Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 102 The hospitalization fee was robbed

Chapter 102 The hospitalization fee was robbed
Chapter 102 The hospitalization fee was robbed
Shen Qingxue packs her things, and it's time to get off work.

After walking out of the building, she walked for 10 minutes before reaching the bus stop. She checked her phone and the bus would arrive in a few minutes.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise on the street, as a few cool sports cars drove over, and then roared past the road.

Shen Qingxue stared at the few luxurious sports cars passing by in a daze.

In Kyoto, this kind of scene is very common. There is never a shortage of rich people here.

But there are many people like her who can only take the bus and squeeze the subway every day.

Shen Qingxue never felt anything wrong before, but today she suddenly felt wronged and unfair.

Why can a woman like Ruan Lijiao who is so dubious and heartless can be the second generation of the second-class socialite and rich man in Kyoto?

Since she was a child, she has enjoyed fine clothes and good food, and has luxury cars when she goes out. Ruan Lijiao probably never took a bus since she was born.

Shen Qingxue is absolutely unfair, this world is too unfair!
The car to go home came, and she took a deep breath and got into the car.

Her family lives in the suburbs, and the houses there are not worth much at all, and they are all relatively old.

In fact, she also thought about renting a house in the city for the convenience of going to work, but her mother still needs money in the hospital.

The place where Shen Qingxue got off the car was the vegetable market. She bought pork ribs and prepared to cook soup at home before sending them to the hospital.

But when she returned home with the ribs, she saw the door of the house wide open, and she could vaguely see the messy things inside the door.

A thief has broken into the house!
Shen Qingxue felt like she ran in, and when she entered, she saw a mess, which was obviously rummaged through by someone.

She suddenly remembered that there was still 1000 yuan in the drawer, which she had the cheek to ask her classmates to borrow. It was cash, and she hadn't saved it in time. She planned to go to the hospital to pay the medical expenses today!

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Shen Dacheng in front of the table, the drawer had been opened, and Shen Dacheng was counting 1000 yuan in his hand.

"Uncle, that's my mother's hospitalization fee, please let it go." Shen Qingxue was about to despair.

The money was seen by Shen Dacheng, and she almost didn't want to get it back, but she still wanted to give it a try.

Shen Dacheng had just finished counting the money, and his face was stinky: "It's only 1000 yuan, I'm sorry."

With that said, he was about to put the money in his pocket.

Shen Qingxue rushed over to stop him: "Uncle, this is my mother's hospitalization fee, you can't take it away, please, without this money my mother will die."

"Hey, 1000 yuan is not enough to cure her illness. No matter how she treats her illness, she will die. It's better not to waste money. It's better to use this 1000 yuan to honor me." Shen Dacheng swept away leave her.

Shen Qingxue cried, and continued to stop him: "Please, as long as you don't take this money, I will use it to honor you when I have money."

"With your mother who is seriously ill and burns money, how can you still be rich? Get out of here, I still have to play a few games with my brother before it gets dark."

Shen Dacheng must not be allowed to take the money away. This is the hospital fee. If she can't pay it today, her mother will be kicked out.

Her mother would die if she left the hospital facilities.

Shen Qingxue hurriedly said: "I work at the Huo Corporation, and I am now the assistant to the president of the Huo Corporation. My salary is very high, and the Huo Corporation's bonus is very high. I will have money to honor you. This 1000 yuan is really urgently needed Give it back to me, uncle."

Shen Dacheng's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Are you really working at Huo's?"

Shen Qingxue nodded quickly: "Really, it's absolutely true."

(End of this chapter)

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