Chapter 105

Chapter 105

After Ruan Xiaoli changed her clothes and returned to the office, a cup of coffee was already placed on her desk.

Ruan Xiaoli put down his bag, sat on the seat, and gently stirred the cup of bitter coffee with a spoon. After stirring for a long time, he didn't feel like drinking it at all.

Shen Qingxue looked over there while turning on the computer.

She was looking forward to Ruan Lijiao drinking it. She added fresh milk to the bitter coffee. I heard that Ruan Lijiao hated drinking fresh milk the most.

Shen Qingxue didn't know why she was going against Ruan Lijiao, she just wanted to add something she didn't like!

As soon as Ruan Xiaoli sniffed it, she could smell something she didn't like in it, so she stirred it gently.

Has the heroine learned to resist?

Ruan Xiaoli picked up the coffee and walked over slowly: "Assistant Shen, thank you for pouring the coffee for me."

Caught off guard by being said thank you, Shen Qingxue immediately suspected that Ruan Lijiao was going to do something bad.

Sure enough, Ruan Xiaoli's hand holding the coffee suddenly tilted, and the hot coffee splashed directly on Shen Qingxue's fingers.

Shen Qingxue screamed, and then quickly pushed Ruan Xiaoli.

Ruan Xiaoli was still holding the coffee, but when pushed, the coffee spilled into her hands.

Ruan Xiaoli frowned, without any pain, she put the empty coffee cup on the table, and then hid her stinging fingers in her sleeves.

When others see the accident here, hurry over here.

"What's the matter? Miss Ruan, are your hands okay?"

"The coffee is still steaming, Miss Ruan, have you been splashed?"

All the people came to care about Ruan Xiaoli, someone accused Shen Qingxue: "Shen Qingxue, what's the matter with you, why did you deliberately throw Miss Ruan?"

"Why are you so vicious in your mind, you dare to throw people in public?"

Several of Shen Qingxue's fingers were already red, and they were about to blister. This kind of injury is the most painful.

Instead of comfort and concern, she received accusations.

Shen Qingxue admitted that she pushed Ruan Xiaoli on purpose in the end, but it was obviously Ruan Xiaoli who did it first!

Shen Qingxue: "I didn't splash her, I was just burned into a reflex action, it was Ruan Lijiao who splashed me, she did it on purpose."

"Splash you? Ms. Ruan is fine, why do you throw coffee at you? Ms. Ruan is busy, how can I have time to talk to you?"

"Miss Ruan obviously came here to thank you, but you deliberately pushed her away."

So many people are dog legs, they all speak for Ruan Xiaoli.

Even if Shen Qingxue had ten mouths, she couldn't speak to these people, and she couldn't make things big.

Ruan Lijiao is Mr. Huo's fiancée after all, and Shen Qingxue is very worried that she will be fired if she confronts her head-on.

Shen Qingxue could only shut her mouth in the end, and was wronged by others' accusations.

Ruan Xiaoli saw that it was almost done and sent the people away.

"Don't make any noise in the office, everyone go back to their seats."

After Ruan Xiaoli spoke, everyone else returned to their positions.

Ruan Xiaoli's hands hidden in her sleeves were a little numb, she still had no expression on her surface, and it was impossible to tell that she was injured.

Ruan Xiaoli raised his chin slightly, looked at Shen Qingxue proudly, then Ruan Xiaoli went out with a coffee cup.

There was no one in the tea room, Ruan Xiaoli immediately turned on the cold water tap and poured it on his swollen fingers.

But it was too late, I just stayed in the office for a while, and my fingers were already blistered.

Xiao Evil saw it, and asked angrily: "You can avoid it, why are you being pushed by her?"

(End of this chapter)

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