Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 409 The Heart of a Daughter to Be Married

Chapter 409
Thanks to xj bean sprouts, book friends 160811130623195, and ぶ Seven Nights Butterfly ぶ for their monthly support!


Just after the court meeting, Huang Jiyun was walking out, Mo Xuan hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, "Student has seen you!" As soon as the words fell, General Fuyuan who happened to be passing by came over and slapped Mo Xuan on the shoulder , laughing at Huang Jiyun: "This flattery is good!"

Huang Jiyun raised his eyebrows proudly, but with a stern face, he coughed lightly and said, "You have done a good job in the northwest for the past two years!" Mo Xuan nodded happily, "It all depends on Mr.'s guidance." Huang Jiyun Startled for a moment, he also burst out laughing, Prince Yi and the others could feel the joyous atmosphere from afar.

Seeing it from a distance, the fourth prince secretly hated him, squeezed his fist behind his back, and just strode away, but he didn't see Prince Yi walking over.

The house in Tonghua Lane was originally built by imperial edict as Duke Qi's mansion. Wujinsan Road is very spacious, very similar to the layout of Jia's mansion.Duke Qi's mansion didn't have any relatives' homes, so compared with Jia's mansion today, it has an additional garden of nearly [-] mu.After Qi Guogong was confiscated, he left this house, and the emperor gave this house to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan invited Huang Jiyun, Prince Yi, General Fuyuan, and Jia Shedao's house in Tonghua Lane to sit down.Although Prince Yi declined, he smiled and said: "After you pack up, I will come to congratulate you on your housewarming!" General Fuyuan also wanted to postpone it when he saw this, but Huang Jiyun nodded and said: "Go as a teacher!" Let me help you see!"

Seeing Huang Jiyun claiming to be "a teacher", Prince Yi couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother Xuan, don't forget the matchmaker wine from me!" In front of Lin Ruhai's face, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Don't worry, my lord, I dare not say anything else, but you are indispensable for drinks."

Seeing this, General Fuyuan couldn't help asking why, so Prince Yi learned what happened back then with everyone.After everyone had laughed, Huang Jiyun looked at Jia She and said, "The house in Tonghua Lane, if I remember correctly, should be the former Duke of Qi's mansion."

Jia Amnesty was very clear about this, nodded and said: "When my father was alive, he was old relatives with Duke Qi's mansion, and I used to go to that house often when I was young."

Hearing what Jia She said, Huang Jiyun cupped his hands slightly and said: "Then please trouble Mr. She, and accompany us for a while." After speaking, Huang Jiyun turned to Mo Xuan and said, "Mr. But it is the mansion of the Duke of the State, and there are many places of trespass, and I just asked Mrs. She to take a look at it for you, so you can clean it up."

Mo Xuan originally knew the relationship between Jia Amnesty and Daiyu, and he wanted to make friends with him. Now when Huang Jiyun said this, he clasped his fists very politely and said, "Uncle Lao, don't worry about it."

Jia She was taken aback for a moment, then pointed at Mo Xuan and laughed loudly, saying: "It should be, it should be!" It could be seen that it was genuine joy, but Prince Yi glared at Mo Xuan angrily and said: "You should, you should!" Don't you know what reserve is?" General Fu Yuan saw Mo Xuan's face turned reddish, he rescued him and said, "Man, what's the use of reserve?"

Huang Jiyun and Jia She were very satisfied with this, and after hearing General Fuyuan's words, they also nodded their heads. Prince Yi smiled wryly and said, "I hope the Holy One knows, and won't be angry about it!" After speaking, he shook his head and said gone.

Seeing Prince Yi leave, General Fuyuan thought for a while that Huang Jiyun and Jia She could both be regarded as Mo Xuan's Yue family, and his own identity, no matter how he was considered "mother's family", thought about it and found a reason to leave first.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun invited Jia She to go with him in the carriage. Of course Jia She would not refuse, and ordered the servant to go back to report the letter, and got into Huang Jiyun's carriage.When Huang Jiyun saw that Jia She ordered the servant to go back and report the letter, he thought of asking his followers to go back and talk to Luo Sujuan.

Here, Mo Xuan rode his horse and followed Huang Jiyun's carriage all the way towards Tonghua Lane. Over there, Huang Jiyun's entourage got the news and rushed to report it to Luo Sujuan.When Luo Sujuan heard that Mo Xuan was staying in the capital, she was overjoyed, she reported to Mrs. Huang, and asked someone to prepare a car, and went to Daiyu Zhuangzi outside the city.

The reason why Tonghua Lane is called Tonghua Lane is because there are two sycamore trees over a hundred years old at the entrance of the lane. The branches are tall and the crowns are smooth. Every late spring, the pink and white tung flowers are huge and charming.

In the former Duke of Qi's mansion, a sycamore tree was also planted. Different from the two trees at the alley, the tung flowers here are light pink and lavender. Because of their great momentum, they bloom brilliantly and colorfully when they fall.

At this time, the capital is still warm and cold, and the tung flowers have not yet bloomed, but the mansion is already showing a green spring.Mo Xuan led Huang Jiyun and Jia She around for a while, Jia She pointed at Shi Feiting and said with a smile: "There is a peony flower behind the pavilion, but I don't know what's going on at this time."

After speaking, he pointed to the Zhuihua Pavilion behind Shi Fei Pavilion and said: "There is a fruit tree over there, if I remember correctly, it should be a plum tree. Although the fruit is not very good, but when it blooms, it is very beautiful. Beautiful." After speaking, he smiled and said to Mo Xuan: "Back then, someone suggested that Duke Qi should plant a few more peach trees. I don't know if they have been planted. If you don't have any, then you can ask them to plant them again. That would be great."

Hearing what Jia She said, Mo Xuan laughed hastily and said, "Maybe it's not planted. I've had someone check it out before, and I didn't see any peach trees. But there are two thick camphor trees hugging each other behind the pavilion." Jia Amnesty nodded and said, "Since that's the case, if you let someone plant it, the pink and plum blossoms are also very good."

Huang Jiyun smiled and said, "Dig a pond here at Shi Feiting, plant two black lotus plants, and plant a hosta flower or green onion orchid on the edge of the pond. It would also be good."

Hearing this, Mo Xuan hurriedly asked people to write it down, and went back to the main courtyard to go to the room. Huang Jiyun sighed and said, "The house is not bad, but it's a bit empty." Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, Jia She laughed and said, "It's too late. In the last three to five years, it will be lively."

As soon as Jia She's finished speaking, Mo Xuan blushed and felt his ears burning. Huang Jiyun glared at Jia She angrily, walked into the hall without saying a word.

When Luo Sujuan rushed to Daiyu's village, Daiyu had already had her lunch and was about to go to Xue's mansion.Yesterday, Aunt Xue recognized Miaoyu as a daughter-in-law, but Daiyu did not go there. She originally planned to take Nanny Tang there today, and let Nanny Tang inquire about Miaoyu and Jia Baoyu. How did Aunt Xue arrange it? Thinking of Luo Sujuan, she rushed over.

Daiyu rushed out to greet her, and Luo Sujuan saw that Daiyu was wearing a snow-blue brocade brocade with flowers and cloud pattern double-breasted thin jacket, matching iris and dark flower filament pleated satin skirt, and a thin cloak of engraved silk mud and golden clouds and geese on the outer layer, which was parted in a bun with the clouds, two flowers Point the emerald flower hairpin, and shake it with the emerald magnolia flower dripping water.Knowing that she was going out, she couldn't help asking: "Where is Yu'er going?"

Daiyu squatted down slightly, then stepped forward and took Luo Sujuan's arm and said with a smile: "At first I wanted to visit Sister Miaoyu, but Auntie knew that she was rather cold-tempered, and I was afraid that she would suddenly be unaccustomed to living in Xue's residence. It's all right, I'm going to see her."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu turned around and asked, "Why is my aunt free to come over today?" Daiyu saw that Luo Sujuan was wearing a jacket with a bamboo knotted pipa lapel and a silk skirt, and a skirt with dark green makeup and flowers, but she was wearing an indigo eight balls She wore a persimmon-patterned cloak, and wore a round bun on her head. There were only two enamel and gilt hairpins inserted side by side. Knowing that she came out in a hurry, she asked this question.

When Luo Sujuan heard Daiyu's question about this matter, she couldn't restrain the joy on her face, the smile from the corner of her mouth soaked into her eyes.

Luo Sujuan took Daiyu's hand and said with a smile: "Your master sent a message back, saying that you will not come back for dinner today, but go to Tonghua Lane. I have nothing to do. Come and see you." Daiyu listened to Luo Sujuan Speaking of Tonghua Lane, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Why did the master get together with those nobles?"

Luo Sujuan even smiled so blindly that she said: "Yu'er doesn't know, right? It is said that Mo Xuan was left in the capital by the Holy Majesty, and the house bestowed by the Holy Majesty is in Tonghua Lane." Daiyu heard Luo Sujuan say so As soon as I said it, I couldn't help being stunned. I didn't mention it when I met yesterday, why did I stay in Beijing again today, and I was given a mansion again?

But Daiyu didn't ask, and came to the flower hall with Luo Sujuan, and when the maids served tea, she ordered: "Go to the stove and give an order, and hurry up and clear the table." Then she smiled at Luo Sujuan: " Auntie will eat a piece of dim sum first."

Luo Sujuan saw that Daiyu was very caring, her heart couldn't help becoming softer, she glanced at Ling Lan and the others who were serving at the side, and said with a smile: "You guys go down and do your work, I'll talk to your girls."

Linglan and the others had also learned needlework from Luo Sujuan for a few days. Hearing this, they glanced at Daiyu and saw Daiyu nodding slightly, they hurriedly bowed down and retreated with a smile.

Only Luo Sujuan and Daiyu were left in the flower hall. Luo Sujuan took Daiyu's hand just now, and said with a low laugh: "In a blink of an eye, Yu'er is almost eighteen, and she is a big girl. When we met back then, she was so It's a little higher." Luo Sujuan raised her hand and made a gesture as she spoke.

When she looked at Daiyu again, the smile in her eyes turned into emotion, and she couldn't help saying: "I think your mother was like that back then..." Luo Sujuan paused, then sighed: "If I could see you now , I think your mother is also happy." Luo Sujuan lovingly stroked Daiyu's tender cheek as she spoke.

Daiyu couldn't help thinking of Jia Min's touch when she first came to this world. She lowered her head and smiled and said, "Don't they all say that there are spirits in the sky? I think parents can see them." After speaking, she couldn't help red Eye circles.

Seeing this, Luo Sujuan shook her head and said, "Look at me, what are you talking about? I came here today just to talk to you about the wedding dress. I think that Mo Xuan is not young anymore, and there will be more than a month later." It's time for him to show his filial piety, since the Holy Majesty left him in the capital and gave him a house, I think your wedding date is not far away."

When Daiyu heard Luo Sujuan mentioning this matter, she couldn't help but blushed. It has been more than two years since the unexpected marriage. Although Daiyu has gradually accepted this marriage, her correspondence with Mo Xuan can be regarded as a conversation Very happy, but when asked like this, I still feel awkward and shy, so I just nodded lightly without saying a word.

Seeing this, Luo Sujuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, your master has already prepared the dowry for you, that is, the wedding dress. Let's discuss what style you want. It must be some days, so don't worry, just Just embroider slowly. Now my eyesight is not very good, although I can't move the needle and thread, but I can help you see."

Seeing that Luo Sujuan talked more and more, Daiyu changed the subject in embarrassment: "I heard that there will be a Dafa meeting when the dragon raises its head on the second day of February at the Baoxiang Temple in the capital. Yu'er has not been to the capital for so many years I’ve seen it before, if Auntie is free, why don’t you take Yu’er to see it?” In fact, Daiyu’s heart is also in a mess, and she doesn’t know where to start.

Seeing Daiyu like this, Luo Sujuan sighed softly, if Lin Ruhai and his wife were still there, why should she be like this?But he didn't force it any more, and laughed following Daiyu's topic: "I said last year that I would take you to see it, but you didn't want to, now I remember it."

As he spoke, he described to Daiyu the grand occasion of the Baoxiang Temple Dharma Conference. Daiyu, who was used to the bustling and lively later generations, was also very curious.

Just as she was talking, Shinan came to report: "Mother Liu said that the meal is ready, miss, where is it placed?" Daiyu looked at Luo Sujuan and said with a smile: "In that case, let's put it in the flower hall."

Shinan took the order and left, and soon the maids came in and out to set up meals, Luo Sujuan's words were also interrupted.As soon as Daiyu had eaten some food with Luo Sujuan, Lin De's family came in and said with a smile: "Grandma Lian from Jia's residence is also here."

When Luo Sujuan heard that she must be the same as herself, she rushed over after getting the news, so she asked Daiyu to meet her, but she stayed in the flower hall.The maids had just returned to the fruit point, and Daiyu also held Wang Xifeng's arm in one hand, and sister Qiao in the other, followed by Qianqian, who was wearing a double bun, and walked in.

Several people greeted each other and did not distinguish between guests and hosts, they just sat around the round table.Ling Lan personally took Sister Qiao and Qianqian to the garden to watch the birds.

Wang Xifeng told Sister Qiao a few words, and then started the conversation: "Seeing that Madam Huang is here, my sister must also know that Mr. Mo was left in the capital by the Holy Majesty. Father sent someone back to say that he is going to help Let's see how the house is arranged. Your brother is worried, let me ask you what you think, and at this time, I just want my father to deliver a letter to Mr. Mo."

When Luo Sujuan heard this, she clapped her hands and smiled and said, "Look at me, it's better for Lian'er to be careful, then Mo Xuan just got the house, so he must clean it up, but Yu'er will also live in that house in the future, so it should be let Yu'er also has an idea, to save the trouble in the future."

Talking about Aunt Luo, she talked with Wang Xifeng about what kind of flowers and trees to plant in the garden, and about drawing running water. Wang Xifeng even thought of the birds in Daiyu's garden, and said with a smile : "Two yards have to be prepared to raise their birds and sparrows. Then Mr. Mo is really, get these living things and throw them to my sister."

Seeing that Wang Xifeng and Aunt Luo were chatting lively, Daiyu couldn't help sighing, and said to herself: We don't know what the house looks like, but we are discussing about planting flowers and trees, is it useful?
But Daiyu didn't expect that Wang Xifeng took out a roll of blueprints just after she finished her discussion, and said with a smile: "I heard from your brother that it was originally the mansion of the Duke of Qi, and that mansion was originally ordered together with our mansion." It was made, and the pattern is similar, so I took the blueprint of our mansion from the old lady, and Yu'er came to have a look."

Speaking of which, Wang Xifeng asked someone to come in and collect the fruit points on the table, and spread the blueprints on the round table. Daiyu didn't expect Wang Xifeng to act like this, so she couldn't help being stunned.On the contrary, Luo Sujuan said with a smile: "It can be seen that you and your wife are caring, but I hurried over when I got the letter, and I didn't prepare anything."

What Wang Xifeng didn't expect was that the next day, Mo Xuan sent someone to expand the construction plan of the mansion and send it over. He also marked on it where and what flowers were planted and what trees were planted there. Yes, Huang Jiyun's requests were all listed on it.

Linglan and the others who accompanied Daiyu to look at the plans of the Jia Mansion the first day couldn't help but pursed their lips and smiled, but they didn't dare to laugh out loud, for fear that Daiyu would become angry from embarrassment.

Daiyu dispatched the waiter, looked at the drawing carefully, marked her opinion on it, and sent someone to send the drawing back.After Mo Xuan saw it, he was very happy and ordered a painter to come, and according to Daiyu's intention and his own ideas, he redesigned the house and drew a sketch.

After going back and forth like this many times, it was only then that the renovation plan for the house was finalized. After the emperor and queen knew about it, they shook their heads and laughed, "It can be seen that he is a fool!" Huang Jiyun and the others nodded in satisfaction, "It can be seen that Yu'er is a blessed one." When Mrs. Jia heard about it, she sighed and remembered that she had wanted to betroth Daiyu to Baoyu.

It just so happened that Aunt Xue came to Jia's mansion to say hello to the old lady Jia, and when she talked about the daughter-in-law she recognized, the joy on her face could be seen by anyone with long eyes.

Mrs. Jia asked who the girl was, and Aunt Xue smiled and said, "Speaking of which, it's thanks to your old age. If your granddaughter hadn't come to the capital and had an old relationship with her, I'm afraid I wouldn't have recognized her."

After finishing speaking, Aunt Xue took a sip of tea, and then said with a smile: "It turned out to be the official lady in the south of the Yangtze River. Her parents left early, so they brought their family resources and bought a villa on the outskirts of the capital. It's next to Miss Lin's village. I want to come to you The old man has seen it before, and said that he spent the New Year at your house this year."

Hearing what Aunt Xue said, Mrs. Jia thought of Miaoyu's handsome appearance, that graceful figure, especially her gentle and generous speech, she couldn't help but nodded and said: "You are a good girl, so you are also blessed .”

Aunt Xue heard that Mrs. Jia praised Miaoyu as a good girl, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, she smiled more sincerely, and asked: "In the opinion of the old lady, would it be good to betroth my goddaughter to my nephew?"

Mrs. Jia didn't realize it for a while, and after a few turns in her mind, she remembered that the nephew that Aunt Xue mentioned was probably Baoyu, so she couldn't help but lower her eyebrows and ponder.Seeing this, Aunt Xue sighed in her heart, and said to herself: I'm afraid I will disappoint those two girls.

Aunt Xue just finished thinking about it, but Old Madam Jia raised her head and smiled and said, "It's also very good to kiss and kiss. Besides, I've seen that girl before. She is not very dignified and elegant, and she is quite knowledgeable. If my wife doesn't dislike us Jia Baoyu is dull, but I think the old woman is very good."

As he said that, he asked someone to fetch Jia Baoyu's Geng Tie, which was to be exchanged on the spot. Aunt Xue did not shirk when she heard the words, so she exchanged Miao Yu and Jia Baoyu's Geng Tie with Mrs. Jia, and said: "Marriage is a big event. Son, compared to Baoyu, I hope his parents are in..."

Aunt Xue originally wanted to say that Daiyu had secretly promised to find a way to get those two people back, but Old Madam Jia interrupted: "I will ask his uncle to invite the Qin Tianjian to see a day later, and then we can get them back as soon as possible." Make up your mind, I don't know what my aunt would like?"

This remark touched Aunt Xue's heart, she had originally agreed to help, so she was overjoyed and said with a smile: "So I'll go back and make preparations, and I'll just wait for the old lady to take a good look at it and see the day away." come over."

(End of this chapter)

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