Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 419 Calculation

Chapter 419 Calculation
We would like to thank Meng Wei for his monthly ticket support! O(∩_∩)O~Thank you!It's almost over, and I'm writing slowly, mainly because I'm focused on getting out of the hospital now... I really want to go home... I'm sorry!

Concubine Min and Concubine Shi Zi didn't stay for lunch, so they took their leave and left, while Mrs. Jia and others stayed.Even after lunch, Huang Jiyun's wife Luo Sujuan also handed over the post.

Princess Wujun was quite happy, discussing with Mrs. Jia and Luo Sujuan, the arrangement of Daiyu and Mo Xuan's marriage, the various wedding banquets... But Wanyu found that Daiyu was a little depressed for some reason, and often lost her mind .However, before Wanyu could find an opportunity to ask Daiyu, the queen sent someone to call Princess Wujun into the palace to discuss matters.

Everyone guessed that the queen summoned them because of Daiyu's and Mo Xuan's marriage.Seeing this, Mrs. Jia and the others hurriedly stood up and said goodbye, Princess Wujun did not keep her, but Wang Xifeng gave Daiyu a worried look, and left with Mrs. Jia and the others.Then Princess Wujun hurriedly changed clothes and entered the palace.

After sending off Princess Wujun, Daiyu went back to Meixiangyuan silently all the way. Wanyu found that Daiyu's expression was not right, so she quickly followed her.

When Wanyu entered the courtyard, she saw Daiyu, sitting under the lush peach tree bearing green fruits, she was lost in thought.Very worried, he waved away the servants around him, stepped forward and sat down opposite Daiyu.Daiyu didn't even notice, Wanyu couldn't help but whispered: "What's wrong with Yu'er?"

Hearing Wan Yu's voice, Dai Yufang came back to her senses, and seeing Wan Yu's worried eyes, she couldn't help laughing and said, "When did my sister come here? It's cool here, and she was in a trance while sitting."

But Wanyu couldn't laugh, she took Daiyu's hand, frowned slightly and said, "What's on Yu'er's mind? We sisters have nothing to say!" Daiyu was still silent for a while before saying, "The wedding date has been fixed. , is determined by the Holy One, and cannot be changed..."

Before Daiyu finished speaking, Wanyu became anxious, and hurriedly and carefully asked: "Yu'er, do you want to marry Brother Xuan?" Wanyu stared at Daiyu's expression carefully, not to be missed.

Seeing that Wanyu was so nervous, Daiyu burst out laughing and said, "Where is my sister thinking? This marriage was bestowed by the emperor, how could it be done just because I wanted it or not?" Seeing what Daiyu said, Wanyu felt relieved. He breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt that his heart was blocked.What Daiyu said was not wanting to succeed, not being willing...

Daiyu suppressed her smile and remained silent for a moment, then raised her head and looked at Wanyu with burning eyes and said, "Sister, can you help me to meet Mo Xuan?"

The two had known each other for many years, they could be regarded as childhood sweethearts, but one is now that the wedding date has been fixed, and the other is that Daiyu has a different expression just now, Wanyu couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.Seeing Wan Yu looking at her and not speaking, Dai Yu sighed in her heart, then smiled and said, "There are some things I want to discuss with him..."

Seeing this, Wan Yu hesitated a bit, but still nodded and said, "When have you figured out when to meet, I'll ask your brother-in-law to invite him over."

Hearing that Cai Rong was going to be bothered, Daiyu felt a little uncomfortable, but she also understood that even though they were cousins, they were all adults after all, so she had to avoid it. It was not so convenient for Wanyu to ask Mo Xuan to come over, so she thanked Mo Xuan. Holding Wanyu's hand, she said embarrassedly: "Thank you, sister."

Seeing this, Wanyu tapped Daiyu's forehead as she did in the past and said with a smile, "You are being polite to me?" After she finished speaking, she sighed and said, "Talk carefully, if there is something you can't make up your mind about, and you don't want to talk to your concubine Yu'er can tell me what you said." After a pause, she smiled and said, "I won't let you be wronged, will I?"

Daiyu nodded with a smile, and the matter was finally revealed.Seeing that Wanyu's expression was still a little unhappy, Daiyu stood up with a smile, took Wanyu's hand, looked around and saw that there was no one around, and then said softly: "Sister, come with me to see Zhang Zi, the flower I just painted a while ago It looks like I haven't made a move yet."

Wanyu was attracted by this matter, and followed Daiyu into Nuanyun Pavilion.Going up to the second floor, Daiyu took out the curtains and curtains she had drawn for the wedding room, and even included pillows, cushions and other items.After Wanyu looked at Daiyu, she smiled and said, "I didn't draw the wedding dress, Xipa or something? I just used these things to fool me."

With blushing cheeks, Daiyu took out a camphorwood box from the Duobao Pavilion, and showed Wanyu the pattern inside.

Seeing Daiyu's appearance, Wanyu thought to herself: Is it because I am suspicious?Since Yu'er can think of everything thoroughly, why is he dissatisfied with Brother Xuan's appearance?But why did that happen just now?

Wan Yu was full of doubts, but it was hard to ask. She looked down at the pattern in her hand, and was immediately attracted.

Wanyu has never seen a complete set of design drawings. Underwear, trousers, jackets, blouses, outer covers, and floor-length skirts, each piece has not only a single pattern, but also a tailoring design. It is the selected fabrics, embroidery threads, They also noted them one by one, and even drew them on the somewhat exaggerated portraits without faces, which made Wanyu blush and heartbeat.

Looking carefully again, I found that the patterns and styles were quite different from what I used to see, so I couldn't help but become more focused, the surprise in my eyes, even the envy, couldn't be concealed.

After Wanyu finished reading all the drawings, she couldn't help saying angrily: "My sister is really good at hiding. When I got married, I didn't see my sister design such a set for me." After she finished speaking, she seemed to remember something, and her face was a little embarrassing.

Daiyu felt that her goal had been achieved, so she covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Of course my mother and concubine decide when my sister gets married, so it's my turn to talk?" Although Wanyu knew that Daiyu was never angry, she still explained: "It's me. You said something wrong, Yu'er, don't be angry with me."

Daiyu said with a smile: "Where are you angry with my sister? It's just thinking, if I marry from the palace, I'm afraid I won't be able to use these things..."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu put the drawings back into the box one by one in a somewhat dispirited manner.But Wan Yu recognized the sound, looked at Dai Yu with some surprise and said, "Is it possible that my sister doesn't want to marry from the manor?"

Wan Yu's voice was a little sharp, she spoke in a hurry, her eyes widened, and she felt very wronged.Over the years, I have treated Daiyu as my own younger sister, even better than my own younger sister, even my mother and concubine treated Daiyu just like me, much better than the concubine and concubines in the mansion...

Daiyu didn't want Wanyu to misunderstand, so she took Wanyu's hand, leaned her head on Wanyu's shoulder, and said softly: "Yu'er knows that the concubine mother treats Yu'er like her own, and my sister treats Yu'er as her own." It's the same as my sister, but the Lin Mansion has been deserted since my father left, except for the mother and concubine and other close family members, no one probably remembers which family the Lin Manor is."

Daiyu's words were extremely sad, and Wanyu couldn't help but feel sad for Daiyu. Daiyu knew that if she wanted to persuade Princess Wujun, she might need Wanyu to come forward, otherwise she might hurt Princess Wujun's heart , and also hurt the relationship of these years, she couldn't help but said in a softer voice: "Yu'er wants to take advantage of this marriage to remind the world that my father remembers Lin Fu..."

Ever since Daiyu started talking about this, Wanyu has kept her head down, but now she can't help but raise her head, only to see Daiyu quietly wiping her tears.

Wanyu's heart softened, feeling that Daiyu had not been easy these years, she couldn't help but sighed, thinking that Daiyu was going to find brother Xuan to come over, and she was afraid it was to discuss this matter, so she couldn't help sighing and said: "You and Xuan first Brother discussed it, he didn't know what kind of regulations it was, Cheng Enbo Mansion...you know, there is also..."

After finishing speaking, Wan Yu couldn't help sighing, it was extremely difficult for both of them, Dai Yu said that she had a concubine mother, but after all, Wu County Prince's Mansion is not Lin Mansion, and Mo Xuan's side...

Wan Yu shook her head, seeing Daiyu bowing her head and not making a sound, she couldn't help but sighed: "You are the ones who are going to live a lifetime, and it's great if you can live with a discussion, at least there will be fewer bad things in the future There are a lot, and with the help of our relatives and friends, you don't have to worry too much."

Seeing that Daiyu nodded after she finished speaking, she knew that she had listened to what she said, but her mood was still very low, Wanyu couldn't help biting her lips and said: "Sister, don't worry about the concubine mother." After finishing speaking After a pause, he continued: "I'm sure I'm sad, but if you have discussed it, I'll go and tell my concubine, in any case, I won't let my concubine blame you."

Hearing what Wanyu said, Daiyu knew that Wanyu was going to take the matter on her, so she couldn't help being moved and ashamed, feeling that she had taken advantage of Wanyu's kindness to her.But there are some things that have to be done, and some things that have to be said...

Thinking of this, Daiyu couldn't help suppressing the uneasiness in her heart, thinking about repaying Wanyu well in the future, at least being more respectful and filial to Princess Wujun...

(End of this chapter)

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