Chapter 411
Chapter 436
It was expected that Ruan Xiaoli knew about Nan Qilin's character, but now that he heard such heartless words from him, Ruan Xiaoli silently shed a tear for Kong Qing.

Nan Qilin also urged: "Lend me your mobile phone. Since this person can't leave, I can only ask the police to invite me."

Kong Qing just watched Nan Qilin pull Ruan Xiaoli, and listened to him saying that he wanted to call the police to ask her to leave.

Kong Qing couldn't believe it: "Brother Nan, why are you so ruthless? I pester you because I like you. I'm just chasing you. Can you take me seriously?"

Nan Qilin frowned: "You like me, but I don't like you. Your pursuit is now a problem for me."

And it's not necessarily how much she likes herself.

I don't like it like this, at most I want to conquer.

Kong Qing was crying pear blossoms with rain: "Brother Nan, can you tell me what kind of girl you like? I can be what you like."

Nan Qilin felt that he had made it very clear, and he also understood that Kong Qing was a person who couldn't make sense.

"Please leave, or I will really call the police."

In fact, he could have reached out to pull him out, but Nan Qilin didn't want to touch her.

Kong Qing cried and turned his eyes to Ruan Xiaoli: "You like her, right? Why does she appear here at night? Are you really living together?"

When she returned to the store today, she heard about Nan Qilin's resignation, and she blamed her uncle for dismissing him casually.

At the same time, her uncle also told her that Nan Qilin and Gong Linli lived together, Kong Qing didn't believe it at first...

"Nan Qilin, don't live with her, don't like her, okay? Don't be fooled by her, do you know how many boyfriends she has had? Every night, I go to nightclubs with a large group of men. For one night, such a person is not worthy of you at all."

Kong Qing started the mode of pouring beans, and exhausted his words to describe Ruan Xiaoli as a girl fooling around.

Does going to a nightclub have to be fooling around?
Many friends of the opposite sex must be fooling around?

Kong Qing's voice was the only voice in the whole room, Kong Qing didn't notice her embarrassment at all, and just smeared Gong Linli according to her own ideas.

Nan Qilin's face was very cold.

Ruan Xiaoli stood aside disapprovingly, as if what Kong Qing said had nothing to do with him.

"Shut up."

Nan Qilin couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed Kong Qing directly with his hands wrapped in clothes, and pushed her out of the door.

Kong Qing was frightened, she didn't expect Nan Qilin to do such an ungentlemanlike thing.


Everyone in Nanqilin has been killed, and the blood on their hands has killed hundreds of people. Now, simply pushing her out of the door is considered the most benevolent.

"Why did you push me? Don't you believe what I'm saying? I have evidence that I filmed her going to a nightclub."

"I know all this, but it's none of your business, Miss Kong."


Ruan Xiaoli yawned: "You guys are endless, do you want to get out together?"

Little Evil: "Pfft, hahaha..."

Nan Qilin's face was stunned for a moment, and then he slammed the door shut: "It's over, it's over, she will leave soon, Lin Li, don't be angry."

"Pfft..." Xiao Evil was holding back his laughter.

Ruan Xiaoli gave him a blank look: "I don't like other people coming to the house to make a scene. If you want to get involved with her, you should move out of here quickly. Don't make trouble in front of me if you are in a relationship. It will dirty my eyes." .”

She came back, Nan Qilin was about to talk a lot, but now he was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Ruan Xiaoli went to the balcony to collect the clothes.

Nan Qilin followed: "I'm not dating Kong Qing."


And its perfunctory.

Nan Qilin continued: "I know you don't like to make noise. I was wrong today. I brought this kind of person into the house. I won't do it in the future."


"Lin Li...can you take care of me? Since last night, you have been treating me indifferently. What are you angry about? Can you tell me?" Nan Qilin asked sincerely, with eyes There is a trace of cautiousness in it, and... grievance.

He didn't have a key to enter the door that day, so he looked for her outside all day, and waited for her to come back at the door until late at night, but she didn't even look at him for a few seconds after returning.

The meal was prepared today, but she didn't come back after waiting for a whole day.

Nan Qilin knew she was angry.

Ruan Xiaoli took off the clothes she hung on the balcony, a black deep V dress, and a small dress. She held it in her hand and turned her head: "I'm not angry, you didn't offend me, and you didn't scold me. Nothing, why should I be angry with you?"

"Lin Li, you are lying."

Ruan Xiaoli wanted to get out of the balcony, but Nan Qilin blocked her way with his body.

"Talk to me, okay? Where did you go during the day? It's so hot outside, have you eaten today?"

Nan Qilin used to be very careful and caring about people, but he didn't talk much, but now he talks too much, because he has no sense of security, and he cares a lot about Gong Linli's attitude towards him.

"Nan Qilin, can you let me put the things away before talking, don't you think it's embarrassing for us?" Ruan Xiaoli said helplessly.

Nan Qilin glanced at the clothes in Ruan Xiaoli's hands, his face blushed, his ears were numb, he quickly moved his eyes to get out of the way.

Ruan Xiaoli went back to the house with his clothes.

In the pitch-black space, Xiao Evil covered his eyes: "Tsk tsk, the male lead has been the prime minister for so many years, so he hasn't seen a girl's bellyband or something like that."

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at his little clothes: "The bellyband is not as beautiful as this."

Xiao Evil: "Hahaha, Xiaoli, you are good or bad."

Ruan Xiaoli turned on the air conditioner in the bedroom, and put the clothes on the bed to dry. The clothes in this summer were extremely hot after drying outside for a day.

Nan Qilin stood in the living room, his mind was full of the little dress he saw just now, it was damned, he shouldn't have looked at it.

Does she feel that she disrespects her?

As soon as Ruan Xiaoli came out, he saw Nan Qilin standing there with his head down and his expression unclear.

"By the way, Nan Qilin, did the store manager pay you when you resigned?"

Nan Qilin didn't know why she suddenly asked this, but he said, "No."

"You didn't ask him?"


Ruan Xiaoli: "'re so stupid."

I worked for half a month, and when I resigned, I didn't even know how to get a salary. Now I'm going to drive you out to sleep on the street.

Ruan Xiaoli leaned against the door frame, folded his arms and said with a smile, "How can you survive without money? I think the store manager likes you very much, especially his niece who likes to come to court you. You can go back to the store." work, and can negotiate a higher salary~”

The tone of yin and yang is strange.

Nan Qilin's face darkened: "Lin Li, speak carefully."

(End of this chapter)

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