Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 408 The Heart of a Daughter to Be Married

Chapter 408 The Heart of a Daughter to Be Married ([-])

In the early morning of the second day of junior high school, even though she didn't know what happened, Miaoyu refused to stay in Jia's house no matter what she said. Daiyu couldn't stay, so she had to ask Jia Lian to help find someone to set up a car and take Miaoyu back.Just at this time, Yun Baozhou arrived with Yingchun's mother and son.

Daiyu had an idea, smiled and asked someone to send Jia Baoyu to see him off, but Miaoyu did not delay.He lowered his head with blushing cheeks and said nothing.

After what happened last night, Jia Baoyu was not in good spirits, obviously he hadn't slept all night.But when he heard that Miaoyu was escorted back to Zhuangzi, his eyes lit up immediately, he smiled and asked someone to bring the horse, turned on the horse and followed Miaoyu's cart, all the way out of the city.

After Jia Baoyu had gone far away, Jia Lian took a chance to find Daiyu, and asked with a half-smile, "What the hell are you planning?"

Daiyu also knew that she couldn't hide her idea from Jia Lian, but she still denied it and said, "What did brother say? Why doesn't Yu'er understand?" Jia Lian raised his eyebrows and stared at Daiyu with a smile: "I really don't understand? "

Seeing this, Daiyu knew that Jia Lian had seen through it, so she tilted her head and smiled and said, "Don't worry about your ideas, brother just said whether you can help me or not?" Jia Lian shook her head, looked around, and said in a low voice: " If you don't make it clear, I won't dare to help you. When will you help you do something good?"

Seeing this, Daiyu laughed out loud, and then pretended to be sad and said: "Yu'er also knows that now that my brother has a sister-in-law, he will never help Yu'er again." After finishing speaking, she raised her eyebrows and smiled very proudly Said: "However, thanks to Yu'er's cleverness since she was a child, she begged her sister-in-law early in the morning. It's fine if her brother doesn't help. Yu'er will find her sister-in-law."

After speaking, Daiyu turned and walked away. Jia Lian was stunned on the spot, not knowing whether to cry or laugh for a moment, but she felt warm in her heart, and the corners of her mouth curled up unconsciously.

Jia Baoyu guarded Miaoyu's carriage and went out of the city gate all the way to Zhuangzi, but she didn't know that Daiyu really asked Wang Xifeng to discuss.

After hearing Daiyu's meaning, Wang Xifeng frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult at this time. If you don't say anything else, the old lady may not be able to make it through." As soon as Wang Xifeng finished speaking, Daiyu asked: "Could it be? There is no other way?"

Seeing Daiyu like that, Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "There is no way, it depends on what you do." Daiyu laughed and said, "I plan to go to Aunt Xue to pay New Year's greetings in two days. What does sister-in-law think?" Wang Xifeng sneered Said: "If aunt's place is easy to use, how could Baochai be so up and down back then? My father was still there at that time!"

Hearing what Wang Xifeng said, Daiyu couldn't help hesitating, Wang Xifeng raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Why don't you ask your master, Master Huang, and don't need him to pay the dowry."

Wang Xifeng said it casually, but Daiyu knew that this matter was difficult to handle, she could not help but bit her lower lip and shook her head, "I have to go to Aunt Luo first to find out about this matter." mention.Wang Xifeng thought that Daiyu was just talking, so she didn't take it to heart.

Daiyu's Zhuangzi had previously promised to lend it to Jia Lian to entertain friends. In the third year of junior high school, Daiyu went to the Wujun Prince's Mansion. The Wujun Prince's Mansion was no longer in the mansion. Then Huang Jiyun sent someone to pick her up, but Daiyu didn't refuse, she went to Huang's mansion, stayed there until the eighth day, and then went to Princess Hanyi's mansion to pay New Year's greetings.

And Daiyu held Aunt Luo's arm and talked about Miaoyu. Aunt Luo also knew Miaoyu, but she still shook her head and said, "Don't get involved in this matter, your master won't agree." Seeing the disappointed look on Daiyu's face, she explained: "It's okay for others to say it, but it's not for the Jia family who was born with jade."

Daiyu looked at Aunt Luo in puzzlement, Aunt Luo smiled and said, "The day I married your master, his father brought him to propose marriage to your master, and he was asking for you."

Daiyu also fell silent when she heard this.On the eighth day of the lunar new year, I went to Princess Hanyi's mansion to pay New Year's greetings, so I sent a post to Aunt Xue without giving up.

On the twelfth day of the first lunar month, I went to Xue's mansion again. Aunt Xue didn't object, but Mrs. Yan said with a smile: "I didn't expect the county magistrate to be interested in being a matchmaker. Since the county magistrate said so, just ask the girl what she means." , if she is willing, we have nothing to say."

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, Jia Lian invited Yun Baozhou, Xue Pan and others to accompany Mo Xuan at Daiyu Zhuangzi. Even Liu Xianglian, who had just returned to the capital, came to entertain him.

After drinking for three rounds and eating five tastes, Jia Lianfang took a chance and asked Mo Xuan about his plan. Mo Xuan shook his head and smiled and said, "What are my plans? My Majesty called me back because my aunt said she missed me That’s all for me. After the Chinese New Year, I’m going back to the northwest.”

Speaking of this, Mo Xuan sighed and said: "I don't know what's going on now, every time the weather is cold and the grass is freezing, those northern barbarians will come to harass..."

After Liu Xianglian heard about it, she asked with great interest: "I heard that the northern barbarian is good at riding and shooting, but is it true?"

Mo Xuan laughed and said: "That's true. The northern barbarians can walk and ride horses. It can be said that they spend most of their lives on horseback. Naturally, their riding and archery skills are better than ours. But they are barbarians. It's a lot worse."

Seeing what Mo Xuan said was interesting, Liu Xianglian smiled and said: "So when you leave, let me know, how about my brother going with you to have a look?"

Mo Xuan raised his glass and drank with Liu Xianglian and said with a smile: "It's not a difficult task. If you want to, I will let you know." With such a few simple words, it seemed that it had been finalized, and even Mo Xuan and Liu Xianglian I didn't expect that Liu Xianglian would make a great name in the northwest.

On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, Daiyu had just returned to the village outside the city with Lily of the Valley and Shinan. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Lin De's family greet her, and said with a smile: "The wine that the girl left for my uncle, I will quietly hide it. , can the girl send someone to send it with my uncle?"

Daiyu laughed dumbly and said, "How do you say that?" Linde's family laughed and said, "Young lady, I don't know. Uncle Lian and Uncle Pan are fine, and that Uncle Liu is also terrible. He and I drank six After all, the seven jars belonged to our Zhuangzi, and it would be bad if they got drunk, so they hid two jars, but that uncle Pan was not a worry, so he found it again."

When Daiyu heard this, she frowned slightly and asked, "Is someone drunk? Is brother okay?" Lin De's family leaned into Daiyu's ear, and said with a soft smile, "Don't worry, Miss, my uncle and Master Liu are both happy to see you." Fortunately, Uncle Lian and Uncle Pan didn't drink much wine, but they were drunk. I advised them to make it with minced fruit, but they didn't listen."

Daiyu nodded and asked again: "Nothing happened, right?" Linde's family covered their mouths with a smile and said, "Don't worry, girl, nothing happened to so many people, my uncle even fed the birds." I rode away with Uncle Lian."

Daiyu stomped her feet in embarrassment and said, "Who asked him?" After speaking, she turned and went into the room.After a while, he turned around again and ordered: "Go and invite Sister Miaoyu to come over, and tell her that I have something to look for."

The Linde family didn't take it seriously, and nodded with a smile.Soon a carriage was sent to pick up Miaoyu.

Miaoyu wears an autumn-colored velvet brocade flower narrow-sleeved jacket, a willow-patterned crepe gown, and a white gold collar hanging on her chest. , Dot the emerald dragon and phoenix tail hairpin to make the whole person alive.

Daiyu had never seen such a Miaoyu, she was less dusty and more angry.Especially the phoenix-tailed skirt in hazy lace, which made Miaoyu's tall and slender figure even more graceful.

When Daiyu saw it from a distance, she laughed and covered her mouth and said: "A woman is a woman who pleases herself. I don't know why my sister is facing the mirror today and why is she putting flowers on it?"

After joking and joking with Miaoyu, Daiyu felt more and more that Miaoyu today is very different from the past. After thinking about it again and again, she finally said that she wanted her to recognize Aunt Xue as her relative. Considering Miaoyu's aloof personality, she was afraid that she would not agree, but unexpectedly, Miaoyu nodded shyly and timidly.

After being surprised, Daiyu calmed down, took Miaoyu's hand, and asked softly, "Did sister make up her mind?"

Miaoyu glanced at Daiyu quickly, lowered her eyebrows and remained silent for a while, then nodded lightly and said: "He is very nice, gentle and elegant, intelligent and open-minded, not like ordinary people who are unbearably rude."

Miaoyu didn't talk much, but Daiyu understood what she heard, she couldn't help but sighed and nodded, "That being the case, let's think of a way. Now that the second uncle and the second aunt have been sentenced to exile, they are both in the northeast, maybe we You can use this to make a fuss." Hearing what Daiyu said, Miaoyu frowned, but she didn't say anything.

Miaoyu stayed at Daiyu's village for dinner, Daiyu asked Miaoyu's thoughts clearly, and without procrastination, she invited Madam Tang to invite Aunt Xue over in person.

Things went smoothly beyond Daiyu's expectation. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Aunt Xue set up several banquets in the mansion and formally accepted Miaoyu as her daughter-in-law.Then he went to Jia's mansion in person and delivered a message to Mrs. Jia.

Not to mention Aunt Xue, people like Wang Xifeng and Daiyu thought that Mrs. Jia would not agree, but when Aunt Xue mentioned it, Mrs. Jia agreed.He didn't even ask to bring Jia Zheng and his wife back.If Mrs. Jia didn't mention it, Daiyu naturally pretended not to know.

It took only two or three months from the exchange of invitations to the appointment of the application period. Before the Dragon Boat Festival, Miaoyu married another woman as she wished.

Of course, this is a later story. When Aunt Xue held a big banquet on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Daiyu, the matchmaker, didn't go.

When Aunt Xue sent a chariot to pick up Miaoyu, she stopped by to pick up Daiyu, but Daiyu shirked it. At that time, Linglan and the others were still wondering, only Lin De's family smiled and said nothing.Not long after Aunt Xue's carriage left, Mo Xuan rode up to her.Seeing Mo Xuan approaching, Ling Lan and the others came to their senses.

Xueyan even imitated Daiyu, tilted her head and smiled and asked: "Young master, is this an appointment with the girl?" Mo Xuan was taken aback, looked at Daiyu and asked: "But what happened to the delay of sister Yu'er?" Before Daiyu could answer, Xueyan covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I invited the girl to a banquet, but the girl didn't go and wanted to stay in the village. It seems that she is waiting for my uncle at this time!"

When Mo Xuan heard this, he couldn't help laughing. The smile spread from the bottom of his eyes, to the tip of his eyebrows, to the corners of his lips.If Daiyu hadn't blushed and bowed her head silently, Mo Xuan might have laughed out loud.

Seeing this, Linde's family glared at Xueyan, not only opened the doors and windows of the flower hall, but also brought out all the little maids serving in the hall.

So Daiyu stabilized her mind, and asked softly: "Why are you here today?" Mo Xuan saw that Daiyu's ears were blushing, but her waist was straight, and her fingers protruding from the armhole unconsciously hooked her cuff. Bian'er couldn't help laughing and said: "It means that I went back to the northwest early in the morning, but yesterday the Holy Majesty asked me to wait for two more days."

Daiyu didn't make a sound, just nodded lightly, Mo Xuan continued to say: "I didn't get to visit during the New Year's Eve, thinking that since I don't have to leave tomorrow, I will come and have a look today." He took out a brocade box from his pocket and handed it over.

Daiyu glanced at Mo Xuan, saw that he was looking nervously at the brocade box in her hand, couldn't help but chuckle, opened it gently, but suddenly changed face, closed the box and returned it.

Mo Xuan looked at Daiyu puzzled, and wanted to explain a few words, but Daiyu said with a smile: "Brother Mo put it away, the Holy Majesty has set a date, if you can't get it out, I won't obey .”

Mo Xuan was stunned for a moment, showing his white teeth, Daiyu gave him an annoyed look, then turned and left.Mo Xuan didn't stay here for a while, but when he saw Daiyu entering the hallway, he knew that she had gone back to the inner courtyard, so he also got up and said goodbye, and went directly to the palace.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, at the Great Court Meeting, the Holy Majesty appointed Jia She as the right servant of the Ministry of Rites. Jia She never thought that after wandering around, he would return to the Ministry of Rites one day, and he couldn't tell whether it was joy or melancholy.

However, Zhao Bing was appointed as the general town of Balkhash City in the northwest because of his meritorious service against the northern barbarians in recent years. This was originally Mo Xuan's position, but Mo Xuan was left in the capital and served as the deputy commander of the Jinwu Guard and became the emperor's personal guard. .This change, in fact, was expected by everyone, but it was unexpected.Only Mo Xuan knew that this was what he asked for.

After the fifteenth day, the weather gradually warmed up, especially in the south.Nanny Yang made an appointment with Li Wan, and brought Jia Huan, Jia Lan, Brother Chun, and Hu'er back to Gusu. This time, Jia Lian even persuaded Jia Amnesty to let Jia Cong go with her. Jia Lian He personally hired a three-masted ship, and Zhao Tianliang and Zhao Tiandong escorted them all to the south.

After these people left, Daiyu also moved back to Yongdinghoufu in the city.Not long after Long looked up, it was her birthday. In the blink of an eye, it has been fourteen or fifteen years since she arrived in this world... Princess Wu Jun also rushed back on the sixth day of February.

Accompanying them was Cai Rong who came to participate in the Spring Festival. Of course, Wanyu's mother and son were also brought back.And Jia Lian, at this time, also thanked the guests behind closed doors, studying at ease, and wanted to win the ranking in this spring.Not only for my 13 years of studying hard, but also for the promise I made to my uncle Lin Ruhai.

Few people have celebrated their birthday in their own home. Girls of this age, in this era, have to be said to be old leftover girls.However, the [-]th birthday of Yulin county head who is about to get married is extremely lively.

(End of this chapter)

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