Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 406 Whose Uncle?

Chapter 406 Whose Uncle?
We would like to thank: Huo Mutong, ぶ Seven Nights Butterfly ぶ, Doudou Xiaotu, book friends 160811130623195, Du Ruo, Cai Zi for their monthly support!Thanks to Ugly Ya, Sad Ya, and Buried Wuhen for their rewards and encouragement.Gujing will try its best to resume normal updates.Thank you for your support and love.


The lunch ended in a cheerful atmosphere, except that Chengli looked at Mo Xuan with unfriendly eyes, it can be said that he had a good time.When the emperor left, he took Mo Xuan away to the imperial study, and it was time for the fifth prince to go to the school grounds, so only Daiyu stayed by the queen's side.

After seeing off the emperor and the fifth prince also leaving, the main hall of Kunning Palace fell silent. The empress looked at Daiyu who was sitting upright, with her head slightly lowered and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, and she couldn't tell what it was like.

I still remember how coquettish she was when she held her arm and called her "Auntie" at that time, I also remember the relief of her being by my side after the eldest prince's accident, and I also know how she refused to hesitate when she refuted the emperor's canonization of the emperor's grandson , and now... the bits and pieces of the past flashed before the Queen's eyes, and she couldn't help wiping the corners of her eyes with her hand.

The queen took a sip of tea, put down the cup in her hand, and said softly, "Yu'er, come to Auntie."

There was no hesitation as the queen imagined, no hesitation as the queen guessed, not even a trace of surprise, Daiyu stood up quietly, and after slowly saluting, she slowly walked to the side of the queen.

Seeing Daiyu like this, the queen couldn't tell if she was angry, annoyed, or regretful, maybe more or less.The queen took a deep breath, took Daiyu's hand hanging by her side, and said with a smile, "Is Yu'er still complaining about Auntie?"

Daiyu didn't raise her head to look at the queen, but shook her head lightly and said with a smile: "Look at what your mother said, if Yulin hadn't been taken care of by your mother these years, where would she be? Dare to blame the empress, Yulin can only be grateful."

The queen looked at Daiyu who was kneeling down to salute, took a deep breath, and just waved away the maidservants who were serving beside her, and the grand maid Xiuyingxiu'e led everyone out of the main hall with a wink.The queen said softly: "Yu'er is blaming me for not supporting you?"

What the queen said made Daiyu startled, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the queen.The queen looked at Daiyu's deer-like wet eyes and the surprise on her face, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

But Daiyu said softly: "Why would the Empress think so? When things happened suddenly back then, Yulin did what she did for the sake of the stability of the country and the peace of the people, without selfishness." Seeing the expression of disbelief on the Queen's face, Daiyu paused and said: "If there is, it means that His Royal Highness treats others honestly and kindly, and Yulin can't bear it..."

When the queen heard Daiyu mention the eldest prince, she took a deep breath again, pressed the corners of her eyes, nodded and said: "It turns out that Yu'er is for De'er..." After speaking, the Queen smiled and said, "Whether it's for De'er or for me .” The queen looked into Daiyu’s eyes sincerely, and said in a low voice, “You saved my only grandson.”

When Daiyu heard this, she was silent for a long time, and then she said bitterly: "In front of Kunning Palace, there is a harem that cannot be involved in politics. Yulin just got a word from the Holy Majesty to speak freely..." After finishing speaking, Daiyu lowered her head and stopped talking.

The queen pulled Daiyu up and sat beside her, and she was silent for a long time before she sighed: "Your Majesty canonize the eldest prince as king, who will be inherited by the emperor's eldest grandson. After a few years, a mansion will be built outside the palace. Go and walk around." As the queen spoke, her voice became choked with sobs and she said, "Cheng Wang Taifei, I'm afraid she is unwilling, Yu'er wants to teach Cheng Wang to be a comfortable king."

The queen's words not only choked up, but even trembled, which softened Daiyu's hardened heart.Daiyu gently held the queen's hand, just like when she learned of the eldest prince's accident, it was slightly cold, but soft and dry.

The queen couldn't help holding Daiyu's hand and said: "In the past two years, Yu'er has suffered a lot. Yu'er blames her aunt and pities her for her loss." After she finished speaking, she wiped her tears and said, "Successful." Concubine Wang, she has become a king since she became a king, she has been bedridden, and her mind is not clear often, and my aunt is afraid of her..."

Daiyu looked at the queen in disbelief, what does this mean?crazy?Daiyu didn't dare to think about it, she looked up at the queen.The queen seemed to know what she was thinking, nodded and said: "Otherwise, they wouldn't have left their mother and child in the palace for such a long time."

Now that the words have come to this point, the queen stopped hiding and continued: "Their mother and son will move out in the next year. I'm afraid she won't be able to teach Cheng Wang, or... In short, after they move out, I don't care. Let them come to the palace often. Your mother and concubine are not in the capital, and Han Yi has such a personality, so my aunt can only rely on you."

After hearing this, Daiyu was silent for a long time before she nodded and said softly, "Yulin and Sister Hanyi have always been close. Most people in Beijing know that Yulin often travels with Sister Hanyi."

Hearing what Daiyu said, the queen's eyes lit up, and then she frowned and said, "Yu'er won't call me 'auntie' again?" Daiyu smiled slightly and said, "The king is the king, and the minister is the minister." , This is the difference between the monarch and his ministers. Besides, Yulin knows who is good to Yulin and who is close to Yulin, so there is no need for everyone to know."

Daiyu's voice was very soft, but the queen could hear it clearly.Daiyu's eyes were bright, and the queen also understood Daiyu's meaning from it, and for a moment she couldn't help but put her arms around Daiyu, and began to cry in a low voice, the crying was full of depression.After a long time, Daiyu raised her voice and called Xiu'e to come in to wash the queen.

The queen washed and put on her makeup again, and Daiyu personally picked out two hairpins for the queen, and the queen looked much more energetic.

Wearing a double-breasted jacket with sapphire blue embroidered golden phoenix sleeves, with a red gold narrow edge, and a plain pleated skirt of indigo yarn, a red gold flying phoenix hairpin on the cloud bun, ruby ​​phoenix eyes and pearls, a hundred jewels and emerald green hairpins. The phoenix tail and the red gold peony-patterned phoenix wings are the new styles of Rongyun Nishang Pavilion this year.Daiyu chose two more ginseng hairpins for the queen, which made her more graceful.

Daiyu wears a cherry-colored overcoat with narrow sleeves and pipa lapels embroidered with folded branches of snow plum, and a skirt with a willow-colored hem edge, which is covered with embroidered begonia flowers, which makes her look slim and graceful.The small lily is in a bun, two red gold hibiscus hairpins, and filigree lantern earrings, refreshing yet elegant.

It's snowing outside, and the empress has been more and more reluctant to move around in the past two years. Today's [-]th, the empress is also busy with the affairs of the palace, she smiled and talked to Daiyu, and asked Xiu'e to lead Lily of the Valley and Shinan to accompany Daiyu to the garden walk around.

In the palace, Daiyu doesn't want to attract attention, even enjoying the snow, she has no interest.Only in the garden of the apse, a brazier was set up, and almond tea was boiled.All the maids, big and small, stood at a distance, even Lily of the Valley, Shinan, who followed Daiyu into the palace, and Xiu'e sent by the empress, also waited on them from afar.

Just when Daiyu was a little bored and was thinking about whether to go back to her residence, Princess Hanyi brought her son-in-law into the palace.After paying respects to the queen, and knowing that Daiyu was in the garden of the queen's back hall, Princess Hanyi sent her son-in-law to hold her one-year-old son, and went to play in the imperial garden with King Cheng, and rushed over by herself.

Seeing Daiyu sitting in the Liuhe Pavilion with flying eaves, holding a brazier, without drinking tea or barbecue, Han Yi smiled from a distance: "It can be seen that she can't play!"

Speaking of which, Princess Hanyi didn't wait for Daiyu's reaction, so she ordered Xiu'e: "Go and see if there is venison in the queen mother's small kitchen? Find some, cut it into thin slices, and let's roast it." Before Xiu'e left Far away, Princess Hanyi called her back again, and said with a smile: "I forgot, Yu'er has entered the palace, so the flower wine must have been delivered, go and get another jar."

Xiu'e took the order to go, and Daiyu smiled and said: "Sister, it's true. After all, it's in the palace. I'm afraid it's not good to be so arrogant. If you want to eat barbecue, you should go to Zhuangzi outside my city. Let's make a detour to Miaoyu. , in the Plum Garden, there is a bonfire, you can barbecue, and you can collect plum snow to make tea, why bother here?"

Han Yi didn't refute, waved back the maidservant beside him, went into the pavilion and sat down next to Daiyu, then said softly: "Sister, do you know Brother Xuan is back?"

Daiyu didn't expect Princess Hanyi to open her mouth to say this, she blushed immediately, nodded her head nana, but didn't speak.Seeing this, Hanyi laughed and said, "I've known you for so many years, but this is the first time I've seen you look so shy. Why, isn't it surprising now?"

After Princess Hanyi finished speaking, she laughed again, and Daiyu suddenly became angry, she stretched out her hand to squeak Hanyi, and the two gradually moved from the pavilion to the garden...

After finishing the palace banquet, the next morning, Daiyu and Hanyi went to the queen along with the congratulatory procession of the wives inside and outside. After paying New Year greetings, Daiyu bid farewell to Princess Hanyi and left the palace.Jia Lian, who didn't want to come to pick him up, actually stood with Mo Xuan, talking for some reason.But Jia Lian's newly promoted servant saw Daiyu from afar.

Jia Lian and Mo Xuan looked over at the same time. Today's Daiyu was dressed in the auspicious clothes of the county lord, dignified and solemn. Jia Lian couldn't help but elbowed Mo Xuan and said, "I heard that the Holy Majesty called you back this time because he intended to let you go." Are you married?"

The corners of Mo Xuan's mouth were raised high, and his eyes were full of smiles, but he said: "I haven't yet become a filial piety, don't listen to people talking nonsense."

Jia Lian was very dissatisfied when he heard what Mo Xuan said. He turned his head to look at Mo Xuan, but saw him staring at Daiyu who was saying goodbye to someone in the distance. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said: "This is How do you say it?"

Unexpectedly, Mo Xuan changed the subject and said: "The people over there have left, let's go there." Then he strode towards Daiyu.Jia Lian gritted his molars, and finally laughed, and hurriedly followed.

Daiyu didn't expect that she could speak a few words with others, and the two walked towards her.But since the person has already come, there is no need for him to retreat, so he took Lily Lan and Shinan to meet them and walked over.

Before Jia Lian could speak, Mo Xuan clasped his fists and saluted, "I've seen Yulin County Lord!" Jia Lian almost staggered out, but when he turned around, he saw Mo Xuan smirking at Daiyu with his lips pursed.Daiyu also pursed her lips and smiled, squatting down to salute.So Jia Lian couldn't bear it and shouted: "Enough!" As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, Daiyu and Mo Xuan burst into laughter.

After laughing, Mo Xuan regained his expression and asked: "Sister Yu'er still lives in Zhuangzi outside the city, or will she go to Jia's mansion with brother Wencang? Or Huiyongdinghou's mansion?"

Daiyu lowered her eyebrows and thought for a while, then said with a smile, "It was my grandmother who said she wanted to celebrate the New Year with me. I never thought that my mother would take me into the palace, but at this time she was going to pay my grandmother a visit." Mo Xuan became silent, and Dai Yu couldn't help but asked in surprise: "But what's so difficult?"

Mo Xuan nodded and said: "After the Lantern Festival, I will rush back to the Northwest for handover..." Mo Xuan paused and asked, "I wonder when sister Yu'er will return to Zhuangzi?" Mo Xuan didn't finish speaking, Daiyu had already understood, and said with a reddish face, "Since that's the case, it's best for Brother Mo to rest for two days."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Jia Lian grinned and said, "San Shao Mo has never treated us to a drink, and it's rare to come back. Shouldn't he treat us to a drink too?"

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Mo Xuan clasped his fists and said, "Brother Wencang's orders!" Jia Lian laughed loudly and said, "I won't tell you either. I'm afraid you're not familiar with the situation you've been in West BJ these years. Let me be the manor, and you will come on time when the time comes."

Mo Xuan didn't think he shouldn't, not to mention anything else, he saw the relationship between Jia Lian and Daiyu.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mo Xuan agreed, Jia Lian smiled at Daiyu and said, "Elder brother doesn't have a good place to entertain guests. My younger sister might as well lend me your Zhuangzi for two days. It happens that you are staying with the old lady in the mansion. Those of you There are birds, cats and dogs, and no one to take care of them." When he said, "birds, cats and dogs", Jia Lian narrowed his eyes towards Mo Xuan.

Jia Lian originally thought that according to Mo Xuan's temperament, at least his cheeks would blush, but Mo Xuan smiled brightly and said: "Look at what Brother Wencang said, those sparrows and birds are fostered by me at Sister Yu'er, please. She helped take care of it, it was cold in the northwest, and I was afraid that they would not be able to support them. The cats and dogs were just watching Sister Yuer's coldness and playing with her."

After finishing speaking, Mo Xuan turned his head to look at Daiyu solemnly and said, "But you have caused trouble to sister Yu'er? If so, it's good to give it away. I don't want to embarrass myself."

Daiyu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's easy to talk about anything else. As for the pair of snow mastiffs, I like them very much. Why is it difficult? But don't send them any more, because there is no place to raise them." After finishing speaking, don't talk about Daiyu Even Ling Lan and Shinan behind Daiyu also covered their mouths and laughed.

Seeing this, Daiyu cleared her throat and said to Jia Lian, "Since that's the case, brother, just go, eat and drink whatever you want, and just tell Lin De to do it." Having said that, Daiyu glanced at Mo Xuan, Then he continued: "Tell Lin De to take out the two jars of wine left in the cellar for you to eat."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu hurried past Jia Lian and Mo Xuan and got into the carriage.Jia Lian didn't realize it for a moment, but Daiyu had already got into the carriage, she couldn't help but grabbed Shinan and asked, "What are the two jars of wine left in the cellar?"

Shinan looked at the carriage, then at Mo Xuan, laughed in a low voice, "Ask my uncle, I know." After speaking, she hurriedly followed the carriage.

Other Jia Lian didn't hear clearly, but the word 'uncle' could be heard for real, so she couldn't help turning her head to look at Mo Xuan, stroked her still clean chin, and changed her voice with a half-smile: "Uncle? "

Mo Xuan was embarrassed, but he could only cough lightly and said: "During the Mid-Autumn Festival, sister Yu'er sent someone to send a batch of wine to the northwest, which is full-bodied and strong..." Having said this, he hastily added: "Then it is very important to keep out the cold. Okay, maybe the capital doesn’t need it.”

Seeing Mo Xuan's complacent but feigned shyness, Jia Lian punched Mo Xuan on the shoulder and said, "I am an older brother, why don't I know whose uncle you are?"

(End of this chapter)

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