Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 412 The Heart of a Daughter to Be Married

Chapter 412
Thanks to Calgary native, Meng Wei, book friend 160811130623195, and Qianyi Yirenyan for their support!I finally finished the draft in the old time, without breaking my promise.Thank you for your continued support!


Princess Wujun looked back at Nanny Liu and the others who were following behind her, and said with a smile, "Let's go and have a look, those two girls get together, maybe when will we be able to think of us." The astonishment of fault tolerance, how can there be such a thing?But Nanny Liu took a deep breath, didn't say anything, and just walked quickly behind Princess Wujun.

When she arrived at Meixiangyuan, she saw that there was no one in front of the gate, Princess Wujun stopped, and looked at Madam Liu with a slight frown.

Seeing this, Nanny Liu was also heartbroken, and hurriedly stepped forward with a smile: "Princess first go to the hall to have a rest, and this old servant will report to the county magistrate, and you come to see her." She nodded lightly, but her two graceful willow eyebrows were frowned together, and a shallow word "Chuan" was squeezed out between her brows.

Nanny Liu knew the way very well, she walked through the corridor through the back door of the main hall, and came to the Nuanyun Pavilion, only to see a few little maids walking around in the courtyard anxiously.

Seeing this, Grandma Liu couldn't help but frowned and scolded: "What is this for? The princess is here, but there is no one in the front yard?"

When the little maid heard this, she was so frightened that she knelt down on the ground, weeping, and told Wanyu to get a bracelet for Daiyu, but now her wrist was swollen badly, and Daiyu didn't want anyone to smash the bracelet I learned it from Nanny Liu.Grandma Liu was confused and didn't understand anything else except Daiyu's wrist injury, but it was clear.

Immediately, Nanny Liu broke out in a cold sweat. Daiyu, the county lord, is also well-known in front of the sage, not to mention the princess, but this time she followed the princess to the south to fief, the prince also cared about the county lord. with.

Grandma Liu didn't dare to delay, she pushed away the little maid who stood in front of her, and hurried up to the second floor with a "boo-boo-bae", and saw a circle of people gathered together, even the mature and prudent Madam Tang was in the middle.Mammy Liu took a deep breath, grabbed Zhuan'er, Wanyu's personal servant girl who was standing outside, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Madam Liu's voice was a little loud, and the people around heard it too, and before Zhuan'er could answer, she stepped out of the way.

Mother Liu didn't care about asking Zuan'er, so she raised her head to look at Wanyu and Daiyu.It was Wanyu's eyes that were red and swollen from crying, but when she turned her head, she saw Daiyu showing herself a smile that was profusely sweating profusely, which looked weak to Mammy Liu, and then lowered her head, only to see Daiyu soaked in copper The hand in the basin has turned red and purple!
Grandma Liu couldn't cry out, she stepped forward quickly, looked at Daiyu's hand, and asked tremblingly, "What's wrong with the county magistrate?" But only Daiyu returned her forced smile. , the others looked behind them in horror, and then they heard Princess Wujun's distraught voice: "You haven't taken the prince's post to invite the imperial doctor!"

Liu Mama turned her head and saw Princess Wu's pampered face, which was a little pale at the moment, and her lips were tightly pursed.Wan Yu put her arms around Dai Yu's shoulders and began to cry.

Daiyu took a deep breath, and said with a trembling laugh: "Mother and concubine don't need to be nervous, Yu'er is not..." Before Daiyu finished speaking, Princess Wujun stepped forward quickly, pushed away Madam Liu, and saw Daiyu Yu's hand, exclaimed, and even took two steps back, if Liu Mama hadn't rushed forward to help, she might have fallen.

Daiyu was also taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Yu'er is fine! Concubine Mother..." Before Daiyu could finish talking about Princess Wujun, she planned to say, "You still say you're fine when your hands are like this? What should I do?" What's the matter?" After finishing speaking, Princess Wujun fixed her eyes on Wanyu, her eyes were no longer as kind as before, and she said sharply: "You are a sister, how can you mess around with me!"

Daiyu felt Wanyu's trembling, but her heart couldn't help warming up. She felt that Princess Wujun still cared about her, so her smile was no longer so forced, and she hurriedly explained: "It's Yu'er who is reluctant to give this bracelet from her sister. It made mother, concubine and sister worry."

Princess Wujun gave her a sidelong glance, stepped forward and carefully lifted Daiyu's hand from the copper basin, only then realized that there was cold water in the copper basin, ice piercing to the bone!Immediately, she glared at Wan Yu again.

Wan Yu's shoulders shrank, and she couldn't help tightening her arms around Dai Yu's. Seeing this, Dai Yu knew that if she continued to make trouble, she might not be kind.She had no choice but to take a deep breath, and said with a forced smile: "Let Nanny smash the bracelet, that's..." After finishing speaking, Daiyu lowered her head and looked at the bracelet still on her arm with some reluctance.

Princess Wujun's breathing was a little short, and it took her a while to stabilize her mind, and said to Madam Liu: "Hurry up and send someone to invite the imperial doctor, come here and help smash the bracelet!"

As soon as Princess Wujun finished speaking, Nanny Liu and Nanny Tang rushed forward two steps, and another maid replied, "I have already sent someone to invite the imperial physician." Princess Wujun nodded, and saw Madam Liu With Mother Tang actually holding the bracelet, she had no choice but to frown and said, "Why are you still standing there?"

Grandma Liu got more courage before replying: "This bracelet is already stuck in the flesh, so smash it open directly, for fear of hurting the county magistrate's bones." As soon as Grandma Liu finished speaking, Wan Yu directly denied, "You can't smash it directly. Come on, what if you hurt your bone?"

Daiyu felt the warm current rushing through her heart, wiped the sweat from Wanyu's forehead with her good hand, and said with a soft smile: "Don't worry, mammy, just lubricate it with sesame oil, and then look at it." Could you put a little muslin in there, please?"

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, a little maid came over with sesame oil and muslin, but no matter how stuffed it was, the muslin couldn't get in, and Mammy Liu couldn't help sweating profusely.

Daiyu couldn't go on like this, so she took a deep breath and said, "I'll try it myself." As she said that, she stretched out her hand to hold the suet white jade bracelet and turned it vigorously, but it didn't move at all, and Daiyu couldn't help becoming anxious .Seeing Daiyu's movements, Mother Tang knew what Daiyu meant, so she stepped forward and shook Daiyu's hand and said, "Old servant, try it."

Daiyu nodded, but Nanny Tang still didn't turn the bracelet around, and Nanny Liu stepped forward to try it a few times, but it still didn't work.

At this moment, the little girl who had gone to the front yard to pass on the words of Princess Wujun, who was sent to invite the imperial physician, ran up, knelt down and saluted, and said, "Mr. Mo has come to pay my respects to the princess."

Not to mention Daiyu, even Princess Wu was taken aback for a moment, and muttered: "Why did you come here at this time?" Mother Tang was overjoyed and said, "My princess, please invite Mr. Mo to come here, the imperial doctor doesn't know yet." When did you come here, now I have asked Mr. Mo to help, turn this bracelet around, and break it into pieces."

Unexpectedly, Princess Wujun hesitated and did not speak. Seeing this, Wanyu knew the worries in Princess Wujun's heart, so she couldn't help but said anxiously: "Let's not talk about urgent matters, if Brother Xuan entered the inner house, then he She is also engaged to Yu'er!"

Princess Wujun was a little moved after hearing this, and looked at Daiyu's hands that were getting more and more purple against the background of sesame oil, nodded to Mammy Liu and said, "Go and invite Brother Xuan to come over." After finishing speaking, she urged : "Carefully avoid the people in the house."

Grandma Liu was still a little hesitant, but she saw Princess Wujun sighed and said: "Even if we are engaged, we can't come into the boudoir." After saying this, Princess Wujun directed the maids to help Daiyu go downstairs, They also ordered hot water for the sisters to wipe their faces and comb their hair.Grandma Liu stomped her feet when she saw this, and ran to the front yard relentlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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