Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 410 The Heart of a Daughter to Be Married

Chapter 410
Thanks to Stephanie97, Fengli, Ximo89, sime9, book friends 160923113605778 for their monthly support, and thanks to Sister Rong for the reward and encouragement.


When Daiyu and Mo Xuan came and went to discuss the reconstruction plan for the house in Tonghua Lane, the day when the dragon raised its head on the second day of February had already passed. Naturally, Daiyu did not go to Chengbaoxiang Temple to offer incense, nor could My aunt visited Miaoyu at her house.

On the sixth day of February, Daiyu just went to Aunt Xue's house.Aunt Xue and Mrs. Yan greeted them in person, wearing the same clothes as going out, Daiyu couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Where is Auntie going? Why don't you see Sister Miaoyu?"

Yan covered her mouth and smiled, and Aunt Xue pursed her lips and smiled like Maitreya Buddha. She took Daiyu's hand and said, "Your sister Miaoyu made a decision on the eighth day of the lunar new year and was about to inform you. I came here first." Hearing that Miaoyu had made a decision, Daiyu didn't realize it for a while.

Seeing this, Mrs. Yan laughed and said: "I exchanged Geng Tie with Baoyu, the second room of Jia's house. Mr. Jia invited the Qin Tianjian to watch the date, and then Jia's house will come to make a decision."

Daiyu asked in a daze, "Why are you in such a hurry? Didn't you hear anything about it before?" Aunt Xue laughed and said, "It's not like they're all relatives, and they're all acquaintances. *As soon as I mentioned it to your grandmother, your grandmother immediately agreed to exchange Geng Tie with me, I thought that Miaoer and Baoyu are not young, so I agreed."

The three of them walked while talking, and came to the hall for a while, after the little maid had served tea and left, Aunt Xue continued to laugh and said: "Your uncle invited the people from the Qin Tianjian to combine the horoscope, and then looked at the date and said It's because the latter is very kind to the two of them, they will come and make a decision, Yu'er should come earlier."

Daiyu lowered her head and thought for a while before asking, "Does Sister Miaoyu know?" Without waiting for Aunt Xue to speak, Yan raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Why did the county magistrate let us recognize her as a god-in-law? Isn't it just to marry the Jia family of?"

Hearing what Yan Shi said, Daiyu nodded shyly and said with a smile: "I thought I would have to wait for the second uncle and second aunt to come back, but I never thought that my grandmother would agree for the second uncle and second aunt. It was decided so quickly." After speaking, he got up and bowed to Aunt Xue and said, "Thank you, Aunt Xue, for taking care of me, Sister Miaoyu."

Aunt Xue smiled and said, "What are you talking about? Since she recognizes me as a godmother, she is my daughter. I will naturally plan for her. I am also happy for her that she can have a good home."

As soon as Aunt Xue finished speaking, Mrs. Yan continued: "Fortunately, both sides are from our own family, and we don't care about the etiquette. My wife is going to the county lord's side, and when she comes back, she will go to the silver building to give her younger sister some face-lifting. "

Seeing this, Daiyu nodded and smiled, "I came here to have a look at her too. Since I have my aunt to take care of me, I don't have to worry about it. Just let me know when it's time to put on makeup." Daiyu finished speaking After thinking about it, he asked again: "I wonder who will insert hairpins for Sister Miaoyu later?"

Aunt Xue said with a smile: "I guess it's either your eldest aunt or your sister Feng. The Jia mansion has not been as good as it used to be in the past two years." As she spoke, Aunt Xue seemed to remember it at this time, and told the little girl outside the door: "Go quickly!" Invited Miss Miaoyu to come over."

In less than half a stick of incense, Miaoyu came over with the little maid, first bowed to Aunt Xue, then to Yan, and then looked at Daiyu with a smile.Daiyu got up and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Sister Miaoyu!" As soon as the words fell, Miaoyu's face turned red with shame.

Daiyu saw her moon-white cross-collared fir, revealing her white and slender neck. She was covered with lake blue embroidered precious flowers, lotus root and lotus-colored teeth, and lotus-colored embroidered pink lotus wide-brimmed thin jacket. , gold thread embroidered phoenix tail flowers, three pairs of phoenix tails with gold borders, lining the chest with red gold tassels and long life locks.

Daiyu had never seen this kind of dress before, she stepped forward and pulled Miaoyu's hand, a pair of jade rings between her fingers, and a pair of Hetian jade bracelets on her wrists, and looked at the Zhuan'er on Miaoyu's head, The Ruyi hairpin inserted in it can be seen that it is a homely dress on weekdays, and it has not been rearranged because of my arrival.

The smile in Daiyu's eyes deepened a lot, she turned her head and smiled at Aunt Xue: "My sister has only been with Auntie for a few days, and she looks much better than when she was with me, even her complexion is much ruddy. It can be seen My aunt has taken care, and she knows how to support people."

Aunt Xue heard what Daiyu said, and said with a smile: "I don't worry about my own daughter, who cares? You are still a little girl, do you expect someone who has lived decades longer than me to take care of others? Then **** If you're free, stay with Auntie for a few more days, I'm sending someone to bring your sister Bao and Sister Qin back, and Auntie will take good care of you."

After Aunt Xue finished speaking, Yan said jokingly: "It can be seen that I am a hard worker, and I don't see that my wife loves me."

Aunt Xue glanced at Yan with a smile, and was about to speak, Miaoyu covered her mouth with a smile and said: "Sister-in-law will gain a few more catties before, and now her face is round and her waist is also thick, but today she will be a little girl." Sister Yu'er said that Auntie doesn't love you anymore." When Yan heard this, she immediately refused to obey, which made Aunt Xue and Daiyu overjoyed.

After laughing and laughing, Mrs. Yan was busy setting up the table. Aunt Xue saw Daiyu hesitated to speak, and knew that she had something private to say with Miaoyu, so she refused to be that villain and said with a smile: "You guys I haven't seen my sister for quite a while, since I went to Miao'er's courtyard to talk, Miao'er is so kind to entertain the county magistrate for me, I will send someone to call you over for dinner later."

Although Miaoyu was a little shy, she nodded in response, and Daiyu was even more joyful, and said with a smile: "Since I am at my aunt's house, why am I still my own? Why do I need someone to entertain me? My aunt just sent a little girl to prepare for us. It's delicious."

Seeing this, Aunt Xue nodded with a smile and said hello, then called two little girls from her room over, and followed Daiyu to Miaoyu's room.

Although Xue's mansion is rich, they only live in an ordinary house with four entrances and a garden. The central hall and the main room are closed all the year round. The courtyard was moved out and lived in Jifuzhai near the garden on the west side, and Miaoyu's house was just south of Jifuzhai.

There are three large open rooms, and there is a wing room on the left and right. There is a large bluestone urn in the middle of the courtyard, and several koi are raised, and weeping golden orchids are hung under the eaves.

Entering the room is even more fine furniture made of black lacquer and snails. Daiyu can't help but nod secretly when she looks at it. Peacock tail feathers.On the table of the Eight Immortals in front of the case, there is a sapphire lotus plate filled with fresh fruits.

To the east is a glazed quadruple screen, and to the west is a woven gold curtain, on which a sapphire lion dance ball the size of a fist is hung.The doors and windows with red lacquer and ice cracks are all covered with water-red gauze, which looks festive and warm.

Seeing this, Daiyu's eyes became even more joyful, she pulled Miaoyu, divided the host and guest into seats at the Eight Immortals table, took a sip of tea unhurriedly, nodded with a smile and said: "This Dahongpao is very good, Auntie is right Sister, it's also very good."

Miaoyu bent her eyes and smiled and said, "It's all thanks to my sister." After she finished speaking, Miaoyu sighed and said, "I'm afraid Master didn't expect that I can still have today in this life. Although Mrs. Xue is not my biological mother, she treats me well." But it's like a biological one, that day when I recognized my relatives, Miss Xue also came back, and it seems that they are very easy to get along with."

Although Daiyu didn't take it seriously, she smiled and said, "It can be seen that my sister is a blessed one." After speaking, Daiyu turned around and asked, "I don't know about my sister's marriage with Baoyu's cousin. What is my sister's plan? How are you preparing?" Is there anything you can do for me?"

Miaoyu saw that Daiyu asked several questions in succession, although she felt very shy, she still replied softly: "The **** sent me back to tell me something about their family, and I know it well. In the past two days, Mrs. Xue also talked to me. Now we are engaged, and my sister knows my family, and there is no one else, but I just left some belongings."

Seeing this, Daiyu didn't ask too many questions. She knew better about the affairs of Jia's mansion than she did, and she knew that Miaoyu was never short of money, so she asked again: "Then sister's wedding dress needs me to get someone to help you embroider it?" gone?"

When Miaoyu heard Daiyu talk about the wedding dress, she couldn't help but blushed, but she also thought about the Rongyun and Nishang Pavilion, so she smiled and said, "If my sister is interested, it would be great for me to have a look." Miaoyu got up and turned around the screen on the west side.Seeing that Daiyu didn't follow, Xu Shi turned around again, showing his head and smiling, "Come here yet?"

Daiyu covered her mouth with a smile and followed in, but she didn't expect that there was something hidden inside.On the Duobao Pavilion leaning on the west wall, there are full of formatted tea sets, but on the large case near the window, there is only a pair of flawless white jade pens hanging, which can be seen to be old and old.There is a large picture urn beside the desk, filled with picture scrolls.

But Miaoyu took Daiyu's hand, lifted the colorful brocade curtain, and turned in.Inside is a lacquered shelf in front of the bed, and an embroidery frame is supported, and half-embroidered flowers are blooming and stalked on the bright red brocade.

Seeing that Daiyu's eyes fell on the embroidery frame, Miaoyu smiled a little embarrassedly: "My sister is not good at being a girl, and my sister knows it. I haven't embroidered anything in these years, just this half, or these days." Mrs. Xue specially invited a master to watch over my embroidery."

Daiyu saw that the stitches of the embroidery were uneven and uneven, and she knew that Miaoyu was not good at this, so she smiled and said, "This is Xipa, right? If my sister doesn't mind, I will go back and draw my sister's pattern and help her embroider." How about one?"

Miaoyu raised her eyebrows and said: "I'm like this in needlework. If they don't like it, it doesn't matter if the relationship is not married, but there is no need to cover up and cheat. The days to come will be long, how can it be a while?" Just cover it up?"

Daiyu was taken aback, she didn't expect Miaoyu to look calmer, but her spirit was still the same, she nodded and said: "Since my sister said so, then let's do it."

Miaoyu smiled and said no more, opened the cage herself, and took out a pomegranate red Ruyi brocade shirt from inside.Handing it to Daiyu, she was silent for a long time before saying: "My mother made this for me when she was seriously ill. I'm afraid she didn't expect that my marriage would not be settled until now. This dress is as small as it is." gone."

Speaking of this, Miaoyu was silent again, and Daiyu also looked down at the shirt in her hand. The collar was embroidered with wishful auspicious cloud pattern with gold thread, and the two-inch wide hem on the sleeves was also embroidered with wishful golden thread. Auspicious cloud pattern.The pomegranate red shirt is paired with red gold and white jade Guanyin buckles filled with mutton fat.

It can be seen that Miaoyu's mother's female red was very good, the same color brocade horse face skirt, and the multicolored lotus embroidered with gold thread.

Daiyu looked at it, and thought that Miaoyu said that her mother made it for her when she was seriously ill. She couldn't help thinking, if Jia Min was alive, would she also plan for her like this?The eye sockets turned red.Seeing that Daiyu was depressed, Miaoyu couldn't help but took two steps forward to embrace her in her arms, without saying a word.

When Miaoyu embraced her, Daiyu came back to her senses, and said with a smile, "Look at me, I am actually envious of my sister." As she spoke, she gestured the shirt and skirt on Miaoyu's body, wrinkled frown.

Seeing this, Miaoyu hurriedly explained: "After all, it was a wish from my mother..." Before Miaoyu finished speaking, Daiyu smiled and said, "Sister, don't be nervous, I see that the colors are very good, but now I'm afraid I can't find the same color material."

Hearing Daiyu say that she couldn't find the same color material, Miaoyu couldn't help but her eyes darkened, she nodded and said: "In that case, let's keep it as a thought, I never thought that I could wear the wedding dress made by my mother to get married. .”

But Daiyu smiled and said: "I can't find the pomegranate red material, but I see that the whole body is embroidered with gold thread. We can't find pomegranate red of the same color. Could it be possible to have a golden border? Don’t embroider any flowers, just put the rice-grain-sized ruby ​​or red coral on it, and it would be great to make flowers.”

Miaoyu couldn't help clapping her hands and said, "That's a good idea!" Then she went to rummage through the cabinets, and after a long while, she found an ebony box and came out.

Passing the box to Daiyu, she smiled and said, "I don't have the ruby ​​the size of a grain of rice, but I have two good stones." He opened the box in his hand, and on the indigo satin lay a baby's fist. A ruby ​​the size of a ruby, and a sapphire larger than a ruby.

Daiyu couldn't help but gasped, it wasn't that the Lin family couldn't afford such gems, but that such gems were hard to come by.If it is the size of a pigeon egg, Daiyu also has several pieces, but this baby's fist-sized one is in the palace, and Daiyu has never seen it before. Maybe some nobleman has it, but he didn't take it out.

Miaoyu stuffed the box into Daiyu's arms, and said with a smile, "I planned to keep it for my sister to add makeup, but today you came and gave me such an idea, so it's my exchange with you, you take it." Go and replace me with two boxes of rubies the size of rice grains, and put them on the side of the lace, and let me wear the wedding dress my mother made for me to get married."

Looking at the box in her hand, Daiyu shuddered, she came to her senses, quickly put the box back in Miaoyu's hands, and said with a straight face: "Sister, who do you think I am? You don't even know the value of this gemstone? Not to mention two boxes, even a whole room can be exchanged, besides, sister and I are so clear about it?"

Seeing Daiyu's ugly face, Miaoyu also knew that she was not lying, she sighed and said: "I didn't know it before, but I have experienced so much, and I am also in my early twenties. Don't you know that everyone is innocent? The reason for sin?"

When Daiyu heard Miaoyu say this, she couldn't help being stunned, and then she heard Miaoyu lower her voice and said: "What is the situation of the second householder of Jia's house now, what kind of person his mother is, no one knows, and I don't know either. But doesn't my sister know?"

After finishing speaking, Miaoyu stuffed the ebony box back into Daiyu's arms again, and said with a smile, "Just keep it, my sister, and let me add makeup for my sister. I think my sister can collect it better than me." After speaking, she covered her mouth and smiled. : "If you want to say that I still have some good things, but I won't give them to you today. I just wait for when you bring back my wedding dress."

Daiyu didn't know what to say for a while, she paused on the spot, but when she heard Lily of the Valley's voice from outside the door, she couldn't help but hugged the box and turned around.

Today when she came to Xue's mansion, Daiyu left Lily of the Valley and Shinan at the mansion, and only brought An'er and Qinghe Xiahe over.At this time, seeing Ling Lan here, she couldn't help but ask: "Why are you here?" Ling Lan hurriedly stepped forward to salute Daiyu Miaoyu and said, "Prince Wujun returned to the capital with the princess, and sent someone to pick him up at Zhuangzi. Where's the girl?"

Daiyu was startled, and then said happily, "You mean sister Wanyu is back?"

(End of this chapter)

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