Chapter 103 Donations
Chapter 103 Donations
Shen Dacheng saw that Shen Qingxue didn't seem to be telling a lie, so he was immediately happy: "You have a high position in the Huo Corporation? Then can you manage the money? For a company as rich as the Huo Corporation, it is not easy to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars." Will it be discovered?"

After hearing this, Shen Qingxue's expression changed instantly.

Steal money, it's impossible!
Even if you kill her, she won't do it!
Shen Dacheng: "Can you manage the money? Can you manage the finances? Can you steal some money?"

"No, stealing public funds is illegal, I will never do it, and I'm not in the financial department, even I would not steal money." Shen Qingxue shook her head desperately.

Shen Dacheng's expression of interest just now changed suddenly. He had a fierce face: "If you can't bring me more money, then why should I return the 1000 yuan to you! Get out of here."

"Uncle, please return the money to me. Without this money, my mother will really die. Please." Shen Qingxue pulled him desperately and refused to let him go.

Shen Dacheng: "Go away, if you pull me again, I will kill you!"

Shen Qingxue was beaten several times and finally had to let go of the pain.

Shen Dacheng walked a few steps, and then gave Shen Qingxue a sip: "1000 yuan will kill you, can I trust you to work in Huo's company? Hmph, no matter whether it's true or not, I'll take you in next month Don’t even think about running away after getting paid, hum.”

After Shen Dacheng finished speaking, he strode away.

The room was in a mess, Shen Qingxue sat on the ground crying, she didn't know what to do, without the money, her mother would definitely be kicked out of the hospital.

At this time, Shen Qingxue felt more resentment and injustice in her heart.

Why do some people never worry about money from birth, but she has suffered from eating.

Shen Qingxue is very similar to Ruan Lijiao, so come to experience her life!

As soon as the thought flashed by, Shen Qingxue fell into despair, who would she turn to to borrow money now?


Suddenly, the mobile phone on the ground rang.

Shen Qingxue wiped away the tears on her face, and reached out to pick up the phone with the broken screen beside it.

It shows a call from the hospital.

Shen Qingxue's hands were trembling when answering the phone, she was very afraid of the doctor asking about the medical expenses.

After connecting the phone, before Shen Qingxue could speak, the doctor over there had already said, "Excuse me, is this Zhou Xiuyun's daughter?"

Shen Qingxue: "Yes, it's me."

She recognized this voice, it was her mother Zhou Xiuyun's attending physician.

Attending Physician: "We have some good news to tell you. Some time ago, a well-meaning person anonymously donated a huge sum of money to the hospital for those who were difficult to treat and critically ill. According to the audit and investigation, Zhou Xiuyun's patient is eligible to receive this donation."

When Shen Qingxue heard the news, she seemed to see hope.

"How much is the donation? Enough to treat my mother?"

The doctor was stunned for a moment, and replied: "It's enough for your mother to get a new kidney. There are more than 100 million patients in Zhou Xiuyun's case, which is completely enough for the surgery to find a source of kidney replacement and the later rehabilitation."

When Shen Qingxue heard this, she felt indescribably happy.

Finally, he asked curiously: "Can you find that anonymous kind person? I really want to thank him."

"I can't find it. This kind-hearted person has donated more than [-] million yuan to the entire hospital. The amount is huge. The hospital dare not use the money randomly. It took a long time to find this person. It was finally confirmed that it was indeed a donation. Now there are several critically ill patients. The patient will have a chance to live because of this donation." When he said this, the attending doctor was obviously happy and grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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