Chapter 198 Mrs. Wang, Don't Run

"Confession? What does Mrs. Zheng want?" Nan asked with raised eyebrows.

Immediately, Baili Wuchen's eyes were like whirlpools in the night, as if they wanted to suck people in.Nan Qingyuan's heart felt cold, and she trembled slightly!His dark murderous aura just now was so heavy!
Baili Wuchen looked at Nan Qingqing's face expressionlessly, with a carefree expression, as if he didn't care about anything!
In order to protect that Yanyue, she really took great pains!

"Hmph... Your Majesty, no matter how much you dote on your concubine, you have to let him be punished for his own mistakes!"

Nanqing nodded in agreement with a look of understanding: "Well... not bad! Continue!"

Baili Wuchen's dark and cold eyes flashed sarcasm: "In this case, let the side Wangfu Yanyue come over and apologize to this Wangfu himself!"

"Hmm... what else?" Nan Qingqing continued to ask calmly!

"Also, of course it will be charged with murdering the husband-in-law! When the time comes, Your Majesty the Queen will not protect your husband-in-law, Yanyue, and punish him, right?"

"No!" Nan Qingwei said helplessly!She knew what she said now, and he would feel that she was making excuses to lie to him!He believed in his heart that she would not help him, and he was partial to Wang Fu Yanyue in his heart!That's why he finally said that sarcastic remark!

"Then please, Your Lady Queen, call him over to my husband. My husband will kill him himself to relieve the hatred in my heart! My husband wants to settle the old and new grudges together!"

"Now?" Nan Qingwei was surprised!
"What? Your Majesty is reluctant?" A cold smile flashed in Baili Wuchen's eyes, but it didn't reach his eyes!

"It's not that you are reluctant, but that your wound has just healed, so you shouldn't be too tired! You should take care of your body first, and then it's not too late to clean up Yanyue!" Nan gently advised in a soft tone.His body has just scabbed over!Don't be overjoyed and sad!The most important thing is to heal your wounds!
"My lord, what if my husband must punish Yanyue today?"

"If you insist, the king will have no choice but to stop you!"

"You..." Baili Wuchen clutched his chest, the wound had already opened, and the blood soon stained his white shirt red.

Nan Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, and he walked forward quickly, holding Baili Wuchen with one hand to prevent him from falling.Baili Wuchen ungratefully pushed Nan Qingqing away, wanting to get out of Parkson Palace!
Nan gently grabbed Baili Wuchen's arm anxiously, and saw him staring at Nan with red eyes, like a beast that can eat people, and might pounce on her throat at any time.

In desperation, he threw Baili Wuchen to the ground!
Nan Weiwei was startled, seeing Baili Wuchen who was thrown down by him, the wound on his chest was opened, and immediately felt distressed and blamed himself extremely remorse!Why is she here?Even if his happiness value drops, it can still rise back up, and now his wounds are opened again, let alone he will hate her even more.She can't even forgive herself for being like this!

Nan Qingwei didn't dare to be careless, Baili Wuchen was stabbed in the heart, and if he didn't handle it well, it would be fatal.

Baili Wuchen was so angry by Nan Qingqing's words that he was about to pass out, and spit out a mouthful of black blood in a fit of anger!

Nan Weiwei nervously asked Xiao Qi of the system, and she was a little relieved when Xiao Qi said that her life was not in danger!

Looking at Baili Wuchen who was about to faint, his cold eyes swept across her face.Nan Qingqing felt a dull pain in his heart like a thousand arrows piercing through his heart!
Baili Wuchen stared at the bed curtain in despair and confusion, and stopped looking at Nanqingqing!

Nan Qingyuan's eyes were red inexplicably, she knew that Baili Wuchen wanted to use his injury to bring down Wangfu Yanyue.

She vetoed it straight away, and felt that there was nothing to love in life, and he still had to live by her breath.He may feel tired and don't want to live like this!

But she really ordered him to worry about his body again!
Nan gently suppressed the tears in his eyes, and quickly helped Baili Wuchen stop the blood on his chest, and put on a bandage again before he felt relieved!
Looking at Baili Wuchen's overwhelming face, who had already fallen asleep, the outline was clear.The facial features are deep and have water chestnuts!The thin lips were originally light pink, but because of the spit out a mouthful of blood, they were stained a bit bewitching!

When the clouds are calm and the wind is light, the aura on the body of the Nine Heavens Banished Immortal is so clean that it is incompatible with this world!When the violence turns into anger, like an ancient demon descending, the dark aura is strong, making people feel chills!

Lying on the hospital bed at this time, he was less sharp when he was furious, and less indifferent when the cloud was calm and the wind was light, and he was a little more quiet and peaceful!Just like a god who is asleep, he doesn't ask why he came or went!He just wants to sleep until the end of time, and the troubles in the world have nothing to do with him!
Nan gently sat on the edge of the bed, pinching Baili Wuchen's handsome face with his fingers.The skin with cool tentacles was surprisingly smooth!It is simply better than a woman's skin!

Nan Qingwei stared at Baili Wuchen obsessively: "Wuchen heals his wounds with peace of mind, and this king will never let anyone who hurt you go. Today is not that this king wants to protect the side king Fu Yanyue, but that Yanyue has been The king entered the sky prison, and the king sent Nangong Yu to the sky prison to be his companion. I heard that the two fought hard and were seriously injured. The king ordered someone to heal them and lock them up after they recovered. Together, let them continue to fight. Wouldn't it be easier to talk about it?"

Seeing that Baili Wuchen on the bed did not respond to her words at all, Nan Qingyuan knew that Baili Wuchen was really asleep, not pretending to be asleep.

With a sigh, he continued: "Your injury, the imperial doctor said, you should take good care of it. Don't be overjoyed or sad. This king originally thought that when you recover from your injury, you can deal with Yanyue as you want! Who knows? You will misunderstand the meaning of this king, and you are so angry that you almost die without bleeding! Alas! You have to rest! This king will go down first! Before your injury heals, this king will not come to see you again. I hope you are well Rehabilitation, isn't your birthday coming soon? I hope you will make a good appearance at the birthday banquet when the time comes, and I have prepared a surprise for you!"

After finishing speaking, she placed a soft kiss on Baili Wuchen's nose, and left the main hall!
As soon as Nan Qingqing returned to the side hall, he heard the system Xiaoqi remind him: "Ding... add ten to the happiness value, add ten, add five, and finally the happiness value is 30.00% five! The killing evil value is 80.00% five!"

Nan Weiwei was startled and couldn't believe it, could it be that Baili Wuchen was awake just now?
Then he actually lied to himself?He hated her so much that he didn't even want to see her, but after hearing what she said, he realized that he didn't protect Yanyue, so he added happiness points!So he still loves her!
On the second day, Nan Qingqing sat in the court hall of Baihua Kingdom.Because Yan Yue's mother, Yan Cui Shuang, said that she has important matters to report!
So Nan Qingqing came to the morning court. If nothing happened, she didn't want to come because she wanted to go back to carve her wooden hairpin, but who knew what Yan Cuishuang said that he had found a peerless magic medicine to treat Zheng Wangfu, as long as he used this Medicine, Zheng Wangfu will get better immediately!
Seeing that she was boasting so much, and that she was well-known in civil and military affairs, she aroused her curiosity, so she stopped by to take a look, to see if it was really as amazing as she said!

The world is full of wonders, but in order to save her son Yanyue, she would not dare to talk nonsense even if she wanted to, just to confuse people's hearts!
(End of this chapter)

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