Chapter 418
Thanks to Brother Dingfeng for your reward and encouragement, ぶ Seven Nights Butterfly ぶ for your monthly ticket support, thanks to Cai Zi for QQ reading, crazy Dandelion, and Moshang Dieyi for your monthly ticket support and encouragement!Thank you to all those who support and encourage Gujing

February is a busy month. It is not only the big competition held every three years, but also Daiyu's last birthday before she gets married.However, March after February was a silent January.Even March [-]rd, which is usually lively, seemed a little cold.

Many scholars who had poured into the capital because of Dabi had either left sadly at this time, or were studying hard behind closed doors.Whether it's hard work for the reunion after three years, or preparations for the hall dialogue in April, Jia Lian and Cai Rong are among them.

Fortunately, both of them can be regarded as real talents and learning. Although neither of them won the Jinshi and the first place in the palace examination on April 21, they both got good rankings. .7 grades.

Having learned from the previous experience, the Jia family no longer dared to celebrate grandly, but from the old lady Jia to Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng's mother and daughter, they ranked first and third in the emperor's ranks, and on the spot, the seventh prince's second daughter, Princess Jiashan and Princess Jiashan After the young Tanhua gave her marriage, all the mighty went to the Prince Wu's Mansion.

The emperor seemed to think of it by accident, and asked with a smile: "I remember Brother Xuan went out to take off his filial piety a few days ago?" The emperor asked casually. It will take a few days to get rid of it." Then he laughed and said, "The Yulin County Lord is not young anymore, after waiting for Deputy Commander Mo for three years, the Holy Majesty should also urge him."

The emperor laughed and nodded, he didn't even announce Mo Xuan, who was on duty, into the hall, and said with a smile: "In this case, let the Qin Tianjian watch for them, and the queen can rest assured for them as soon as possible."

The emperor chatted and laughed as usual, which relieved the scholars who were answering in the hall just now. After straddling the horses and parading through the streets, the atmosphere of the Qionglin Banquet became more and more lively.However, after knowing that the emperor personally chose the eighth day of June to get married for Mo Xuan and Daiyu, the Prince Wu Palace immediately became lively.

Not only the female family members of the Jia family rushed over, but Mrs. Huang, who hadn't been out and about since Huang Jiyun became the prince and tutor, also rushed over with her three daughters-in-law.To everyone's surprise, Princess Hanyi came with her son-in-law, and Princess Min with her son-in-law.

On the contrary, Cai Rong, who just went to the top 7 in the gold list, and Jia Lian, No. [-] in the second class, were ignored by everyone either intentionally or unintentionally...

The emperor didn't make any imperial edicts, as if the elders in the family set the wedding date for the younger generation. Except for the prince and princess, no one else has such an honor.I was thinking about whether Cai Rong could stay in Beijing to work with Princess Wujun, and wanted to buy a house not far from the Prince Wujun's mansion.

At this moment, Nanny Liu came in full of joy to report the news from the palace. The important point is that the emperor personally asked about the wedding date of Mo Xuan and Daiyu, and let the Qin Tianjian watch for a few days, and the emperor personally chose An auspicious day.

Wan Yu knows the news, how can she sit still?He also didn't care about discussing the matter of buying a house, resigned from Princess Wu County, and went to Nuanyun Pavilion full of joy.

Before entering the gate of Meixiang Garden, Daiyu whispered softly: "Don't talk nonsense! Marriage is a big event, even if it is bestowed by the Holy Majesty, it still needs to be ordered by the parents. Even if my parents are gone, But when my father was alive, he entrusted his mother and concubine, and now he has his own mother and concubine to make decisions, so it must not be discussed in private, and no one should say that he has no education!"

Daiyu's words were neither light nor serious, she didn't punish the servant girl severely, nor was she happy, Wanyu saw it, but nodded secretly, and walked in.

Seeing Wanyu approaching, Daiyu showed a smile on her face, and without waiting for her to salute, Wanyu took Daiyu's hand and said with a smile: "Little girl is not talking nonsense, I am afraid that this matter will spread all over the capital soon. , His Majesty not only personally intervened, but also personally chose the date." Said, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of unstoppable joy.

Wanyu originally thought that Daiyu would be as happy as she was when she heard about it, but unexpectedly Daiyu lowered her head and fell silent.

Seeing this, Mother Tang guessed that Daiyu might have something to say to Wanyu, so she smiled and said, "The princess and the county lord can talk in the house, it's almost the Dragon Boat Festival, and the sun is shining." Daiyu He lowered his head and nodded invisibly, then raised his head and smiled at Wan Yu: "Sister, I have something to say, come into the room." After speaking, she stepped forward to take Wan Yu's arm, and ordered Ling Lan to bring tea.

The two sisters just sat down on the Arhat bed by the window, before the little maid's refreshments were brought, Mammy Liu came in with a smile.

Seeing Nanny Liu coming, Wan Yu was very surprised. She just came from where her concubine mother was, and her concubine didn't say she wanted to come with her. Why did she send Nanny Liu here right now?But Daiyu smiled and said, "Is Mammy also here to tell me the news from the palace?"

But Nanny Liu said with a smile: "The old lady of Jia's mansion, ma'am, grandma brought the girl over." Daiyu was taken aback when she heard that.Unexpectedly, Nanny Liu went on to say: "Concubine Min also brought the concubine Shizi over. The concubine asked the princess and the county master to meet."

Daiyu and Wanyu looked at each other, and hurriedly got up and went out. Seeing this, Tang Nanny hurriedly stopped Daiyu and said, "The county magistrate should change his clothes anyway." As soon as Tang Nanny finished speaking, Wanyu held her forehead and smiled and said: "It can be seen that we are all happy and silly, and I have to go back and change clothes." He said, pulling La Daiyu's hand and saying, "I'll see you at the concubine mother in a while."

Daiyu thought she would walk out of the courtyard in two steps, and wanted to send Wanyu out in person, but Wanyu gave Daiyu a sideways look and said, "Why don't you go back and change your clothes?"

Seeing this, Daiyu didn't force herself, she turned back to the house and changed into the clothes she had met with guests, and took Mother Tang and Linglan Shinan to the main courtyard where Princess Wujun lived.

Concubine Min knew that Wang Xifeng and Daiyu had a good relationship, and seeing Wang Xifeng brought the girl over, she didn't want to make things difficult. She not only gave Daiyu face, but also Princess Wujun's face, but she was very polite to the women of Jia's family.

Daiyu and Wanyu arrived almost at the same time. In Xuankuo's big flower hall, Princess Wujun and Princess Min sat down separately, Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Xing sat next to Princess Wujun, and Wang Xifeng stood next to Princess Jia. Behind the old lady and Mrs. Xing, Princess Min is sitting on Princess Min's hands, but Princess Min is pulling Sister Qiao by her side.

When Daiyu and Wanyu came in, Princess Min was talking to Sister Qiao.However, the moment she saw Daiyu, Sister Qiao broke away from Princess Min's hand and ran towards Daiyu.

Wang Xifeng and the others were startled, and quickly looked at Princess Min. Mrs. Xing even wanted to explain a few words, but Daiyu had already pulled Sister Qiao, and smiled at Princess Min: "This girl was born with me. It's destined." Said, he glanced at Wang Xifeng proudly, then smiled at Princess Min, "Don't talk about Princess, as long as I'm here, even her mother can't do it."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she covered her mouth and laughed. Daiyu's complacent eyes just now, and Wang Xifeng's embarrassing but not angry expression after listening to Daiyu's words, aroused Princess Min's interest.

But before Princess Min could speak, Princess Wujun laughed and said, "Why didn't I know about this? Yu'er, let's listen."

Then Daiyu took sister Qiao's hand, walked up to Princess Wujun, and saluted Princess Wujun.Even though Sister Qiao was suppressed by Wang Xifeng before and saluted Princess Wu and Princess Min, everyone saw her reluctance.

At this time, Princess Wujun and Princess Min's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were surprised to find that after Daiyu's salute, sister Qiao followed suit and saluted Princess Wujun very politely.Then Daiyu saluted Princess Min and the others one by one, and Sister Qiao followed.It made everyone laugh for a moment.

Seeing this, Wan Yu glanced at Qiao'er, and also stood next to everyone to salute, but Qiao'er only stared at Daiyu with a pair of watery eyes, as if begging for sweets.

Wan Yu couldn't help being surprised, and tried to tease Sister Qiao: "When I saluted just now, why didn't you salute with me?" She never thought that Sister Qiao would look at Wan Yu like a fool, and asked crisply : "I have already saluted just now, why should I salute with you?" Wan Yu was taken aback, and everyone burst into laughter again.

Immediately, Wang Xifeng learned how Sister Qiao made her voice, how Daiyu named her, and how she got close to Daiyu after being away for a few years, and learned it from Princess Wujun and others. Quietly standing next to Daiyu, holding Daiyuyue's white gauze skirt with her little hand.

(End of this chapter)

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