Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 108 Shen Qingxue's Showoff

Chapter 108 Shen Qingxue's Showoff
Chapter 108 Shen Qingxue's Showoff
Ruan Xiaoli resigned and left, so unexpectedly.

Many people speculated that Ms. Ruan and Mr. Huo had a fight?

But whatever it is, it's none of their business.

Hearing that Ruan Lijiao had resigned, Shen Qingxue's joyful expression could hardly be suppressed.

Without Ruan Lijiao, no one would target her.

And why did Ruan Lijiao resign suddenly? Did Mr. Huo discover her true face?
Sure enough, people are watching, and a vicious woman like Ruan Lijiao will always be seen clearly.

Shen Qingxue happily went to the president's office with the plan she had written for a week.

If this plan has been completed, then she has made a great contribution.

Every time Shen Qingxue came outside the president's office, she was a little nervous.

She took a few breaths to relax herself, then knocked on the door.

"Come in."

A man's steady voice came from inside, not Assistant Luo Te's voice, but Mr. Huo.

There is excitement hidden in Shen Qingxue's eyes, is Mr. Huo the only one in the office now?

Every time it was Mr. Luo Te who showed her the plan, Mr. Huo is the only one here now. Will Mr. Huo handle it personally today?
Shen Qingxue tidied up her clothes, pushed the door in, and then walked slowly to the desk: "Mr. Huo, this is the jewelry promotion plan I wrote, and several changes have been made according to the requirements of Assistant Luo. , take a look."

She tried to keep her voice from shaking.

But being in the same room with such a perfect man, she even felt his breath, and Shen Qingxue's cheeks were warm.

Huo Xi glanced at Shen Qingxue with his long and narrow eyes. He didn't go to answer the planning case, but asked, "Did you get burned by coffee in the morning?"

Shen Qingxue obviously did not expect that Huo Xi would ask this matter.

How did Mr. Huo know that she was scalded by coffee?

Since Mr. Huo knew that she was scalded by coffee, he must know the whole process.

So knowing Ruan Lijiao's true face, he made her angry.

Shen Qingxue thought of Ruan Lijiao's sudden resignation. Could it be that Ruan Lijiao was fired by President Huo.

Mr. Huo is standing up for himself?
Shen Qingxue has always been very thoughtful, and she can think of many aspects of one thing, just like the more she thinks about Shen Qingxue now, the more she feels that this may be the case.

Shen Qingxue stretched out her red and swollen fingers, and said with a pitiful expression: "Miss Ruan asked me to pour coffee for her today, and I poured it for her, but when Miss Ruan walked over, she accidentally poured the coffee into my hand .”

Although these words are not embellished, it sounds like Ruan Lijiao is bullying Shen Qingxue and throwing Shen Qingxue on purpose.

Huo Xi couldn't help sneering in his heart, is Assistant Shen suing him?
Sue and accuse his fiancée in front of him?
Who gave her courage!

"So you pushed away from Jiao on purpose? You deliberately let her get burned?" Huo Xi's voice was low, not angry but mighty.

Shen Qingxue was still immersed in Mr. Huo's fantasy of seeking justice for herself, for a moment Huo Xi's words were like a dream-shattering sword.

She was stunned: "Huo... Mr. Huo..."

"I ask you, because of this, did you push her on purpose and let her get burned?"

From the monitoring, it can be seen that both of them deliberately wanted to hurt each other.

Huo Xi was angry, Ruan Lijiao, a stupid woman, why didn't she pay any attention to him when she was with him?No performance at all?

Secretly find trouble for others.

Could he explain that she was jealous?

She likes herself, but now she has learned not to express it on the surface, but secretly loves him deeply?
Shen Qingxue felt that the situation was not good, Huo always found a place for Ruan Lijiao, not to give her justice.

If so, will I be fired?

Shen Qingxue panicked.

Although she doesn't have to worry about her mother's medical expenses anymore, she really doesn't want to lose such a good job.

"I handed over this case to someone else."

Hearing Huo Xi say this, Shen Qingxue only had two words in her heart: It's over.

Looks like he's about to be fired.

Huo Xi: "Leave this case to someone else. You go to the branch office with your work card, and they will arrange a job for you."

He noticed the look in Assistant Shen's eyes when he came in. This woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Perhaps Ruan Lijiao intuitively discovered this earlier, so she targeted Assistant Shen.

Huo Xi is a person who cherishes talents. People like Assistant Shen are not suitable to work in the headquarters, but it is good to go to the branch with this ability.

"Put down the plan, go out and pack your things and go to the branch office." Huo Xi waved his hand.

Shen Qingxue just left the CEO's office in a daze.

When she realized it, Shen Qingxue only had hatred in her eyes, why? !

It was obviously Ruan Lijiao who harmed her, so why should she be demoted?Want to separate her from the headquarters?
Ruan Lijiao!
She must have said something to Mr. Huo!
Shen Qingxue returned home exhausted, she made a pork rib soup and took it to the hospital in a thermos.

There are people coming and going in the corridor of the general ward.

At this point, many family members of hospitalized patients will come to deliver meals.

Zhou Xiuyun is still recuperating in the ward, and will undergo kidney transplant surgery when her physical condition is stable.

Shen Qingxue came outside the ward, trying to make herself smile a little easier.

"Mom, I brought you food, how are you doing today?" Shen Qingxue walked in.

Zhou Xiuyun never knew that she received a donation and had money to treat her illness, and her daughter didn't have to work so hard. She was in a good mood every day, with a smile on her face.

"I'm in good condition. You came a little later today. Is the company working overtime?"

This is a multi-person ward, and many people know that Zhou Xiuyun has a young and beautiful daughter.

But I don't know where this daughter works.

Shen Qingxue somewhat hated Zhou Xiuyun saying the word "overtime" in front of so many people.

Working overtime, hearing these two words, others will definitely think that her work is very bad.

Shen Qingxue put down the insulation box with a smile: "How could you have to work overtime? Mom, it's not like you don't know that I work in Huo's company. Huo's pays you well and never advocates working overtime?"

Her voice was so loud that everyone in the ward could hear her.

Some people knew Huo's company, and they immediately showed envy and surprise in their eyes.

"Sister Zhou, it's amazing that your daughter actually works in Huo's. Your daughter must have graduated from a famous university. How capable is she to be able to enter such a good company."

"Graduating from a famous university is useless. The main thing is to have ability. Huo's company is difficult to get into. The son of the family opposite my house came back from studying abroad, but he didn't succeed in the interview. Sister Zhou, your daughter is really capable. Young She is beautiful, capable and has a good career, so she will definitely not worry about marrying in the future."


Praises like this came from all the people.

Shen Qingxue was immediately overjoyed by the praise, she raised her chin slightly, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I don't have much ability anymore, but luckily, I just happened to succeed in the interview for the job at Huo's Headquarters."

(End of this chapter)

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