Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 106 Only She Ruan Xiaoli Dumps Men

Chapter 106 Only She Ruan Xiaoli Dumps Men

Chapter 106 Only She Ruan Xiaoli Dumps Men

Ruan Xiaoli: "When it's evened out, I splashed her, but she pushed me on purpose."

As for the other things about her bullying Shen Qingxue, if she donated money to Shen Qingxue's mother, it will be evened out.

Originally, there was one last world mission, which was to have someone instigate Shen Dacheng to kidnap Shen Qingxue and sell him off.

But this task will lead to Shen Dacheng kidnapping the wrong person, kidnapping Ruan Lijiao, and then Ruan Lijiao was killed by Renlun.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't want to do the ending task, and Xiao Evil also agreed not to do it.

So this task will not be done.

"Xiao Evil, am I considered to have completed the mission of the villain now?"

Huo Xi didn't like Shen Qingxue, and if there were villain missions, she wouldn't be able to find a place to do them.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't like bullying Shen Qingxue without a standpoint and without causal relationship.

So Ruan Xiaoli tried to make up for Shen Qingxue who bullied Shen Qingxue because of the task before.

Let Shen Qingxue run a few legs, kick her, and let her pick up the documents on the ground. These little bullies got more than 100 million donations to help Zhou Xiuyun, and Shen Qingxue did not lose money on this deal.

Xiao Evil listened to Ruan Xiaoli's psychological evaluation.

Suddenly helpless: "Don't be kind, or you won't be able to be a villain."

Ruan Xiaoli: "It's not kindness, but to cleanse the villain? Isn't this our ultimate goal?"

If she was kind, she would definitely refuse to do the villain mission.

Xiao Evil: "... I always assigned you to do bad things, and I almost forgot what it is to clean up. It's good, you did a good job."

To be a villain, but also to whitewash the villain, is a contradiction in itself.

Xiao Evil: "I declare that you have completed the task, but I think you can finish it, such as breaking the engagement?"

After all, Ruan Lijiao and Huo Xi broke off their engagement in the original plot.

Xiao Evil: "You have basically completed all the small tasks I assigned, but obviously the relationship between the two protagonists in this world has not yet begun. This is a very troublesome problem. Don't leave this world yet, and continue to talk about it." Bar."

Ruan Xiaoli: "So now you have to draw up your own mission?"

Xiao Evil looked at the light screen, and finally said: "I added a task for you, which is to dissolve the engagement."

Ruan Xiaoli raised his eyebrows: "I don't think I need to do this task deliberately. As long as the two protagonists fall in love with each other, Huo Xi will do everything possible to break off the engagement."

She just needs to sit and wait.

Xiao Evil: "You're lazy if you talk too much..."

Ruan Xiaoli is lazy!Don't want to take the initiative to do the task.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Just kidding, I will find a chance to take the initiative to dissolve the engagement. I am the only one who dumps a man. How can a man dump me?"

What's the matter with waiting to be canceled by others and dumped by others?

It's just so shameless, isn't it?
In order to win some face for himself, Ruan Xiaoli can't be lazy at this time!

Hearing this, Xiao Evil was instantly alert: "You are so domineering, I am looking forward to the day when you dump the male lead of the world!"

A certain CEO sitting in the office has no idea that his fiancée is thinking about how to break off the engagement with him...

Ruan Xiaoli washed her hands with cold water for a while, but still felt a burning pain. There were edible ice cubes in the tea room, so she took a piece of cloth and wrapped a few ice cubes on her hands.

Ruan Xiaoli stayed in the tea room for a while.

Back in the office, Ruan Xiaoli turned on the computer not to deal with work, but to write a letter of resignation.

Now that the mission of the villain has been completed, why is she still staying in the Huo family?
Her family's such a big company still retains her inheritance, how can she work for someone else.

Quit, quit, quit!
(End of this chapter)

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