask for an audience outside the main hall of Yulin County.Seeing that Mo Xuan's ears were red, but he pretended to be calm, the queen smiled secretly, but waved Xiu'e to welcome Daiyu in.

Daiyu was wearing a palace satin with a pomegranate red vase with dark patterns, and a narrow jacket with a stand-up collar on the edge of the primrose. This narrow jacket has only become fashionable in the past two years. She is petite, but she wears snow fox beads and cloud shoulders on her shoulders, and a horse-face skirt full of gold makeup and flowers.On the contrary, the waist that was originally tightly gripped seemed more and more slender.

He is holding a bun near the clouds, and three red gold gourd hairpins with beads are inserted obliquely on the hair bun. The two east beads on the gourd hairpin are bigger than a thumb, and the small one is bigger than a lotus seed. From a distance, the pleats glow brightly, and a string of rice beads and tassels wipe the forehead between the foreheads, swaying erratically with Daiyu's movements.

With the Dongzhu earrings on the earlobe, Daiyu's complexion is not only white, but also moist.Especially the two deep rose and light pink hibiscus flowers behind the bun, from Mo Xuan's angle, only a corner was exposed, but it added a bit of charm to Daiyu.This kind of Daiyu was quite different from what he remembered, Mo Xuan couldn't help being dazed.

Seeing Daiyu getting closer and closer, Mo Xuan's hand hanging by his side subconsciously clenched into a fist, only then did Mo Xuan realize that his palm was actually covered in sweat.I can't help but laugh in my heart, this will be my wife, why be nervous?I have the time of my life to see her elegant and graceful, to see her charming...

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of her mouth involuntarily deepened and widened. Seeing this, the empress secretly amused herself, and before Daiyu could salute, she said, "Come here, Yu'er, we can't see clearly when we stand so far away." The word "we" was omitted.He couldn't help but glanced at Mo Xuan, but seeing that Mo Xuan didn't respond, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Daiyu first heard what the queen said, and understood the ridicule in the queen's words, but she couldn't say anything, so she could only blushed and walked two steps forward.At this time, the queen gave such a chuckle, how could she not understand what it meant?I'm afraid these people in the palace understand at this time, right?Immediately, she felt ashamed and anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

She glanced at Mo Xuan from the corner of her eyes, but saw that Mo Xuan didn't seem to notice anything, staring at her, Daiyu was even more ashamed and annoyed, but she couldn't break out at this moment.

Seeing this, the queen could not help coughing, Mo Xuan didn't come back to her senses, Daiyu couldn't control it, but she herself came back to her senses, hurriedly took a few steps forward, saluted the queen, and the queen came to her side to look her up and down carefully .

The queen glanced at Mo Xuan, seeing that Mo Xuan had turned around at some point, and his eyes were still locked on Daiyu, she couldn't help pretending to be dissatisfied and said: "But I haven't come to the palace for some days. If I hadn't sent Xia Shouzhong today I'm going to pick you up, I'm afraid you won't remember to come into the palace, right?"

Before Daiyu could answer, Mo Xuan replied: "My aunt's words are really unreasonable. Who doesn't stay at home to watch the new year? Auntie wants to bring people into the palace."

As soon as Mo Xuan finished speaking, the Queen pointed at him and scolded with a smile: "Look at this heartless little thing! Who is this Palace for?" It was even more embarrassing because no one spoke for a while.

Seeing this, Mo Xuan coughed lightly with red ears, and then bowed to the empress and said: "Aunt Lao is taking care of my nephew."

Seeing this, the queen pointed at Mo Xuan and laughed out loud, and said to Daiyu: "It can be seen that a heavy hammer must be used to beat the drum!" After speaking, she ordered Xiu'e: "Usually you are the one who serves Yulin. , you take her to the side of my side hall to settle, and come over to have lunch after freshening up."

Without waiting for Xiu'e to respond, Daiyu hastily lowered her head and blushed and bowed, which made the queen laugh out loud again.

After Daiyu retreated with Xiu'e, Mo Xuan whispered uncomfortably to the queen: "Auntie has done too much, it's not good for people to see." The queen gave him an angry look Said: "What's wrong? The Holy Majesty personally bestowed the marriage. Seeing that you are about to be a filial piety, it is right to come back and make purchases."

After finishing speaking, the Queen's voice changed: "You just met in my palace, one is my nephew and the other is my nephew daughter, so what if you meet? Didn't you know each other since you were young?"

Hearing what the queen said, Mo Xuan couldn't say anything more. Thinking of the past two years of correspondence with Daiyu, when Daiyu talked about how lonely the queen was, her heart softened, and she asked about the eldest grandson of the emperor.The queen sighed with a headache, and didn't want to mention it.

Mo Xuan had no choice but to ask about the fifth prince again, but this topic aroused the Queen's interest, talking about how the fifth prince was filial, well-behaved, and told her stories.

During lunch, the Fifth Prince came back to the Queen's Palace after class to pay his respects. Only then did he learn that Daiyu had entered the palace, and immediately his eyes rolled into smiles, and they narrowed into smiles. Seeing that Mo Xuan was also there, he immediately stared at Mo Xuan with wide eyes.

The empress recalled the joke made by the emperor's eldest grandson Xisan that year, pointed at Mo Xuan and said to the fifth prince: "This is the person who robbed your elder sister Yu'er!"

After finally being at ease for a while, Daiyu suddenly heard the queen say this, almost spit out a mouthful of tea, and coughed for a long time.The fifth prince stood up awkwardly, walked behind Daiyu, and was very dissatisfied with Ling Lan who followed Daiyu into the palace and was handing Daiyu water: "I'm already choking, how can I still drink water?"

The fifth prince glared at Mo Xuan again, pursed his mouth, and gently patted Daiyu on the back and said, "Sister Yu'er, Chengli will pat you on the back, not like some people, hum!"

Seeing this, Daiyu sighed in her heart, Chengli had also grown up, and she knew in her heart that he was just doing this for the empress to see, but she didn't show it on her face, so she quickly closed her breath and let go of the discomfort in her throat , got up and saluted Chengli, and said with a smile: "Don't dare to trouble the fifth prince, it's Yulin himself who was careless and lost his dignity in front of the empress and His Highness, Yulin is fine."

The Fifth Prince was patting Daiyu on the back when suddenly it was empty, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, seeing that Daiyu was acting like this, his eyes turned red, and he asked: "Sister Yu'er doesn't want to inherit the calendar, does she?" Tears rolled down.

The fifth prince is no longer the six or seven-year-old child, but when she shed tears at this moment, Daiyu still saw the shadow of the past, and couldn't help but feel a little hesitant in her heart.

Seeing this, the queen scolded softly: "Why are you crying so hard?" As she spoke, she pulled Chengli in front of her, and wiped his tears with her own hands.Then he blamed Daiyu lightly: "They are all from my own family, why are you so born?" After hearing what the queen said, Daiyu didn't make any distinctions. went back.

Chengli lowered his head in embarrassment.After a while, he raised his head again, stared at Mo Xuan who had been silent all this time, and said, "It's all you!" Then he turned and ran out.

Mo Xuan wanted to laugh very much, but finally held back, reached out and touched his nose, looked at the empress and said, "My aunt has made a big enemy for my nephew, but I don't know where the word 'rob' comes from?" After glancing at Daiyu, he taught Mo Xuan what happened back then.Mo Xuan couldn't help laughing out loud.

Mo Xuan's laughter was hearty, Dai Yu blushed and looked up at him.Seeing that the leather jacket he was wearing and the leather boots on his feet were all sent by him years ago, he was a little dazed for a moment, and his cheeks became more and more "rosy".

Daiyu was thinking whether to retreat quickly, but when the palace servants came to report that the emperor was coming, the queen was also taken aback, and hurriedly got up to lead Daiyu and Mo Xuan out.The fifth prince also got the news, ran back and followed the empress to greet him.

Before he walked out of the palace gate, the emperor walked in with great strides, accompanied by the prince.It was still the bright yellow dragon robe, but Daiyu looked much older and thinner. She didn't look too much and thought too much. After thinking twice about her master Huang Jiyun's words, Daiyu hurriedly He bowed his head and knelt behind the queen.

The empress obviously didn't expect the emperor to come, welcomed the emperor into the hall, and hurriedly ordered to re-order the food, the emperor just pretended not to see, and sat down with the empress.

Daiyu got up and wanted to leave, but the emperor stared at Daiyu with a stern face and said dissatisfiedly, "Why? Yu'er doesn't want to eat with me?" Daiyu was startled, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "Yulin dare not! It’s Yulin’s blessing to have dinner with the Holy Majesty.” The emperor smiled coldly and said, “I’m afraid you don’t think so in your heart, do you?”

Daiyu was about to argue, but the emperor went on to say: "I remember, you said at the beginning that 'accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger'! It can be seen that you don't want to have dinner with me." The queen heard the emperor's words here, and understood that the emperor didn't care about it. Without any intention of blaming him, he smiled and said, "It can be seen that the Holy Majesty is stingy. How old was Yulin at that time? How many years have passed, and the Holy Majesty is still holding on to it."

After the queen finished speaking, she covered her mouth and laughed. The emperor pointed to Daiyu and asked Mo Xuan who was standing beside her with her head bowed and silent: "Look at her, but I'm stingy and won't let her go?"

Afraid of Mo Xuan's embarrassment, the queen hurriedly opened her mouth to make a rescue: "It's the concubine, isn't it? It's the sage who is holding on, it's clearly the concubine who is holding on." Unexpectedly, the emperor didn't appreciate it, and glared at the queen. Just as he was about to say something, Mo Xuan suddenly knelt down and said, "It's my minister's fault, Yulin is my fiancée, it's my minister's failure to teach me well."

When the emperor heard this, he burst into laughter. Daiyu knelt on the ground, complaining that the floor was too hard, and complaining that the emperor was narrow-minded. Drill into the seam.

But the emperor became narrow-minded, and said with a smile: "Since brother Xuan said so, I won't make things difficult for you. Get up."

The fifth prince snorted dissatisfiedly, and was about to speak, but the emperor went on to say: "Since Grand Scholar Huang hasn't taught Yulin well for more than ten years, Brother Xuan will have to spend more time in the future." .”

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, before Mo Xuan, who was full of joy, could open his mouth, the fifth prince couldn't help but jumped out, pointed at Mo Xuan and said, "The grand master is very knowledgeable, how can you compare with him? My son thinks that the elder sister is extremely knowledgeable." Alright! If Master Mo feels bad, please take back your order and choose another husband for your senior sister!" As he spoke, he really knelt down next to Daiyu.

Mo Xuan was so scared that he gasped, the empress choked in her throat and spit it out somehow, but the emperor laughed loudly and said: "It seems that Chengli has grown up too!"

When the emperor said this, he patted the queen's hand holding his arm in relief and said, "Thanks for your hard work!" The queen came back to her senses, pursed her lips and smiled at the emperor: "They are all children of concubines, no hard work!" .”

The emperor nodded and smiled gratifiedly, and joked to Chengli: "Since Chengli has grown up, tell me, what kind of son-in-law do you want to find for your 'senior sister'?"

Not to mention Daiyu and Mo Xuan, even Chengli probably didn't expect the emperor to ask this question, so he raised his head and looked at the emperor in a daze.The emperor calmly took the teacup at hand and took a sip.

Chengli thought for a while, turned his head to look at Daiyu, grinned and said, "Father will stay with my senior sister for two more years on behalf of my son, and my son is willing..." Chengli didn't say anything, and the queen's face changed, and she scolded: " Stop messing around!" Even Daiyu's face changed, a few years ago it could be said that Chengli was young, but now, it is impossible for Chengli not to know what he said and what it meant.

But the emperor laughed loudly and said: "The Tai Tuo protects your senior sister like a pearl like a treasure. If he knows that you missed the marriage today, I'm afraid he will beat you when he goes to the study tomorrow!"

Huang Jiyun's teaching is very different from other people's. The board is not something that can be replaced by a companion, even the emperor is not easy to intercede. This matter is known to everyone in the palace. The empress heard the emperor say so , couldn't help but covered his mouth and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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