Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 109 I want to break off the marriage

Chapter 109 I want to break off the marriage

Chapter 109 I want to break off the marriage

"You are in the headquarters company, Qingxue is really beautiful and capable!"

"Sister Zhou, how do you usually teach your daughter to make such an excellent daughter?"

Zhou Xiuyun felt happy seeing her daughter being praised.

Shen Qingxue felt a little guilty, because she was no longer at the headquarters company from today...

In order to show off for a while, she deliberately told others that she was in the headquarters. If someone saw her in the branch in the future, it would be embarrassing to death.

But it's unlikely...

No one would have seen her by such a coincidence... right?

Shen Qingxue was very guilty, she fed Zhou Xiuyun with pork rib soup: "Mom, take good care of your body, the source of kidney has been found, and you can have surgery in a few days."

"I found it so quickly, isn't it hard to find?"

I thought I'd have to wait a few months.

Shen Qingxue: "As long as you have money, it is not difficult to find a kidney source."

Zhou Xiuyun drank a few sips of soup: "I really want to thank the kind person who donated, Qingxue, have you found the person who donated?"

Looking for someone to donate?
Isn't this what the hospital should do? Shen Qingxue was busy with her own affairs and never looked for it.

But these words cannot be said to Zhou Xiuyun.

Shen Qingxue: "I looked for it, but I couldn't find it."

Zhou Xiuyun: "Then continue to search and ask. Donate so much money at once, and the donations to me alone amount to millions. We must look for this kind person and thank him."

Zhou Xiuyun was sincere and planned all this matter in her heart.

Shen Qingxue frowned: "Mom, don't think about it so much. The most important thing now is to take good care of your body. People like this who can donate tens of millions with just a swipe are definitely not short of money and our gratitude."

Zhou Xiuyun didn't like her daughter talking like this.

"It is their business that they have no shortage, but it is our business that we want to thank them. No matter how much money they have, it is their hard-earned money. It is a kind of good deed to be willing to donate. We must be grateful and not take it for granted. ?"

Shen Qingxue muttered: "Who knows if the money was earned by myself? It doesn't have to be the rich second generation. They are enjoying their parents' capital and squandering it at will."

Shen Qingxue thought of Ruan Lijiao.

Ruan Lijiao was born well. If she, Shen Qingxue, had such a good birth, then she must be the one who got engaged to Mr. Huo.

Shen Qingxue's face changed, she was surprised by her crazy idea.

Before she had time to think about it, Zhou Xiuyun's displeased voice came: "It's the second generation rich, and that's money from their parents' hard work, and their money didn't just fall from the sky. Qingxue, what's wrong with you recently?"

Why are you saying this all of a sudden?This kind of hatred of the rich?
My daughter was not like this before.

Seeing Zhou Xiuyun's unhappy look, Shen Qingxue suddenly softened her posture: "I was just talking fast, I didn't say that on purpose, Mom, don't be angry, I will go to find that kind donor, and you will be good too Maintain your body and wait for the surgery."

Zhou Xiuyun didn't want to get angry with her daughter, seeing that her daughter seemed to have lost weight, she touched Shen Qingxue's cheek in distress.

"You have worked hard during this time, Shen Dacheng...didn't he ask you for money?"


After Shen Qingxue came out of the hospital, her whole face was gloomy.

She hated Shen Dacheng, an uncle who was a gambler, and Ruan Lijiao, a rich second-generation duplicity who bullied others casually.

Why can such a woman enjoy money and status?Can you marry an outstanding man like Mr. Huo?
Shen Qingxue is jealous...

Shen Qingxue saw Shen Dacheng hovering in front of her house from a distance, if it was before, she would definitely hide and wait for Shen Dacheng to leave before coming out.

But today Shen Qingxue strode past, she has something to say to Shen Dacheng.
Xiao Evil: "Let me tell you something, the heroine has been blackened, and the main story line has completely collapsed."

Ruan Xiaoli: "So?"

Seeing Xiao Evil's calm tone, there shouldn't be any serious consequences, right?

Xiao Evil: "So you should hurry up and withdraw from the male protagonist of the world. If you withdraw, the two of them can start the plot. Then let's not waste time in this world and go directly to the next world to do tasks."

Ruan Xiaoli: "After I leave, what will happen to my body?"

Xiao Evil: "It will suddenly go crazy. This is the end of this body. If you are here, it will be fine, but if you leave, Ruan Lijiao will go crazy."

Ruan Xiaoli frowned: "I can go to divorce, but can I stay in this world for a while longer?

Ruan's father and Ruan's mother are very kind to me. If I suddenly go crazy, they will not be able to hold on, and the company in their hands does not have a successor, which is really a pity. "

Xiao Evil: "Okay, I will give you a vacation, you can stay in this world if you want, anyway, it won't take long for me, but you can't empty any task in the next world, give me more Earn points."

"it is good."

Ruan Xiaoli pursed her lips, hoping that the ending of the next villain in the world would not be reincarnated, otherwise she would definitely miss the mission.

It's okay to do tasks, she can do murder, arson, framing and framing people, but chastity is the bottom line.

She has never liked anyone before, and she doesn't want to have this experience.

Ruan house.

Ruan's mother and Ruan's father were surprised when they heard that their daughter had resigned.

"Jiaojiao, why are you resigning? Did Huo Xi give you a bad look?" Ruan's father might be very angry when he thought of this: "It's okay, just resign. Does our daughter of the Ruan family still need this job? , you can rest assured at home."

Ruan's mother looked at her husband's dead character, so she patted him and signaled him to stop talking, she came to ask.

"Jiaojiao, tell mom why you resigned suddenly?"

Ruan Xiaoli sat on the sofa in soft pajamas.

With a glass of juice in her hand, she lazily spit out an explosive sentence: "I want to divorce."

"Pfft!" Father Ruan said.

"..." Mother Ruan.

Ruan's father had just picked up a cup of tea and was about to drink it, when he spit it out, and then he didn't realize what his daughter said.

Mother Ruan heard it clearly, but she didn't know what to say.

Father Ruan came to his senses.

"Retirement? Good girl, is what you said true? Have you finally discovered that Huo Xi is good-looking and capable, but nothing else. There is nothing to like at all. Retiring the engagement is the most sensible choice !"

Ruan Xiaoli took a sip of the juice, frowned slightly, and looked at his father with some disgust.

The poor Ruan father is still the president of a large company group. He is usually majestic and majestic, and this is the virtue when he comes home.

Father Ruan knew that he was a bit disqualified, so he quickly got serious: "Jiaojiao, why do you suddenly want to divorce? Did Huo Xi do something to offend you outside?"

Oh, Father Ruan's guess is really accurate, but this is the original plot, and it hasn't happened yet.

Ruan's mother pushed Ruan's father: "How could you talk like that, Huo Xi didn't look like that kind of person."

"You women don't know how to look at men. Men look at men with certainty. Huo Xi's face is very affectionate."

Xiao Evil: "I think your dad can go and tell people's fortunes."


(End of this chapter)

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