Chapter 199 Mrs. Wang, Don't Run

Looking at the uproar below, everyone was discussing whether Mr. Yan really has the magic medicine to treat Mrs. Zheng Wang, but Yan Cui's back was straight, her hands were raised, and she looked confident.

Nan gently sat on the main seat, propped his forehead with his right hand, and looked lazily at the civil and military officials who were discussing in full swing below with a pair of bright and energetic eyes!

After discussing for a long time, they finally came to the conclusion that Baihua Kingdom had never seen any magic medicine that could heal the wound within two days without leaving any scars!
Then everyone stared questioningly at Yan Cui Shuang standing in the middle of the hall!

Yan Cuishuang is the general of the Hundred Flowers Kingdom, who has lived and died for the Hundred Flowers Kingdom for many years, and has a strong killing spirit in her body!Ordinary timid people are afraid to see the scar on her face!
But Nan Qingwei didn't show any timidity at all, even when Yan Cui's sharp sword-like eyes were staring at her, she just stared at her indifferently without any fear!
She is Her Majesty the Queen of Hundred Flowers Kingdom, you are just a courtier!Is it the land of the king in the whole world, and the land of the land is the king's minister!What is she afraid of!If she wanted to suppress her with killing spirit, then her wishful thinking might be wrong.

He casually glanced at the arrogant Yan Cuishuang in the hall.Xiao Shu immediately comprehended and shouted loudly: "Bold Yan Cui Shuang, why don't you kneel when you see Her Majesty the Queen?"

"The old minister spent half his life in the army, and he was loyal to the country, but Her Majesty the Queen listened to the slander and sent the old minister's Yan'er into prison! The old minister has only such a son, and he must seek justice for my son! Please, Your Majesty, please learn from me! Don't let the old minister feel cold!"

"Oh! I don't know, the general is so powerful that he doesn't even need to salute when he sees this king! Doesn't this king remember that the previous king and this king gave the Yan family this edict to avoid kneeling?"

Unwilling to hear the words, Yan Cui Shuang knelt down and pleaded guilty: "Her Majesty makes an atonement, the old minister forgot the rules in a moment of urgency, so I ask Her Majesty to make an atonement!"

After speaking honestly, Nan gently saluted Nan, and Nan gently smiled gently: "Master Yan, you don't need to be too polite, get up! However, the rules left by the ancestors cannot be changed! This time, the king will not pursue Lord Yan's fault." It's a big crime of disrespect! But in the future, you have to be careful not to have a chance to repent every time you do something wrong!" After speaking, her gaze was as sharp as an arrow, ten times stronger than the murderous aura she released just now!
Want to scare her?What are you?
Let me show you what murderous intent is!Immediately, the air in the hall froze thinly, and even breathing felt difficult!An inexplicable chill rose in the hearts of everyone, from the back to the top of the head, until the scalp was numb!I felt as if I was being entangled by something unclean and dirty, and my heart collapsed in horror!
Seeing all the ministers under her gaze, trembling with fear, some timid ones even peed their pants in fear, immersed in their own fantasies and unable to extricate themselves, Nan gently evoked an evil smile on his lips!
This is what she got in exchange for Xiaoqi from the system. The evil ghost haunts the psychedelic electric eye!Anyone who looked into her eyes would be fooled. Obviously, everyone wanted to see how she would deal with this disrespectful Yan Cui who looked into her eyes!So they all got hit!
Even Yan Cuishuang, who was arrogant and good-looking just now, and felt that the whole world owed her, was scared out of her wits at this moment!
I saw her trembling violently, her eyes were out of focus!Apart from being dull, there is no expression in the eyes!

At this time, she was still as domineering and arrogant as before.Just a body without a soul.

Nan Qing laughed softly, and immediately woke up all the frightened and paralyzed ministers in the palace!Smelling the stench of the hall, all the ministers didn't care about watching the excitement, they all said they were sick and asked to go back, Nan Qingqing naturally agreed to all of them!

In the end, only Dongxue, Dongfeng and Xiaoshu were left in the hall, as well as Nan Qingqing on the main seat and Yan Cuishuang kneeling on his highness!

"Master Yan, what's the matter? You are old, and you are the patron saint of the Hundred Flowers Kingdom. Get up and kneel on the ground so that you, an old official, will be chilled! Xiaoshu, show Lord Yan a seat!"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen!" Xiaoshu moved a chair and put it behind Yan Cuishuang: "Please sit down, Lord Yan!"

Yan Cuishuang immediately kowtowed lightly to Nan, and shouted strangely: "The old minister dare not!"

"Hmph! How dare you! Don't you want me to give you justice in the government affairs hall of Baihua Kingdom? Otherwise, kneeling will chill your heart? I thought you were arrogant and thought you had fought a few times Don’t you know who you are after winning the battle?”

"The old minister dare not!" Yan Cui's heart sank, but when she came, she wanted to give Her Majesty a blow and force her to release her son Yanyue. She was also distressed when she heard that it was sick and seriously ill. Her son just wanted to rescue him!
Unexpectedly, Her Majesty the Queen is no longer the cowardly and deceitful appearance she was in the past, and she can frighten all civil and military officials away with a look!Even the generals she killed countless times are not as murderous as her!

When she woke up, she was almost killed by the demon!Only then did she realize that the current queen is unfathomable!
I no longer dare to be blatant and pay attention to the throne!Because I don't know what cards Her Lady Queen has!
Since it was too hard to come through, he came softly, and he knelt and crawled up to Nan Qingqing: "Your Majesty, Yanyue is sick! The old minister wants to go and see him, and by the way, ask the doctor to take a look at his illness. Your Majesty, please be accommodating and pity the old minister! The old minister is willing to use the god-defying medicine in exchange for seeing the old minister Yanyue!"

"Heaven-defying medicine? Where did you come from?"

"His Majesty the Queen, this is the old minister who saved the lives of the young and old of the Dragon Doctor's family. He gave it to the old minister! It is said that as long as there is one breath, it can be saved. There were originally two. The old minister ate one and fought for many years. All the hidden illnesses left behind have been healed. That's why I dare to use it for Zheng Wangfu!"

Nan gently put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly in front of Yan Cuishuang: "Bring me that magical medicine!"

Although Yan Cui Shuang was very unhappy, she took out the medicine first!
It is a small and exquisite blue and white porcelain vase!Nan gently opened it and smelled it, and Xiao Qi of the system immediately analyzed: "It is a middle-grade elixir! There are no side effects, and it is usable!"

Nan gently put away the porcelain vase and said: "Xiao Shu sent Master Yan to see the side Wangfu Yanyue. If the side Wang Fu Yanyue is really sick, then Lord Yan will take it back to give birth temporarily."

Yan Cui's eyes were puzzled, why did she take her back to keep?Shouldn't he go back to his Changle Palace?But at this moment, he can't control so much anymore, as long as he can take Yanyue away from the prison, he can go anywhere!

At this time, he wanted to take Yanyue away, of course he thought it would be best.But after a few days, he no longer felt that bringing Yanyue home was a good thing!
Nan Qingqing didn't care, waved him down and let him go down!
Turn around and walk quickly thinking about your own Parkson Palace!
Parkson Palace is the largest and most luxurious palace in the palace, standing in the middle of the palace!

Because, because of Baili Wuchen's injury, Nan Qingqing tried her best to seldom come here, so as not to get angry when he saw her!Not conducive to recuperation!

Now that she has obtained an intermediate elixir, she naturally wants to give Baili Wuchen a bite to be the most at ease!

As soon as she entered the palace gate, Baili Wuchen and Xiao Xingxing were writing something!With their backs to her, the two seemed to be too focused on writing.

(End of this chapter)

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