Chapter 410 Angry

Chapter 435 Angry

Wearing a short dress, Ruan Xiaoli was standing at the stairs, her eyes fixed on him.

Nan Qilin's eyes were full of joy, and he walked over: "Where did you go today? I went back to the store and heard that you resigned. I was worried about you all day. Where did you go?"

His voice was a little hurried, and his whole face was full of unbearable anxiety.

It was the first time Ruan Xiaoli saw Nan Qilin in such a mess.

Ruan Xiaoli did not forget the current situation.

Ruan Xiaoli's face was cold: "Just go out and walk around."

She wasn't going to tell him where she had been.

Ruan Xiaoli went to the door and took out the key to open the door, opened the door and entered the room, then poured himself a glass of water to drink.

Nan Qilin followed behind her, but she ignored him the whole time.

There was something wrong with the atmosphere.

Nan Qilin thought about it, maybe he was resigned, so he was in a bad mood.

"Don't take the manager's words to heart. They just talk nonsense because they don't understand you. It's fine if you resign. We can continue to look for other jobs." Nan Qilin comforted.

Ruan Xiaoli heard us in his words: "Us?"

"Yes, it's us, because I also resigned, and tomorrow we will go out to find a job together?" Nan Qilin said with a smile.

Ruan Xiaoli frowned, glanced at him quietly, then turned around and was about to go back to the room, and said, "I'm tired, I need you to find it yourself, I'll rest tomorrow."

Nan Qilin paused, something was wrong with her...

"Okay, it's fine to rest at home tomorrow. What do you want to eat tomorrow? I'll go shopping."

"do not know."


Bang, the door of the room closed.

The light in the living room was a little dim, the man stood in front of the table without saying a word, his eyes were lowered to look at the glass of water she had just drunk on the table.

Is she angry?

Was it the store manager who said something too much?
But Nan Qilin felt that Gong Linli would not be angry because of others' words, it was not worth it at all, she was angry at... herself...

The already quiet home became even quieter this day.

The next morning Nan Qilin got up, cleaned the whole house, and then went out to buy vegetables.

Nan Qilin was walking on the street, holding the spare ribs he just bought, he was in a trance for a moment.

Unknowingly, the life of the former Prime Minister Donglin who was strategizing has been thousands of miles away from him, and he has also adapted to life in this world.

Going to and from get off work like an ordinary person, when you go shopping and cooking, what you think about is ordinary things, instead of calculating which minister to restrain, how to suppress those disobedient things in the court .

Although he is now living an ordinary life and doing ordinary things, he still cannot restrain his small ambitions.

Nan Qilin desperately wants to achieve greater achievements, and wants to buy a house and a car.

It's time to give her the best reward.

The corner of Nan Qilin's mouth curled into a smile, and he had already walked downstairs before he knew it.

Go upstairs and cook for her.

Nan Qilin even took the house key to make a photocopy today, so that he won't be unable to enter the door in the future.

It's a pity that Gong Linli ignored him, and he still wanted to ask for her mobile phone number, so that she won't be able to find her in the future.

Nan Qilin opened the door with the key he had just copied, and when he opened the door, his body froze.

Because there is no one in the house at all.

Nan Qilin was keenly aware that there was no one in the room, so she went out.

When she went out to buy groceries just now, she was obviously still sleeping, why did she leave after a while.

I don't know when I'll be back.

Nan Qilin silently went to the kitchen to cook, maybe she just went out to buy something and would be back in a while.


In a certain park, Ruan Xiaoli was wearing a one-shoulder skirt, showing beautiful right-angled shoulders, collarbone, and swan neck, and every exposed skin was perfect.

She is sitting on a swing in the park.

Xiao Evil: "Tsk tsk, the hero likes you."

When I came back last night, I could see the change in the male protagonist's expression, and he was enlightened.


"Xiao Li, are you going to stay here for a day?"

"There's no one here, it's very comfortable to sit here."

Xiao E is anxious: "But now the male lead has opened up to you, and now he has quit his job with the female lead's uncle, so he and the female lead can't get in touch anymore. How can you be jealous if you don't get in touch?"

"Didn't they spend the night together the night before yesterday, that's enough."

"Not enough. After all, what you want to do is to hurt the heroine. The heroine must be very close to the hero before you have a good reason."


Now that Nan Qilin has resigned from the store, is it possible for him to have contact with the heroine?

Ruan Xiaoli swayed gently on the swing, closed his eyes and said, "If Gong Linli doesn't touch Kong Qing, Kong Qing will come and cling to him."

Kong Qing is a narcissistic and proud person. She has always enjoyed the feeling of being sought after by others. She must have never been rejected. The more she is rejected, the more embarrassed she feels, and the more she wants to conquer those who reject her .

So Kong Qing will definitely come to cling to Nan Qilin.

Xiao Evil: "So you are waiting?"


The task cannot be rushed.

Ruan Xiaoli stayed in the park all morning as autumn, and in the afternoon she went to lie down on a hidden bench all afternoon, and in the evening she ate a bowl of rice before going back.

As soon as I got back, I heard some voices at the stairs.

Sure enough, Nanqilin's very attractive bait is there, and the fish will definitely take the bait.

The door of the room was not closed, Ruan Xiaoli heard voices coming from inside.

"Brother Nan, why do you want to resign? It's not that my uncle said something too much. Can you not resign? I can apologize to you for him." Kong Qing said in a sweet and greasy voice.

Nan Qilin's face was cold: "Go out, if you don't go out, I will do it."

"Brother Nan, what's the matter with you? When we went to the suburbs together that day, you were very kind to me. Why are you so indifferent now? Did my uncle really say something excessive to you? "


Kong Qing stretched out his hand to pull Nan Qilin.

Ruan Xiaoli heard the commotion inside, stepped into the room, and just stood at the door when he saw Kong Qing pulling Nan Qilin's movements.

The handsome man and the beautiful woman are alone in the room chatting and chatting, it is really difficult for people not to misunderstand.

Ruan Xiaoli stood at the door in shock and without making any difference.

Nan Qilin looked up and saw her, and was pleasantly surprised: "Lin Li, you're finally back."

The little evil covered his face: "Sin, the male lead is waiting for you, a prodigal husband, at home like a good wife."


God knows what is going on in Xiao Evil's head every day.

Ruan Xiaoli frowned: "Have guests? Then you go ahead, I'll go downstairs for a while."

Nan Qilin suddenly realized something, went directly to grab Ruan Xiaoli: "It's not a guest, it's a very rude person who barged in, borrow your mobile phone, I'll call the police now."

(End of this chapter)

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