Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 421 Neglect

Chapter 421 Neglect
It feels so good to be home! O(∩_∩)O~

"At least one of my children has the surname Lin." Daiyu used a lot of courage to say this. In this era, at this time, to say such a thing to Mo Xuan, Daiyu knew it was out of line. But she felt that she had to make it clear with Mo Xuan first.

After hearing these words, Mo Xuan remained silent, staring at Daiyu steadfastly.When Daiyu organized her words and wanted to persuade him, she suddenly found that Mo Xuan's ears turned red, and then his cheeks also turned red.

Daiyu's hand on her knee was inexplicably clenched into a fist, a little nervous, and suddenly didn't know how to continue speaking.

Just when Daiyu was about to say something more, Mo Xuan smiled brightly, and replied bluntly: "Okay!" Looking at Daiyu's gaze was even hotter, but Daiyu was afraid to continue to look at him, a little embarrassed. Ming's shyness made her slightly lower her eyelids and lower her head, revealing a section of her pink-white neck that she couldn't see, neither did Mo Xuan.

It took a long time for Daiyu to react, and she couldn't help but suddenly raised her head to look at Mo Xuan, and asked in disbelief, "What did you just say?"

The smile on Mo Xuan's face gradually widened, and his gaze towards Daiyu became softer, but he did not avoid Daiyu's eyes full of expectation and anxiety, and replied clearly: "I said, in the future, our children will at least There is one named Lin!"

Mo Xuan emphasized the word "we", causing Daiyu to react, her face flushed instantly, she lowered her head to look at the teacup in front of her, a little excited and more shy, not knowing what to say.

Seeing this, Mo Xuan smiled silently, and seeing Daiyu's head lowering lower and lower, he coughed lightly, poured out the tea in the teacup in front of her, refilled it with new tea, and said: "The tea here is good, try it. Try it."

Daiyu stretched out her hand to hold the teacup, her exposed fingers were also pink.

Until just now, when Mo Xuan repeated that sentence, Daiyu realized what her words meant. At this moment, she was afraid to look at Mo Xuan's face, not knowing whether it was because she was afraid of being ridiculed or something, and she secretly gave herself a message from the bottom of her heart. Cheer up, what haven't you seen in your previous life?But no matter how hard she cheered, Daiyu still felt that it was very difficult to face.

The tea was a bit bitter at the entrance, but there was a hint of sweetness on the back of the tongue, Daiyu couldn't help but slowly focus on the tea, savoring it a little bit.

Mo Xuan sat across from Daiyu, refilling her tea from time to time, but didn't speak.When Wan Yu and Cai Rong came back, they were still sitting opposite each other, drinking tea.

Seeing this, Wan Yu couldn't help but cast a glance at Ji Chun and Lu Qing who were guarding the door, the two of them also looked at a loss now.The two of them were sent out, as if they were going to talk, but apart from a few words at the beginning, the two of them have not said anything else so far.I didn't hear what was said before, and I always felt that the atmosphere was weird.

Seeing Wanyu's view, Jichun subconsciously shook his head.Wan Yu couldn't help looking at Cai Rong.Cai Rong raised his eyebrows, walked in with big strides, sat down at the place where he had eaten before, took the teapot from Mo Xuan's hand, and asked casually: "Do you want to take a look around? "

As soon as Cai Rong's voice fell, Daiyu hurriedly replied: "No need!" After finishing speaking, she realized that she was a little anxious to answer, and she couldn't help explaining: "I'm a little tired from shopping with my sister in the morning..." Daiyu said He raised his eyes and glanced at Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan knew that she must be shy, so he smiled and said: "If that's the case, let's go back earlier, I just went to visit my aunt, I haven't visited her old man for a few days." Wanyu guessed that Daiyu must have persuaded Mo Xuan, then said: "It's very good, then let's go back."

Sitting in the carriage, Daiyu remained silent. Wanyu really wanted to ask her how she persuaded Mo Xuan. It can be seen that she didn't ask anything after all.

The four of them returned to Prince Wu's mansion, before they had time to freshen up, they went to greet Princess Wu, and Daiyu returned to Meixiang Garden on the pretext of being tired.Princess Wujun only thought that it was rare for her to go out for shopping, and she didn't doubt it. She smiled and said, "It's good to go back and rest, and I don't have to come over for dinner." He saluted and left with a straight face.

Seeing that Mo Xuan seemed to have something to say, Wan Yu thought about it, and together with Cai Rong, also quit.But when he went out, he deliberately slowed down.

Seeing this, Cai Rong smiled and said, "If you want to listen, why don't you stay generously, or ask your cousin why?" Wan Yu thought for a while, nodded and smiled, "You're right!" Cai Rong went to the outer courtyard, the courtyard where Cai Rong lived temporarily.

After Wan Yu and Cai Rong left, the smile on Princess Wujun's face faded, and the maids and maids backed out while waving her hands, and Liu Mama even gently closed the front door shrewdly.Princess Wujun said slowly, "If you have anything to say, just tell your aunt."

Mo Xuan frowned. He didn't expect Princess Wujun to act like this. After thinking about it, he got up and knelt down in front of Princess Wujun. I don’t dare to work for the empress, so I can only beg my aunt to officiate the wedding ceremony for my nephew.” After speaking, Mo Xuan raised his head and stared at a pair of innocent eyes.

Princess Wujun was stunned for a moment when she heard this, she thought something happened in the palace, but she was asked to preside over the wedding. This nephew grew up in front of her, just like her own son. What's wrong with manipulation?

Princess Wujun was about to agree, but she was stunned again!Looking at Mo Xuan, he didn't know where to start.After thinking about it, Princess Wujun said very politely: "How about I ask Nanny Liu to bring Concubine Qian to help you?"

Mo Xuan couldn't hide his disappointment, and said in a low voice: "Sister Yu'er is a member of our family after marrying, will this be too neglectful?"

Princess Wujun was speechless for a moment, thought for a while and said: "There must be someone to marry, right? Lin Houye and his wife left early, and entrusted your younger sister Yu'er to me. From now on, she will be a member of our family again." , I don’t like this.”

Mo Xuan said with a rare stubbornness: "Isn't there still Master Huang? Didn't everyone say that one day is a teacher and life is a father? Huang Master has been Yu'er's younger sister's teacher for more than ten years, shouldn't he help at this time? "

When Princess Wujun heard it, she felt that it was not unreasonable, she couldn't help but hesitated, thought for a while but didn't say anything, waved her hand and said: "Even so, you have to discuss this matter with Master Huang before your uncle. Your uncle I’m afraid I’ll be back in a few days.”

Mo Xuan pretended that he didn't understand, stood up with a smile, bowed again and said, "Then I will trouble my aunt and uncle."

Princess Wujun shook her head helplessly, and said vaguely: "What to do, let's talk about it after discussion." After speaking, she remembered something and smiled: "Although I can't let the empress work hard, I still watch you grow up. Anyway, I'll go to the palace to ask for instructions, so I won't be upset."

Princess Wujun thought of the eldest prince who died young, and couldn't help but sighed: "The pain in the empress's heart is indescribable, and you should visit her more when you are free."

Naturally, Mo Xuan would not refuse, and Princess Wu then asked about the house.Mo Xuan was proud of this, so he smiled and said: "Auntie is free that day, so go and help me see the house. Although it has been repaired, the gate and the main room have been changed, it is better for Auntie to help me take a look." Reassuring."

Princess Wujun responded with a smile, the aunt and nephew chatted for a while, and Mo Xuanfang took his leave.

Mo Xuan knew in his heart that this matter might require cousin Wanyu to speak in front of his aunt, so he was not in a hurry to leave the palace, but went to Cai Rong's temporary residence in the outer courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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