Chapter 426 Extra Story [-]
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In the winter of the year of Daiyu's wedding, the first snow in the capital came suddenly without any precautions, like a rain of pure white flowers.

With great interest, Daiyu borrowed from Miaoyu a Zhuangzi outside the city with Mo Xuan, planning to go to Meilin to enjoy the snow.After Miaoyu and Jia Baoyu learned about it, they also hurriedly wanted to participate in it.Although Mrs. Wang who came back after the Mid-Autumn Festival was very reluctant, she also understood that it was the property of her daughter-in-law, so she couldn't say anything.

Going out of the city, Mo Xuan said with a smile: "I remember my brother-in-law is also taking a bath today, so we might as well invite him to go with us, the crowd will be more lively and interesting, and then we can go to the mountain to hunt some hares and roast them." Daiyu His eyes lit up when he heard it, he lifted the curtain and smiled at Mo Xuan beside the carriage, "If that's the case, why don't you go around Ningrong Street?"

Mo Xuan spoiled with a smile, but looked noncommittally at Jia Baoyu who was riding beside the carriage like himself.

Jia Baoyu looked at the carriage with some hesitation. Seeing this, Daiyu nudged Miaoyu lightly with her elbow, and said with a smile, "Sister Miaoyu, what do you say? Your 24 filial and good husband is waiting for your instructions."

The words "24 filial piety" and "husband" were said by Daiyu inadvertently in the past few months, but they became a buzzword in the capital for a while, which made Daiyu want to look up to the sky.But fortunately, in this way, Daiyu found that people in this era still have a strong ability to accept, and they no longer speak cautiously like in the past.

When Miaoyu heard Daiyu's words, she blushed slightly, pouted her lips and snorted softly, pretending to be indifferent and said: "If you want to please, please, why do you ask me? I'm not hanging out in the snow. "

Daiyu pursed her lips and smiled, looked at Mo Xuan, Mo Xuan nodded knowingly, and the carriage turned slowly.

After picking up Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng, she didn't expect that sister Qiao would follow her. Wang Xifeng thought it was cold and didn't intend to let sister Qiao go with her. Who knew that sister Qiao got into Daiyu's carriage faster than Wang Xifeng, Xia Qianqian stood beside Wang Xifeng alone.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng took a deep breath angrily, and then smiled at Qianqian: "Go and get the girl's cloak, you can go with me, if the carriage is too crowded, you can come and ride with me." Qianqian Hearing this, he looked at Wang Xifeng with bright eyes and nodded, then ran back.

Seeing her appearance, Wang Xifeng knew that she wanted to go too, so she couldn't help but shook her head and said to Jia Lian, "She's really cute. If only our eldest sister could be so cute."

But Jia Lian twitched the corner of his mouth indifferently and said, "What's the use of being nice?" After finishing speaking, he turned around and talked about current affairs with Mo Xuan.

Jia Baoyu stood aside, impatiently listening to the changes in the government and the opposition, the situation and current affairs.He wanted to get into the carriage and talk to Miaoyu for a while, but he saw Daiyu and sister Qiao were both in the carriage, the three of them were talking for some reason, just when they were in high spirits, they couldn't help pursing their mouths, and continued to stand with their hands clasped Waiting at the side for Qianqian to fetch the cloak for sister Qiao.

Fortunately, the waiting time was not long, and after a while, Qianqian ran over with a cloak of orangutan felt in one hand and a copper cloisonné enamel hand stove in the other.

Not to mention Jia Baoyu, even Daiyu, who was looking out of the car window from the corner of her eyes, was taken aback when she saw the extremely bright red cloak, feeling that it looked familiar.On the contrary, Sister Qiao asked crisply: "Why did you bring this old cloak here?" The word "old" solved Daiyu's doubts.

Isn't it just an old cloak?If he hadn't come to this world inexplicably, this gorilla felt cloak, Mrs. Jia probably should have given it to Jia Baoyu.

Now, for some reason, Mrs. Jia gave it to Wang Xifeng. Wang Xifeng didn't like such a fiery red color. Mrs. Xing looked very good, and felt it was a pity to throw it away, so she asked Daiyu to find someone to change it for Sister Qiao. .

Fortunately, sister Qiao's skin is fair, and she is very cute with bright eyes and bright teeth. She looks very good in such a bright red color, especially when it is snowing now, it is perfect with red plums and white snow.

Daiyu remembered that Jia Baoyu in the original book would also wear a gorilla felt cloak on such a snowy day...

Thinking of this, Daiyu frowned when she saw the white fox fur cloak on her body, and raised her eyes to look at Mo Xuan. She was wearing a black velvet and red gold button cloak, standing upright in the snow. He breathed a sigh of relief, and a warm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A group of people headed for the Zhuangzi outside the city in a mighty manner, Wang Xifeng even smiled and said: "We can go to Miaoer's plum forest to enjoy the snow first, hunt for game to eat, and then go to Yuer's Zhuangzi to have a good soak." Hot springs. I just remember that there are two hot spring pools in Yu'er Zhuangzi. Let's separate men and women, so it would be nice to have fun on each side."

However, what no one expected was that Daiyu, who loves game very much, just smelled it this time, so she vomited while holding the plum tree, and she didn't bring a maid out. Seeing this, Xuan couldn't help panicking.

Fortunately, Jia Lian was still stable, so he hurriedly sent Jia Baoyu to Daiyu Zhuangzi, and said, "Send someone to bring the name card to invite the imperial physician."

After hearing this, Mo Xuan interrupted: "Let me take her into the city, so that while sending someone to invite the imperial physician, we will go into the city at the same time, and the time will be faster." Looking at Daiyu, she asked softly, "Can you still hold on?"

Daiyu closed her eyes and nodded slowly, her expression was indescribably tired, as if she was still exhausted.

Seeing that Daiyu was not feeling well, Sister Qiao stopped running around, dropped the flower branch in her hand and ran over.Pulling the skirt of Daiyu's stand-up collar and swinging one-piece dress, she asked worriedly: "Auntie, what's wrong with you?" Sister Qiao, who had never seen Daiyu with such an expression, panicked.Qianqian also looked at Daiyu worriedly, but said nothing.

Daiyu took a few deep breaths before gently smiling at Qiao and shaking her head, "Don't worry, Auntie is fine, just smells something disgusting." Speaking of this, Daiyu frowned. He frowned, and after a while, opened his eyes and saw that Qianqian was still looking at her worriedly, and couldn't help but smile at Qianqian too.

Unexpectedly, Qianqian asked in a very low voice: "Is it really all right? My mother vomited like this when I went to my house a few days ago." After speaking, Xu was afraid that Daiyu would be worried, and added: "I My aunt said that my mother is going to give birth to a little brother for me."

As soon as Qianqian finished speaking, Daiyu was stunned, thinking about it carefully, she seemed to have not come to her little life for two months, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Mo Xuan who was also stunned, and slowly stroked her abdomen.

Mo Xuan opened his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound. After a long while, he carefully supported Daiyu, and sat down in front of the tree stump, which was used as a stool and covered with brocade cushions.

Wang Xifeng, who has been paying attention to this side all the time, but because Mo Xuan has been serving him closely and personally, didn't want to get too close, immediately noticed Mo Xuan's strangeness, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? What else is uncomfortable?" ?"

Sister Qiao spoke quickly, and replied crisply: "Qianqian said that my aunt is going to have a baby brother!" Sister Qiao's voice was clear and resonant.Not to mention Wang Xifeng, even Jia Lian, Jia Baoyu and Miaoyu were stunned.

Mo Xuan smiled and said, "I haven't asked the imperial doctor to take a pulse yet." Even so, his smirk couldn't fool the eyes of everyone. Without avoiding suspicion, he squatted in front of Daiyu, fixed his eyes on Daiyu's expression, and asked nervously, "Is this true?"

Daiyu's face turned red, and she shrank back, then lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I will only find out if I ask the imperial doctor to help me through the pulse. I, how would I know." But Daiyu's hand, since listening After Qianqian's words, she kept gently stroking her belly.

Seeing this, Jia Lian didn't ask any more questions. He got up and punched Mo Xuan on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "All right, boy!" Just go back home, enjoy the snow or something, there will be opportunities in the future, this Merlin is here, and he can't run away."

Everyone discussed to divide the troops into two groups. Jia Lian thought for a while and said, "Brother Xuan will take care of my younger sister and go back. I will go to the imperial hospital to invite someone in person, so I will come sooner." After finishing speaking, Jia Lian glanced at Wang Xifeng and said with a smile: "Feng'er has some experience after all, so work harder."

Wang Xifeng pursed her lips, glared at Jia Lian angrily and said, "Could it be that if you don't say that, I won't go? It's your sister who worked hard or not, so maybe it's not my sister? After finishing speaking, she stepped forward to support Daiyu's arm, smiled reassuringly and said, "Sister-in-law is with you, don't worry." Daiyu nodded.

Jia Lian coughed slightly in embarrassment, and then asked Jia Baoyu, "Will you continue to loosen up in the village or come back to the city with us?"

Before Jia Baoyu could speak, the rare Miaoyu said coldly: "Yu'er is also my younger sister, so I naturally have to follow to see the result before I can feel at ease."

Daiyu smiled gratefully at Miaoyu when she heard the words, and Miaoyu gave her a slight glance.Jia Baoyu smiled embarrassingly at the side: "In that case, then I will accompany Second Brother Lian for a walk." As soon as the words fell, Jia Lian smiled and said, "You should go back with them. I'll be faster alone."

Wang Xifeng and the others wanted to go with them, Qiaojieer and Qianqian naturally had to follow, but Qiaojieer was very happy and said with a smile: "So, I have a reason to go to my aunt's house in a fair way." Wang Xifeng smiled and gave Sister Qiao a sideways look, but didn't say much.Everyone quickly packed up their things and headed to the city.

When Daiyu was really diagnosed with a happy pulse, Jia Lian was overjoyed, and even said with tears in her eyes, "Uncle finally has someone to succeed me!"

What Mo Xuan said was choked by Jia Lian, and he didn't realize it for a long time, but Wang Xifeng laughed: "It can be seen that you only have your uncle in your eyes. This serious old man is still here !" After Wang Xifeng covered his mouth and smiled, Mo Xuan smirked excitedly and awkwardly: "Same, same, all the same!"

Miaoyu burst out laughing when she heard it, but Daiyu couldn't hold it back either, and laughed together with Miaoyu.Although Sister Qiao didn't quite understand what they were laughing at, she laughed too.On the contrary, Qianqian, vaguely understood, but pursed her lips and didn't say much.

Ever since the imperial doctor diagnosed Daiyu as a happy pulse, Mo Xuan felt that he was light and he couldn't control himself.Regardless of what Wang Xifeng said that he could not say anything for three months, he sent people to the Huang Mansion, Wujun Prince's Mansion, Cai's Mansion in the capital, and the Princess Chang's Mansion, and at the same time sent someone to bring a red wedding invitation to his friends and colleagues. Next post, please drink.

Mo Xuan was busy in Tonghua Lane for a long time, Jia Lian and others couldn't stop him, but Mo Xuan remembered to announce the good news to this one and that one, but he forgot to send a message to his own brother Cheng Enbo... Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng looked at each other and shook their heads, but neither said anything.

Daiyu is only concerned about being happy at this moment, how can she think of anything else?This is a child who is truly connected with his blood, and it is the best proof of himself in this world.

For a long time, Daiyu has not been so sure whether this is a dream or a real existence... Daiyu has recalled countless times that before coming to this world, she sat in the office and prepared for the spring and summer conference in Paris , how come here all of a sudden?
Daiyu wished countless times that all this was a dream, and when she woke up from the dream, she would still be in the office she designed and furnished by herself. However, Daiyu was very afraid that everything was a dream, and when she woke up, everything would be gone …Master, mistress, nanny…brother, sister-in-law, nephew and niece…and Mo Xuan, who worked hard to pamper her…

The news of Daiyu's pregnancy was spread widely by Mo Xuan as if she had grown wings. Not to mention Luo Sujuan, Princess Wujun, Wanyu, Princess Hanyi, Mrs. Xing, etc. all rushed over, and they were all from the palace. Queen, also got news.

The Fifth Prince has now moved out of the Kunning Palace, but when he was paying his respects to the Empress, he heard about this, pouted, and chose two large carts of gifts with a full face of displeasure, and sent them to Daiyu.

However, the fourth prince who lives next to Jia's mansion, the current Prince Jin, swept all the things on the table on the desk to the ground, and lost his temper severely.

Except for Princess Jin Dong, no one knew why he was angry.But Concubine Jin Dong just smiled coldly and continued to watch her plays and listen to her songs.As if all this had nothing to do with her.But it has nothing to do with her, no one cares about this farce in Prince Jin's mansion, even the Fourth Prince himself quickly restrained himself.

Ever since Daiyu was pregnant, Mo Xuan asked for leave, and wanted to spend the first three months with Daiyu in the mansion, which everyone said was extremely difficult and unsafe.The emperor originally sneered, but Mo Xuan not only persuaded the queen to intercede, even Huang Jiyun was persuaded by Mo Xuan.

Now, Mo Xuan stayed with Daiyu in the mansion all day long, only to find that Daiyu was quite different from what he saw and guessed on a daily basis.

Daiyu's life is very busy. Apart from approving the design drafts for Rongyun Nishang Pavilion sent by the "clothing designers" personally taught by Daiyu, she is always thinking about spinning clothes. New types of fabrics, and from time to time, I even invite Princess Hanyi to call in the general work of the Ministry of Industry...

Seeing this, Mo Xuan was very heartbroken, and thought that not only Mrs. Huang, Princess Wujun, the Queen and others had told him that the first three months of pregnancy were extremely unstable, even the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital had also said that the fetus was not healthy in the first three months. Sit tight, it's easy to slip the tire, and Daiyu is the first child, if she has a miscarriage, it may be difficult in the future...

Mo Xuan also specially visited Huang Jiyun to ask Huang Jiyun for advice, and seeing that this was indeed the case, he issued a restraining order to Daiyu with great fanfare.Since then Daiyu has been detained in the mansion, where she wants to go and what she wants to do, she has to be accompanied by Mo Xuan...

Not to mention that Daiyu vomits every day, the sky is dark, the mood is already irritable, and now she is "watched" by Mo Xuan like a "prisoner". Several times, Daiyu said that Mo Xuan was too nervous and never obeyed her. Mo Xuan turned a deaf ear to it, and Dai Yu was even more unhappy.

Fortunately, on such a day, after Mo Xuan's three-month vacation was over and he returned to the palace to work as an errand, he was relieved.

But the good times didn't last long, and within six months, Daiyu's belly grew bigger. Daiyu wanted to do something, not only to overcome lethargy, but also to deal with the feeling of wanting to go to Gongfang anytime, anywhere.

Daiyu couldn't help visiting her from time to time, Wanyu, Hanyi, or Wang Xifeng, Miaoyu, Yingchun, Xichun and others who accompanied her complained: "This baby is born, I won't give birth no matter what, it's too uncomfortable It's simply not a human life!" Wang Xifeng and others just laughed and said nothing, no one took it to heart, but Daiyu became more and more obsessed with it.

But whenever Mo Xuan put his hand on her stomach, felt the baby move, guessed where it was, where it was there, whether the baby was turning over or rolling, Daiyu had to temporarily forget about those things. A "only one" obsession.

In particular, every time Mo Xuan heard Daiyu say that there was only one child, he would ask her: "You only have one child, so is the surname Lin? Or is it Mo? You can tell me the truth, so I can give the child a name." Isn't the name?" Daiyu couldn't help but shut up, after all, letting the Lin family have an offspring is a more ingrained obsession in Daiyu's heart than "only one child".

But Daiyu also knew that in this era, if there was only one child, she would have no right and no reason to ask Mo Xuan to give up the child's surname, not to mention that Mo Xuan would not agree, even if he did, she would still feel uncomfortable. Maybe the harmonious relationship between the two of them will come to an end here.What's more, Princess Wujun and others will not agree...

As spring and autumn come, Daiyu's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and Mo Xuan is very frightened to see it. It is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the annual palace banquet is held by the queen. Daiyu is specially exempted from entering the palace, and Mo Xuan also specially changes Liaoban stayed at home with Daiyu.

However, what frightened Mo Xuan was that Daiyu, who accompanied him to watch the moon, stroked her stomach as she walked, her complexion was pale, she was dripping with sweat, speechless.Even Nanny Tang, Nanny Yang and Nanny Sun who came here on purpose, and Nanny Qin, who was sent by the palace and used to take care of pregnant women, were all taken aback. After all, Daiyu was still nearly two months away from her expected delivery date!

It's an old saying that Daiyu is alive and not alive. Seeing that Daiyu had a seizure just in her early eight months, the nuns forced Daiyu to be carried into the delivery room that had already been prepared, and at the same time sent people to invite the imperial physician .

Mo Xuan stood outside the door of the delivery room and kept pacing. It took him a while to realize that he should send people to spread the news everywhere, especially in Huang's house!Just do it when you think of it, especially at this time Mo Xuan is extremely nervous...

Fortunately, neither Princess Wujun nor Huang Jiyun and his wife, nor Jia Lian and his wife kept Mo Xuan waiting.Just when Mo Xuan was considering whether to go in and have a look, Huang Jiyun and his wife arrived first.

Knowing that Huang Jiyun arrived at Mo Xuan, he rushed to the gate to greet him. Seeing Mo Xuan's head and head sweating, Huang Jiyun's expression became more serious, and asked anxiously, "What's the situation?" Just as Huang Jiyun finished speaking, Luo Sujuan Added: "Don't worry, speak slowly!"

Mo Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a trembling voice: "I don't know what's going on now, but I suddenly said that my stomach hurts..." Then he added: "The mother said that the situation is not good, so I sent someone to The imperial physician was invited, but the imperial physician has not arrived yet."

Huang Jiyun walked in while listening to Mo Xuan's narration, and heard that the imperial doctor hadn't arrived yet, so he couldn't help frowning.She nodded her head and said: "Since this is the case, go and have a look as a teacher." Luo Sujuan also nodded lightly, but didn't say anything more, and stepped up to follow behind Huang Jiyun, heading towards the delivery room prepared for Daiyu's delivery .

Before Mo Xuan and Huang Jiyun could reach the greenhouse, another woman came to report that Princess Wujun had also arrived.Mo Xuan glanced at Huang Jiyun and didn't know what to do for a while, but Huang Jiyun had already said, "Go ahead, your mistress knows the way." Mo Xuan nodded and said, "Thank you, master and mistress."

Mo Xuan respected Huang Jiyun and Luo Sujuan very much, especially Luo Sujuan. She knew Luo Sujuan when she met Daiyu. Princess Wujun.

Princess Wujun came with Wanyu and the imperial physician, and Nanny Mei who was beside the queen.

Seeing Mo Xuan from a distance, Wan Yu quickly stepped forward two steps and complained softly: "What time is it? Do you need to come to greet me?" She said and gave Mo Xuan a look.Mo Xuan was already in a state of disarray, he couldn't care less about anything else, he listened to Wan Yu's reprimand without making any distinctions, he only saluted Princess Wu, and then led a few people forward in a hurry.

Seeing that Mo Xuan's footsteps were fast and anxious, Princess Wujun felt a "thump" in her heart!Secretly thinking that Daiyu might be in a bad situation, she couldn't help but quicken her pace.Wan Yu no longer cared about complaining about Mo Xuan, and trotted to keep up with Mo Xuan's footsteps.

I never thought of the delivery room, but saw Huang Jiyun standing outside the door of the delivery room. Mo Xuan's expression changed and he hurried forward. Seeing Mo Xuan like that, Huang Jiyun smiled lightly before he could speak: "Don't worry, I'm afraid there will still be some time, Yu The baby's pulse is stable, maybe because she is pregnant with twins, the delivery date was brought forward."

After hearing Huang Jiyun's words, Mo Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, but Princess Wujun lost her voice and said: "Twins?! Why didn't anyone tell me?" Then he said sharply: "What do you eat in the imperial hospital!?"

(End of this chapter)

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