Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 411 The Heart of a Daughter to Be Married

Chapter 411 The Heart of a Daughter to be Married ([-])
Gu Jing can't guarantee that he can update regularly all the time, but Gu Jing will try his best. He has changed his instep infusion in the past two days. Although his hands are swollen, he can use his mobile phone to type slowly.Please forgive me for the message that I didn't reply in time. Typing on the mobile phone is really painful, and the fingers are very inflexible because of swollen hands, so there is no reply.When Gujing is discharged from the hospital, I will make a good apology to everyone!
In addition, thanks to the ordinary magister, Calgary, hjh199874, fullmoon, and Fengwu Xuanhuo for their monthly support!Thanks to Stephanie97 for being the first to support Gujing monthly pass on the first day of this month!thank you all!Gossip less, less than two hundred words.


Miaoyu knew that Daiyu had a very good relationship with Princess Nawanyu, and heard that the concubine sent someone to pick her up, so she urged: "Since this is the case, sister, go quickly, and don't forget about my business. Don't accept it." My things, but they don’t take care of things for me!”

Miaoyu was joking, but Daiyu took it seriously and said with a smile: "Sister, just rest assured, even though it is not as good as your box, she will definitely not lose face."

Miao Yu didn't say much, and called the little girl to fold up the wedding dress, put it in a small bag, and handed it to Ling Lan.He accompanied Daiyu to bid farewell to Aunt Xue.

Back at Zhuangzi, Daiyu changed her clothes and put the ebony box back into the cage. While thinking about what to use to add makeup to Miaoyu, she took Mother Tang and Lily of the Valley Shinan with her, and went to Wu The carriage of the county palace.

The carriage stopped in front of Yimen, just as Daiyu got off the carriage, before she stood still, she saw Wanyu who was much more plump than before.Not caring about others, Daiyu rushed towards her, Wanyu also stretched out her hand to hold Daiyu in her arms, the two of them coincided with each other and began to cry.

Although Princess Wujun didn't come out, she sent her capable Nanny Liu to accompany Wanyu. Seeing the two of them standing in front of the gate of Yi, hugging each other and weeping, they became popular for some reason. Eye sockets, it took a long time to recover, secretly amused.

Seeing Wanyu shaving Daiyu's hair and Daiyu wiping the corners of Wanyu's eyes with a silk cloth, Madam Liu laughed a little and said, "What's wrong with the county master and the county master? The princess is still waiting for the county master to pass by." .”

After listening to Liu Mama's words, Daiyu smiled with red cheeks: "Look at me, I'm so happy to see my sister, I actually forgot about the princess."

Seeing that the corners of Daiyu's eyes were still shining, Wan Yu smiled nonchalantly and said, "We sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't we make a deal first?"

Mother Liu smiled and said: "In this capital, who doesn't know that the princess and the county master in our mansion have the best relationship?" The county lord has not seen each other for a long time, and has been missing and caring about each other. At this time, the heart that hangs in the middle of the night has dropped. I don’t know, I think I have been wronged.”

Daiyu also laughed when she heard the words, she lowered her head and wiped the corners of her eyes, and said with a smile: "My sister just came back, even if I was wronged, I don't have to cry to my sister at this time. Besides, my brother-in-law has always treated my sister very well." , how could my sister be wronged? Even if I suffer, I should cry to my brother-in-law, where is it my turn?"

Seeing that Daiyu had the energy to tease herself, Wanyu couldn't help but also heaved a sigh of relief, not to mention Mammy Liu, even Wanyu had been wondering before, if Daiyu had been wronged in some way, why did she cry like that?But he forgot that he was crying too.

Seeing this, Grandma Liu didn't bother with this topic, instead she smiled and said, "Did the princess and the county master wash up first, or go to see the princess first? The princess sent someone to pick up the county master before she entered the city. The County Magistrate unexpectedly arrived just now."

Daiyu looked at Wanyu, and saw that the gold hairpin on Wanyu's head was also protruding out, her hair was a little messy, and she thought she looked the same, so she smiled and said, "Why don't you go to Wangfei's warm pavilion to freshen up, and see you again." Princess is fine."

Wan Yu thought for a while but then ordered: "Madam Liu went back to Concubine Mother first, and said that my sister and I are going to wash and change clothes, and I will go over to pay concubine Mother right away."

Nanny Liu looked at Wanyu, and then at Nanny Tang who was following Daiyu.After thinking about it, he nodded and smiled: "Since that's the case, the princess and the county master will go to wash up first, and the old slave will go back to the princess first. I will invite the princess and the county master later."

After Wan Yu nodded, Mammy Liu took the two little servant girls to the main hall where Princess Wujun lived.Wanyu ordered someone to bring the soft sedan chair, and went with Daiyu to Nuanyun Pavilion, which had been reserved for Daiyu.

Although Daiyu hurried back, she came back in a hurry.But Mother Tang and the others had already packed up Daiyu's change of clothes and dowry, so they naturally brought them here at this time.

The little maid brought hot water for Wanyu and Daiyu to cleanse their faces, they rubbed the balm, loosened their hair again, and tied it in a bun.Seeing that Daiyu had only inserted three jadeite gourd hairpins in her bun, Wanyu couldn't help but feel that it was too plain, so she chose a red gold emerald emerald for Daiyu, and ordered someone to pick magnolia flowers from the garden , pinned to the bun.

Wan Yu took two steps back, seeing that the pink and purple magnolia flowers matched perfectly with the emerald silk tapestry on Daiyu's body, but she always felt that something was missing, so she couldn't help frowning.

Seeing this, Daiyu stood behind the wooden carving screen in Dongyang, and the big mercury mirror reflected her clearly.Daiyu turned left and right, looked twice, smiled at Wanyu, ran to the dressing table in two steps, and picked out a string of rose red tourmaline bracelets from the dowry she brought.

The tourmaline beads are only about the size of soybeans, but they are uniform and full in color.Daiyu took off the bracelet on her wrist, and wrapped the tourmaline bracelet around her wrist seven or eight times.Before retreating to the mercury mirror, Wan Yu clapped her hands and said with a smile, "That's great!" Then she picked out a pair of rose-red tourmaline earrings from her own dowry and handed them to Dai Yu.

The earrings were inlaid in the shape of a butterfly, and the color of the tourmaline was very similar to the beads on my wrist, especially the butterfly was not attached to the earlobe, but hung on a string of rice grain-sized tourmaline beads. It will definitely dance like it's alive.

Daiyu fell in love with it the first time she saw it, so she took off the white jade and pearl rings on her earlobe without delay, and put on the pair of earrings Wanyu gave her.

Seeing that Daiyu was not polite to her, Wanyu was very happy, and the smile on her face deepened by two points.Holding Daiyu's hand without the beaded string, she wanted to go to Princess Wu, but suddenly found that Daiyu seemed to have something wrapped around her arm.

Wan Yu rolled up Daiyu's sleeves embroidered with orchid grass, and immediately froze on the spot.Daiyu smiled embarrassedly and said, "I was reluctant to take it off, but who knows that I have grown so fast in the past two years that I can't take it off."

With red eyes, Wan Yu tapped Daiyu's forehead and said, "Only when you have grown up in the past two years and have a heart, who knows that you are still a silly girl!" She wiped the corners of her eyes with a silk cloth before continuing. : "How painful is this bracelet stuck in the flesh? It's time to take it out." As she said that, Wan Yu asked the little maid to fetch hot water and bring the fragrant soap.

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said: "At first I felt a little tight, but after a long time, I didn't feel it anymore. Elder sister doesn't need to bother you, let's go to Wangfei's side soon."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Wanyu glared at Daiyu angrily and said, "What do you mean you don't feel anything? What if you hurt your bones?" After she finished speaking, Wanyu paused, and saw that the maids and nurses were all standing still. Then he said in a low voice: "Is my sister still angry at my mother and concubine?"

Daiyu raised her head to look at Wanyu in a daze, and then realized that Wanyu must have listened to her calling the concubine of Wujun as her concubine, instead of following Wanyu in calling her concubine as in the past, and became suspicious.He couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, but he didn't know how to explain this to Wan Yu.

Daiyu was hesitating to speak, when she heard Wanyu sigh in a low voice: "My concubine loves you very much, this time when I came back, I deliberately transferred to Gusu, and then went to Yangzhou."

Seeing Daiyu's surprised eyes, Wan Yu just smiled and said, "The concubine mother said, you grew up there and have a deep relationship with her, so she insists on buying some new dowry for you there, or I stopped and bought sixteen more sets. You must not be angry with the concubine mother, the concubine mother has been honored all these years, but it is not easy."

It would be a lie to say that Daiyu didn't dare to move her heart after listening to it, but Daiyu also knew clearly that there was no interest relationship in it, and Princess Wujun loved her very much. With the interests of the Mo family, I am afraid that Princess Wujun will not be in the mood to love herself.

After thinking about it, I thought it was funny. After all, my adoptive mother is my adoptive mother. Could it be possible that I can ask my adoptive mother to treat me like my own mother?As a foster mother, Princess Wujun has treated her extremely well, even beyond her imagination!So what's the problem?

After thinking it over clearly, Daiyu also heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and said to Wan Yu: "Where did you get angry with the concubine mother? It's just that you often mention the concubine mother with others and call the concubine the concubine."

Seeing this, although Wanyu knew that it was not what Daiyu said, she didn't point it out. The little maid who happened to be fetching hot water also turned back, and the fragrant soap was also brought, so Wanyu ordered someone to bring the little girl. With the embroidered stool, I pulled Daiyu to sit down.

But the bracelet was too small after all, it had already been stuck in Daiyu's flesh these past few years, Wanyu took Daiyu's hand, soaked it in hot water, and put on fragrant soap, but it didn't loosen a bit, but Daiyu's arms were already a little red and swollen, and the parts below the wrists also started to turn red.Wan Yu couldn't help feeling a little anxious, her forehead was dripping with sweat.

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said: "Sister, don't worry, why don't you ask the little girl to go to the kitchen and ask for some sesame oil, I heard that sesame oil is the best for lubricating." I thought of using sesame oil." As she spoke, she ordered the little maid to go to the kitchen to fetch sesame oil, while trying to slide the bracelet on Daiyu's wrist.

Grandma Liu went to Princess Wujun's side, and described the scene of Daiyu arriving and hugging Wanyu and crying with Princess Wujun. The person who has married his mother, a person who is about to get married, thought that he would be an adult no matter what, but he never thought that he would still look like a child."

Speaking of Princess Wujun, she stood up and walked out. Although Madam Liu was puzzled, she hurriedly followed. Even the servant girls in the main hall followed in the footsteps of Princess Wujun without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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