Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 420 Surname Lin

Chapter 420 Surname Lin
Thank you sister Rong for your reward and encouragement.Finished this week...I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow...(~o~)~zZ

Before dinner, Princess Wujun came back from the palace, Wanyu and Daiyu received the news and hurried to the gate of Yi to greet her.

Seeing the two sisters coming hand in hand, the smile on Princess Wujun's face was even brighter, and the warmth in her eyes was even stronger.Smiling, he took her two hands, and sighed: "I didn't know before, but I married Yu'er two years ago, and now I'm married to Yu'er, I feel unspeakably uncomfortable in my heart."

After finishing speaking, Princess Wu sighed, but changed the topic: "Fortunately, Yu'er is married and is still in our house." Looking at Daiyu's eyes again, even the blind can see that smile .

Seeing this, Wanyu recalled what Daiyu had said to her before, and immediately jokingly said: "That's not easy? When Yu'er leaves our mansion, the mother and concubine are married daughters, but if Brother Xuan brings her back, That's like marrying a daughter-in-law. The daughter who gets married is someone else's daughter-in-law, but the daughter-in-law who gets back is her own."

Daiyu's heart skipped a beat, she didn't expect Wanyu to be so eager to mention this in front of her.

Even Princess Wujun was taken aback, then slapped Wanyu angrily, and said with a smile: "What a silly girl!" She didn't take it to heart.

Seeing this, Wanyu didn't say anything, and didn't mention it, Daiyu was relieved just now, knowing that Wanyu took her own affairs seriously, she lowered her head pretending to be shy, and together with Wanyu, she will Princess Wujun was sent back to the main courtyard.

After Princess Wujun cleaned up, Daiyu accompanied Princess Wujun and Wanyu to have dinner together, and then she laughed and said a few words with Princess Wujun before leaving early. Also a little tired, nodded and let the two of them go.

Seeing this, Daiyu was a little surprised. She was there before, but Wanyu deliberately mentioned it. Now that she could avoid it, Wanyu actually wanted to leave with her.

After leaving the courtyard, Wan Yu didn't explain, just smiled mysteriously at Dai Yu, and said goodbye to Dai Yu: "I'll go to see your brother-in-law, I'm afraid I'll be back soon."

Daiyu nodded, but seeing Wanyu laugh out loud, and seeing that the maids were standing far away, she said softly: "Don't worry about this matter, after all it's still a few months away, let your brother-in-law Jiang Xuan Let me make an appointment to discuss it, and it won't be too late for me to talk to my concubine." Daiyu felt a little warm in her heart, she pursed her lips and nodded her head high.

Two days later, while Mo Xuan was taking a bath, Cai Rong approached Mo Xuan and asked him to have a drink. Although Mo Xuan was surprised, he hesitated a bit, and agreed.Wanyu led Daiyu out of the Prince Wu's Mansion on the pretext of wanting to go to Rongyun Nishang Pavilion.

Wanyu went to Rongyun Nishang Pavilion with Daiyu in a serious manner, and even picked out two new dresses before going to Biheju, which Cai Rong had ordered in the north of the city, with Daiyu.This Biheju is a private restaurant that came out of the country, and it has a few good dishes in the south of the Yangtze River.

On the way here, Wanyu mentioned this Bihe residence, Daiyu thought at least there must be a pond with two lotus plants, but before entering the door, Daiyu raised the curtain of the car and saw the " The three large gold-plated characters on the black ground of "Biheju" can't help but make me a little curious.

Because she knew something was going on, Daiyu only brought Jichun and Lvqing with her.And Wan Yu only got two little maids.Fortunately, they were all alert, the carriage had just stopped in front of the second gate, Jichun and the others set up the footstools, helped Daiyu and Wanyu to get out of the carriage.

White walls and black tiles, towering trees make this late spring look extraordinarily quiet.It was a ten-year-old boy next to Cai Rong who came to greet Daiyu and his wife at the door. When he saw Wanyu, he bowed and said, "Grandma, Master and Third Master Mo have already arrived, let me wait here. Grandma, please go with me, grandma."

Seeing that young servant, Daiyu has delicate features, she couldn't help sighing to Wanyu: "The young servant from my brother-in-law's family is very well chosen."

Wanyu raised her eyebrows and glanced at Daiyu, with unmistakable complacency in her eyes, she smiled and said, "I'm afraid Yu'er doesn't know, his name is Qingquan, he is the grandson of my nanny, your brother-in-law insisted on taking him because of his cleverness." .”

It is very rare for such a person who uses a daughter-in-law to marry as a personal servant, it can be seen that Cai Rong treats Wanyu really well, Daiyu is a little surprised, but secretly happy for Wanyu.

The two of them walked around a small garden with the boy named Qingquan, but the lotus pond that Daiyu thought should be there was nowhere to be seen, saying that the garden was actually like a big courtyard, extending in all directions but without a single lotus flower. Flowers are only covered with fine sand, and paths are paved with colored pebbles.

There is an octagonal pavilion with flying eaves in the middle, red floor-to-ceiling columns, green glazed tiles, and a plum blossom table in the pavilion. The table legs are like plum blossom branches, twisting up like a dragon. The white plum blossoms leap up.Looking carefully, it turned out to be the desktop itself, which aroused Daiyu's great interest.

On the surrounding white walls and black tiles, there is even a circle of dense green bamboos, which is particularly refreshing in the sun. Wanyu couldn't help laughing and said: "That piece of bamboo has a bit of your green taste." Daiyu sipped it. Zui shook his head and said: "It's really a ride. I'm a little bit interested in looking at this pavilion."

Wan Yu thought for a while and frowned and asked, "When you came in just now, did you see a plaque in this pavilion?" Dai Yu was stunned for a moment, then shook her head.Just as he was about to ask the boy, Cai Rong and Mo Xuan had arrived hand in hand.

Far away, Cai Rong smiled and said: "Just pretend that something happened. Qingquan also disappeared as soon as he left. We were so frightened that we hurried out to look for it." Yu smiled and took two steps forward, knelt down and said: "Brother-in-law Lao is worried, it's not Qingquan's fault, it's because I saw that the table in the pavilion was interesting, so I delayed."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Wanyu stepped forward and said with a smile: "I just heard Qingquan say that this is a garden, and I was surprised that not a single flower or grass was missing, so I delayed a little in this pavilion with my sister, which made you worry."

Cai Rong didn't expect that he just said it casually, which attracted Daiyu and Wanyu to intercede for Qingquan. He couldn't help pointing at Qingquan and said with a smile: "Why don't you thank grandma and the county lord for your kindness?" Qingquan stared at a pair of black and white eyes , hurriedly turned around to salute Daiyu and Wanyu, and before opening her mouth, Wanyu smiled and said, "You go down."

After Qingquan retreated, Mo Xuan stepped forward to greet Wanyu and Daiyu. Wanyu raised her eyebrows and joked, "In two months, brother Xuan, will you call me aunt? Or call me cousin?" Without looking at Mo Xuan's flushed face, he looked back at Dai Yu and said, "This is a big deal, my sister has to discuss it with Brother Xuan!"

Seeing this, Cai Rong shook his head and said: "Go in first, what's the matter standing here." He said and led them to the small road to the west.

Passing through the moon gate titled "Condensation", the four of them came to a small courtyard, a row of hosta flowers blooming along the pink and white corners, and a towering tree in the middle of the courtyard, covering the sky and the sun , The bright red floor-to-ceiling columns and the bright red back-shaped window lattices are not like other houses, which are covered with red or green window screens, and are not pasted with snow-white window paper.

Instead, one window and one painting are inlaid with colored glass.Not to mention Daiyu, even Wanyu was shocked and her expression changed.

Seeing this, Mo Xuan smiled and said: "The owner of this Biheju is the Zuoqiu family of the imperial merchant who undertook the manufacture of colored glaze from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The colored glaze used here is said to be left over from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was originally a place used by Zuoqiu's family to entertain distinguished guests, but it has gradually opened up over the years. It's just that I didn't expect my brother-in-law to know about this place."

Daiyu secretly laughed when she heard about it, she said that she had hundreds of years more experience than these people, but it turned out that those private kitchens in later generations were nothing more than that.

Seeing that Wanyu and Daiyu were very interested, Mo Xuan continued to introduce: "There is nothing to see in the upside down seat, but two small storerooms, but the owner is very considerate, and the east and west rooms have been organized into a banquet room, the female family member said. There is also a place to freshen up here." He smiled at Cai Rong and said, "Brother-in-law should bring my sister over on the third day of every month."

As soon as Wan Yu became interested, she asked with a smile, "What's so special about the third year of junior high school?" Mo Xuan smiled and said nothing, and raised his eyebrows to look at Cai Rong.

Cai Rong shook his head and said with a smile: "This Biheju is a large courtyard surrounded by small courtyards, but it is different from the courtyards in the north. It is not so neatly arranged. It can be said that it is patchwork." gesture.Wan Yu and Dai Yu looked at each other, then followed Cai Rong and Mo Xuan into the main room.

Unexpectedly, behind a willow table for the Eight Immortals in the main room, there is a pair of Xizi Huansha quadruple screens, bypassing the screens, there is also a row of lattice windows behind.

At this time, the lattice windows were all open, revealing a large pool outside, the water in the pool was emerald green, surrounded by a circle of crape myrtle flowers, which had not yet opened yet, and there was a small stage in the middle of the pool.Cai Rong explained: "Every third day of the lunar month, there are performances here, or church meetings, or singing and dancing, but there is no fixed number."

Seeing Wan Yu's disapproval, Mo Xuan smiled and said, "The performances or singing and dancing in their family are not comparable to those outside. They are all actors and dancers raised by their own family, and the repertoire and playbook are all their own. Choreographed, I came here twice a few days ago, and they were both excellent."

Wan Yu was obviously still not very interested in this, seeing that it was getting late, she said with a smile: "Today is not the third day of junior high school, no matter how good it is, we have to come back next time, let's try the dishes here first today. "

Saying that, Wan Yu turned back to the willow table in front of the screen, and pulled Dai Yu to sit down with her.Cai Rong looked at Mo Xuan helplessly, but Mo Xuan knew Wan Yu's temperament from childhood, so he didn't say anything.

Knowing that Mo Xuan had been here, he handed over the order to Mo Xuan. They had a good meal, and Dai Yu nodded in praise: "The Huaiyang cuisine here is pretty good." Wan Yu joked Er said: "Let Brother Xuan bring you here often in the future." After speaking, he glanced at Mo Xuan.

Seeing this, Cai Rong laughed, and Mo Xuan nodded while blushing his ears: "What's so difficult? I rest every five days, and only one of the five days I'm on duty is in the palace..." Mo Xuan Before Xuan could finish speaking, Cai Rong burst out laughing, even Wan Yu covered her mouth and laughed too, Dai Yu glared at Mo Xuan angrily, bit the corner of her mouth, trying to hold back her smile.

After joking, Cai Rong and Wan Yu left the main room with the excuse of wandering around the house.Only then did Mo Xuan realize that Cai Rong asked him out to meet Daiyu, so he didn't know what to say.

Seeing Cai Rong and Wanyu leave, Daiyu breathed a sigh of relief, waved to Jichun and Lvqing and said, "Stay at the door, I have something to say to brother Mo." Mo Xuan was stunned, stood up, but saw Daiyu looked at herself with clear eyes, and sat back awkwardly.

Ever since Jichun was rescued by Daiyu, she has been devoted to Daiyu, and at this time she heard Daiyu order her to guard the door, so naturally she didn't say anything.But Luqing hesitated for a while, and saw that Jichun had gone out, thinking that Daiyu and Mo Xuan would get married in a month or so, she frowned and also retreated, but kept looking inside anxiously.

Seeing this, Jichun sighed and said, "Did you excuse yourself to go out without seeing the princess? Besides, we are guarding the door. Mr. Mo is not..."

Jichun didn't finish his sentence, he glared at Luqing, and stopped talking, but Daiyu took a deep breath and said, "I know it's against the rules to ask you out like this, but for some things, I just I can talk to you..."

When Mo Xuan heard this, he blushed a little, but he didn't interrupt Daiyu's words.Seeing this, Daiyu smiled slightly, then calmed down and said, "Sister Wanyu probably thinks that I'm looking for you to discuss with you about getting married from the Yongding Houfu. But I'm actually..."

When Daiyu said this, she stopped, frowned, and lowered her eyes, not knowing what to say. When Mo Xuan heard her stop, she couldn't help but look up at her. Seeing her expression, she couldn't help asking: "Actually, what? What's wrong?" After speaking, Mo Xuan thought for a while and asked, "Or do you need me to talk to my aunt about this?"

Mo Xuan's voice was gentle and patient, but Dai Yu shook her head.After a long silence, just when Mo Xuan was a little worried, Dai Yu summoned up her courage and said, "I hope that one of my children will be named Lin in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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