Chapter 427
Thanks to riamon for the monthly ticket support!

Mo Xuan has developed the habit of sleeping lightly in the northwest all year round, even after returning to the capital for more than half a year, he still hasn't been able to change it.

As soon as there were footsteps walking outside the door, Mo Xuan suddenly opened his eyes without a trace of confusion!If someone saw it, they would definitely notice that Mo Xuan's eyes were bright at this moment, and even the muscles on his body tensed subconsciously the moment he opened his eyes!

It wasn't until he saw clearly that he was lying on the wedding bed, and his newly married wife in his arms moved uncomfortably due to the contraction of his muscles, that Mo Xuan slowly relaxed his muscles, so that Daiyu could sleep better.

Looking down at the person nestled in his arms, curled up into a ball, a gentle smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

If he was seen by those iron-blooded men in the northwest, he might not be able to believe his eyes. However, Mo Xuan not only did that, he even gently tucked the corners of the quilt behind Daiyu, rubbing his face on her soft hair , holding her arm, also tightened a little.

Thinking of Yili last night, looking at the sleeping person, Mo Xuan couldn't help smiling wryly to suppress the morning throbbing in his heart, and just looked at her quietly, looking at her peaceful sleeping face.

For a moment, his heart was filled with gentle feelings, and Mo Xuan even felt that even if time stopped here, it would be great!

The jet-black silk was randomly scattered on the red embroidered pillow, outlining ink-like patterns, only a little bit of Ruxue's skin was exposed, exuding a jade-like luster.

The tender and rosy lips, slightly pursed, fell into Mo Xuan's eyes, which were indescribably cute, and the feather fan-like eyelashes trembled slightly with the breath, leaving a small butterfly-like shadow under the eyes, covering all the eyes. The agility is hidden in it.

Mo Xuan gently tightened his arms again, the palm touched the smooth and delicate back, he couldn't help but chuckled, his eyes were full of love and compassion, only the body knew it, the taste was never satisfied, but he couldn't bear to wake up the person in his arms Son.

Daiyu woke up to the singing of birds, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of black jewel-like eyes staring at her with a smile.The corners of his mouth turned up, and then he realized that he was still lying in Mo Xuan's arms, and more importantly...

Daiyu's body froze involuntarily, all the blood in her body seemed to rush to her face... She cast a reproachful glance at Mo Xuan, then quickly turned her eyes away, and asked awkwardly, "What time is it?"

Seeing this, Mo Xuan didn't point out her little awkwardness, smiled heartily, lowered his head on her hair, kissed her softly, felt her shallow breathing, and said with a light smile: "It's time to get up and wash up. Been waiting for a long time..."

Before Mo Xuan finished speaking, Dai Yu suddenly raised her head and stared at her angrily, obviously very annoyed that Mo Xuan didn't wake her up and caused her to lose face in front of the maid.

Mo Xuan couldn't help but stop talking, kissed her forehead and eyelids again, and said with a light smile: "It's enough time to get up now, but I have to go to the palace to thank you later, I really can't delay..."

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help lowering her head again, and pressed her lips to it... After being weary for a while, Daiyu pushed Mo Xuan with a blushing face, and then asked in a low voice, "Where is my nightgown?"

The voice was too low to be heard. If Mo Xuan hadn't practiced martial arts since childhood, it would be impossible for him to hear what Daiyu said, but even if he did, Mo Xuan still pretended not to know and raised his eyebrows and asked, "What ?”

Daiyu felt annoyed, stretched out her hand and twisted his waist, and then realized what she had done, she couldn't help being stunned, and then secretly laughed: Is this also a talent?
Feeling a slight pain in his waist, Mo Xuan was also taken aback for a moment, then tightened his arms, and hugged the person in his arms even tighter, as if trying to embed himself in his body, until Daiyu was stiff and did not dare to move. Mo Xuan just smiled and crawled out of the bed.

Seeing that Mo Xuan got off the couch, picked up his naked body and picked up the scarlet jacket that fell on the ground for some reason, and went to the clean room, Dai Yu was relieved for a long time, and tried to sit up with support.

Daiyu put on her nightgown carelessly, and just about to get out of bed, she found that her legs were aching and swollen, and she blushed and her heart beat.Daiyu naturally knew why, but at this moment, she couldn't tell what it was like...

Mo Xuan came out of the shower and had already changed into a clean cotton jacket, but found that Daiyu was wrapped in the nightgown from last night, sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze, and couldn't help asking: "What are you thinking about?" What, strode up to Daiyu and squatted down, looked up at Daiyu's face, and asked nervously: "But what's uncomfortable?"

Daiyu blushed and shook her head: "I'm fine, you go and change quickly, didn't you say you have to enter the palace to thank you?"

Mo Xuan asked again uncertainly: "Is it really all right? Do you want me to carry you in?" Daiyu became angry inexplicably, frowning and pouted: "No, no, you need to change clothes quickly." .” After speaking, he glared at Mo Xuan.

But Mo Xuan felt that Daiyu was just being coquettish, or shy, especially when she stared at her, her eyes were as soft as silk, charming and cute, and her neck exposed outside her nightgown was the same as last night. A rose-red imprint that was left behind at some unknown time.If it wasn't for entering the palace to thank you soon...

Mo Xuan felt the yelling from his body, and quickly interrupted the winding picture in his mind, took a few deep breaths to calm down, and then got up and said: "Then I'm going to change clothes." You put hot water on."

Seeing Daiyu nodded, Mo Xuan just turned away and found his court clothes in the closet with ease.

Daiyu didn't care about anything else, she ran into the clean room wrapped in her nightgown, and Mo Xuan really put hot water for her.Soaking her body in the hot spring water, Daiyu let out a long sigh of relief.

Mo Xuan, who had changed into the court clothes by himself, did not see Daiyu for a long time, so he couldn't help calling Ling Lan and the others who were already waiting at the door, but who knew that the first to come in was Madam Liu who was next to Princess Wujun.

Liu Mama smiled lovingly at Mo Xuan, bowed down and said: "The princess couldn't sleep well all night, so she sent this old servant here early in the morning."

As he said that, he had already walked to the side of the bed, and began to clean the bed. Mo Xuan naturally understood why Liu Nanny came, but he didn't point it out. He saw Liu Nanny unwrapping the Yuan handkerchief that had been crumpled up. After looking at it, he nodded with satisfaction and put it in the screw-nail box he brought.

Ling Lan and the others saw the joyful expression in their eyes, and listened to Mo Xuan's order: "Go to the clean room to see why the madam hasn't come out yet, and don't let anything happen."

Ling Lan and Ning'er didn't dare to delay, after squatting down and bowing, they immediately went to the clean room.But in his heart, he was happy for the word "Madame" in Mo Xuan's mouth.

The two of them waited on Daiyu in the clean room, put on new underwear, fur trousers, and wrapped in a nightgown of water red plain brocade before coming out of the clean room. It can be seen that it was made for newlyweds, amidst the water red, only the cross-necked mandarin ducks were embroidered on the corner of the clothes...

Mo Xuan sat on the Arhat's bed, and only looked back, but couldn't stop the smile spreading from the corners of his mouth and brows, but pretending not to know, he flipped through the mansion newspaper he found from nowhere.

Pulling Daiyu's green silk into a woman's high bun, Daiyu picked out a string of red coral beads from the dowry and strung them around the bun, and a piece of red coral and red gold dotted with emerald flowers flourished, and fixed it behind the bun.

Mo Xuan came over at some point, and took out two more ruby-studded hairpins from the dowry, and inserted them in Daiyu's bun with his own hands, making Daiyu who was choosing earrings stunned.Immediately, she smiled sweetly into the mirror, her indescribably charming and charming at that moment.

Because of the hickey marks on her neck, Daiyu chose a small stand-up collar with straight sleeves and a red horse skirt with pleated pleats embroidered with gold.

The gold thread on the skirt is embroidered with a picture of flowers blooming and butterflies flying together, while the sleeves of the skirt are embroidered with simple water cloud patterns alternately in silver, white and light blue. It is simple yet generous, festive yet elegant.

Daiyu nodded in satisfaction just now, but Mo Xuan took out a red gold pearl necklace from nowhere and put it around Daiyu's neck. Every few golden beads were the size of a peanut. There are red coral beads, and in the middle of the wreath hangs a carved red coral flower the size of a pigeon egg.

It was a complete set with the ornaments on his head, not to mention Daiyu, even Linglan and the others couldn't stop pursing their lips when they saw her, their eyes were full of joy and blessings.

After Daiyu finished dressing up, she simply used two gold silk scrolls, and hurried into the palace with Mo Xuan. After a set of cumbersome thanksgiving, it was almost the end of the day, thinking that she would have to worship the ancestors, and the queen would not keep them , who would have thought that he was stopped by the fifth prince Chengli in front of the palace gate.

Chengli looked at Daiyu with an aggrieved gaze, and after a long while, he pursed his lips and said, "If he treats you badly, just let me know." After speaking, he put a small brocade box into Daiyu's hand After a stop, he ran away without looking back.

Seeing this, Mo Xuan couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, but Dai Yu's eyes were red, and she opened the brocade box in her hand. Inside was a white and flawless suet bracelet. The quality of the jade was very good, but the carving was very ordinary. It was engraved by Chengli himself.

Daiyu couldn't help looking at Chengli's far away back, and sighed: "Back then I just looked at him pitifully, but he treated me so sincerely..."

Mo Xuan took a deep breath, and asked with a smile, "Could it be that I didn't treat you well back then? I gave you all my most beloved tea sets." Daiyu couldn't help but reveal herself when she thought of the set of rubbish that she treasured. smiled.

After leaving the palace, he went to Cheng'en Bo's mansion, the Mo family's ancestral hall was set up here, and the ancestors were worshipped. Mo Xuan strode ahead, and Dai Yu followed Mo Xuan slowly, and went to the main hall At present, Princess Wujun, Cheng Enbo and his wife, as well as relatives of the Mo family are already waiting there to recognize their relatives.

Daiyu looked at Mo Xuan's tall and straight figure, deliberately slowing down her pace, and couldn't help but smile at the corner of her mouth. This smile penetrated into her eyes and flowed in her heart.

————————————————————————————————————— End of the full text——————————————————————————

After more than half a year, I finally finished writing. I was a little sad. I experienced a lot in the middle. Although I didn’t think about giving up, sometimes it was difficult to persist, especially at the beginning. It cannot be said that there are no regrets.But more is very fortunate!Being able to get the support of Sister Rong, Sister Dong, and others made me persevere with reasons other than my own... It's over, according to my own wishes, I gave the story a happy ending.Everyone has a position that Gu Jing thinks is the most suitable for her... Forget it, I won't say much, I will post some extras later.I can't guarantee how much there will be, but I promised that the episode will be free.I will post it in the chapter testimonials. I don’t know how many words can be written in a chapter, but I think 1000 and [-] are still okay, right?Who knows?Write slowly.Let me not spoil the drama... Let me stop talking, let me cry for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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