Chapter 417
Thank you for your monthly ticket support!I'm sorry it's been so late, but I heard that many acquaintances came to visit me for the examination today... Hehe, I'm sorry.


Having settled her concerns, Daiyu waited peacefully for Jia Lian to come out of the examination room, and even ordered Shinan to deliver three medicinal materials and medicinal recipes to Jia's mansion.Of course, on Wanyu's side, Daiyu was not left behind either. Princess Wu was very happy to see that Daiyu looked like Jia Lian to Wanyu.

Since Wang Xifeng gave birth to Brother Chun in safety, she has had indistinct trust in Daiyu, while Wanyu is well aware of how superb Huang Jiyun's medical skills are. As Huang Jiyun's only apprentice, Wanyu has reason to believe that Huang Jiyun will It gave Daiyu a lot of unique secret recipes.

After the two came out of the opening scene, Wan Yu and Wang Xifeng agreed, following the medicinal diet prescription given by Daiyu, Jia Lian and Cai Rong went all out to nourish themselves.

Unexpectedly, the two of them are both in excellent health, and they have made progress... Gradually, this story spread in Beijing, and it became a joke after dinner.Even when it was introduced into the palace, the emperor and the empress were amused, and later at the spring banquet, they announced their audience, which made the two people who had the same disease and pity each other become close friends.

This is something to say later, within two days after the rankings were released, both of them were on the rankings, and a family banquet was quietly held at the Prince Wu's Mansion, and only their close friends and family members were invited to have a meal.

In Jia's Mansion on Ningrong Street, Jia Amnesty seemed overjoyed. Even Mrs. Xing happily donated 1000 taels of sesame oil money to Xiangguo Temple. up, leading the nearby people to scramble.

There was almost an accident, even if there was a nursing home maintained by the family members of the Jia family, some people were trampled on.But Jia Lian couldn't stop him, so he had to send someone to notify Daiyu.When Daiyu learned about it, her face turned pale with anger, but she knew she couldn't hide it, so she reported it to Princess Wujun, and went to Jia's Mansion on Ningrong Street with the guards of Prince Wujun's mansion.

When they learned that Daiyu had come, Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng were overjoyed, thinking that Daiyu must have come to congratulate Jia Lian, but when Daiyu got out of the car, they saw Daiyu's face was full of anger.

Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng both thought that Daiyu had been angered at the Prince Wu's residence. Mrs. Xing knew that Daiyu and Wang Xifeng had always been on good terms, and she wanted to let them be alone. Go say hello to the old lady, and don't worry about the things ahead, I'm here."

Wang Xifeng also hurried forward to support Daiyu's arm, and comforted him with some worry: "It will be fine when you come back, sister, don't worry, I will take care of your brother for everything!"

Seeing Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng acting like this, Daiyu knew that although they had misunderstood, they really cared about her, she couldn't help feeling soft, sighed, and followed Wang Xifeng to Old Madam Jia's house.

The Rongqing Hall where Mrs. Jia lived was also filled with joy, not to mention that the flowers on the porch had changed into a fiery red, and even the maids and maids had changed into bright red clothes. Daiyu shook her head from the bottom of her heart as she looked But she didn't reveal anything, Hu Po raised her voice towards the inside and lifted the big red brocade curtain to welcome Daiyu and Wang Xifeng in.

The old lady Jia was sitting, covered with bright red brocade embroidered with happy brow cushions, on a red sandalwood Luohan bed, wearing a brown background embroidered with hundreds of blessings, a thin jacket with thousands of characters on her head, and a black tie between her forehead. Embellished with emerald jade the size of a pigeon's egg, the forehead is wide, and a golden phoenix hairpin is inserted on the left and right sides of the round bun. It looks like a rare spirit of joy, and there is no appearance of explaining the funeral.

Daiyu went up to greet Mrs. Jia, chatted and laughed with him for a while, and then made an excuse to visit Jia Lian's second son.Old lady Jia said with a smile: "Just let the nanny carry me over, why bother running away."

Daiyu heard the words and said, "Is it the grandmother who also met the great-grandson?" After she finished speaking, she winked at Mrs. Jia, then smiled and said, "The child is too young, and it's not warm even today. Carry it around carefully." It's a wind. I'll just go and have a look, and I'll come to grandma's for dinner later."

When Mrs. Jia saw Daiyu say this, she didn't force her, she just said, "Then I'll let the small kitchen cook what you like."

Daiyu nodded, followed Wang Xifeng out of the Rongqing Hall, and went to the East Courtyard. The room where Mrs. Xing and Jia She lived, the smile on her face faded away, and she waved her hand to get all the waiters in the room to leave. To Wang Xifeng: "Sister-in-law is so confused!"

Wang Xifeng originally thought that Daiyu waved back the servant girl to complain to her, but she didn't expect Daiyu to say that she was stupid!It can be seen that Daiyu must have come here today because of her business, so she couldn't help asking a little nervously: "But what happened? Or what did my sister hear? I will take care of your little nephew at home this year, but there is nowhere Did not go."

Seeing this, Daiyu sighed, took Wang Xifeng's hand into the Xici room, opened the window, and sat down on the big kang by the window.

Because of what Daiyu said earlier, Wang Xifeng was very disturbed. Now that the two of them were seated, they didn't care about letting people serve tea, so they grabbed Daiyu's hand and said, "My dear sister, what's the matter? You... "

Before Wang Xifeng could finish speaking, Daiyu said softly: "My brother is on the list, so it's something to be happy about, but people like us can't compare with others. But uncle and brother both have titles. Let's say today Sister-in-law took the money and went out to spread it like this, if someone dies, this happy event will not be happy!"

After finishing speaking, Daiyu sighed, and seeing Wang Xifeng wanted to explain, she added: "The poor family saw us and thought we had lost our way, but don't think that my brother is also studying hard in the poor window! The other meritorious children think that my brother is not doing his job properly. You don’t even care about the inheritance of your ancestors!”

Wang Xifeng was already in a cold sweat when he heard Daiyu's previous words, but now he listened to it again, and regretted it, he couldn't help standing up, and turned around in the room.

But Daiyu was afraid that Wang Xifeng still didn't know what was going on, so she added to the fire: "Even if the Holy Majesty knows about it, he will think that brother is crazy, and he has not passed the palace examination. To act like this, at least it leaves an impression of not being prudent. "After speaking, she was afraid that Wang Xifeng would worry too much, so she calmed down after thinking about it: "Sister-in-law will have to think carefully about what she will do in the future."

Wang Xifeng kept nodding her head and said after a long while: "Sister, stop talking, I'm not such an insolent person? Isn't it too happy? No one in the house reminded me. It would be great if my sister was here , but what should I do now?"

Seeing Wang Xifeng's eyebrows, Daiyu couldn't hide her anxiety, so she couldn't help expressing her thoughts on the way here: "Sister-in-law, why don't you invite a few more doctors, find out about the families where people have been injured, and give them the injuries?" cured."

Wang Xifeng nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and hurried out to give orders regardless of Daiyu's presence.Seeing this, Daiyu shook her head and smiled, but she felt very satisfied in her heart. Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng can be regarded as harmonious in this life, right?
As soon as he got up and went out, he saw sister Qiao rushing over with shallow and brisk steps.Daiyu took sister Qiao's hand, then ordered Xia He to give Qianqian some sweets, and went to the east wing where Jia Lian's second son lived.

(End of this chapter)

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