Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 412 Move out before the end of the month

Chapter 412 Move out before the end of the month

Chapter 437 Move out before the end of the month

speak politely?

OK, then she'll talk nicely.

Ruan Xiaoli put away the smile on his face: "Move out from here before the end of the month."

After she finished speaking, she walked past Nan Qilin, but within a few steps, Nan Qilin grabbed her hand.

Nan Qilin lowered his head and asked, "Can you tell me why? Why did you suddenly ask me to move away?"

She is angry, but if you are angry, don't ask him to move away, okay...

Nan Qilin was extremely depressed, and this suppressed and unable to release emotion made him feel less and less like himself.

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at his wrist: "Release."

Nan Qilin paused for a few seconds, but slowly let go of his hand.

Ruan Xiaoli moved his wrist, and silently stepped back a few steps.

The harm she did to Nan Qilin by taking a few steps back...

"Why do you want to move away? Isn't it a very simple reason? Both of us have no jobs now, and you haven't even settled your salary. Do you still want me to support you?"

Nan Qilin wanted to speak, but was speechless.

Ruan Xiaoli continued: "I suggest you go back to work in that dessert shop, because I think their family likes you very much, and your stay there will definitely be a good harvest for both career and family."

"Lin Li!" Nan Qilin interrupted her immediately, but realized that what he said was a bit heavy, he quickly slowed down his voice: "Lin Li, don't talk about that dessert shop, I choose to resign because I won't Meaning to go back."

Ruan Xiaoli shrugged: "Well, anyway, you have no income now, your salary has not been settled, and I have no job, so it is not too much for me to let you move out, right?
Originally taking you in was already the best of humanity, but now I am having a hard time, and it is not too much to let you move out before the end of the month. "

Xiao Ei felt sorry for the male lead when he heard this, even though Ruan Xiaoli was telling the truth.

But the male protagonist is like a man who is eating soft food now, and every word he says hurts the male protagonist's self-esteem and slaps him in the face.

Xiao Ei seriously suspected that Ruan Xiaoli said this to promote the rapid growth of the hero.

Nan Qilin lowered his head and said nothing.

Ruan Xiaoli continued: "What my sister and my mother said and what the store manager said gave me some epiphanies. After all, we have no relatives and no reason and we are not children anymore. I rented this place, so if you want to move, you have to move out, go before the end of the month."

Hearing this, Nan Qilin knew that what she said was false.

When her mother and younger sister came here, they spoke so harshly. She was sensible, neither humble nor overbearing, and was not afraid of those words.

How could he let himself move out for this reason now?
She is lying.

But even knowing that Gong Linli was lying, Nan Qilin had nothing to say.

He lives in her territory.

"Okay... I will move out before the end of the month." Nan Qilin said softly.

Ruan Xiaoli's expression flickered, and he smiled immediately: "That's what you said, hurry up and move out before the end of the month, to be honest, I still prefer to live alone, the sooner I move out, the sooner I can relax, and enjoy the life of living alone. Life."


Nan Qilin stood on the spot, his body trembled, he couldn't see his expression clearly with his head down.

Ruan Xiaoli yawned and went to the kitchen.

Xiao Evil: "...Xiao Li, the male lead was hurt by you."


"Tsk tsk, in the original plot, when the male lead moved away, he was straightforward. In reality, the male lead was stabbed several times by your words."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't speak.

Isn't that great?

To avenge the original owner, the male lead in the original plot went straight, but what about the original owner whose life was disturbed by him?

It was like being stabbed with a soft knife, the wound didn't hurt and grew flesh and got used to it, but in the end the knife was pulled out mercilessly, taking the flesh and blood away.

Ruan Xiaoli also felt that his thoughts were extreme and crooked, but this was Gong Linli's psychology at the time.


Ruan Xiaoli went out after breakfast, wearing nice clothes and delicate makeup before going out.

Nan Qilin didn't even have time to ask for her phone number, so he could only watch her go out.

Nan Qilin couldn't sit still guarding the empty room, so he just followed her out, walked quickly to the intersection, and followed her from afar.

Follow her, at least you can know where she goes every day.

Nan Qilin also knew that he shouldn't do such a thing now, he should look for a job, but... please allow him to indulge this day.

He is very scared now, since she got angry, Nan Qilin always felt that if this girl is not caught, she will disappear from his life.

Nan Qilin followed closely all the way.

Today is cloudy, and there is still some breeze, but it is quite cool. The streets are full of people coming and going.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't take a taxi or take a bus, but walked slowly.

Ruan Xiaoli soon realized something was wrong.

Xiao Evil also reported: "The hero is following you."


Ruan Xiaoli walked slowly, and then headed towards an alley.

Nan Qilin didn't know what she was doing in that secret place, so he could only follow slowly. He just walked to the entrance of the alley when he saw Ruan Xiaoli standing in the middle of the road.

The expression on her face was very flat, as if she knew that he was following.

Nan Qilin was a little surprised, how did she find herself?

Even the secret agents of his world may not be able to discover his stalking.

"Don't follow me, okay?"

Nan Qilin opened his mouth: "I..."

"Don't deny it, Nan Qilin, you've been following me since the intersection. I thought we were just dropping by, but you followed me into this alley, which means you're indeed following me."

Ruan Xiaoli walked over slowly: "Nan Qilin, what do you mean by following me? With your character, you won't be trying to kill me."

"How could I harm you, I just want to know where you are going." Nan Qilin laughed.

"Where I go is none of your business. Don't follow me. The most important thing you should do now is to find a way to become financially independent and move out before the end of the month, instead of wasting time on me. If you do this, I will misunderstand you."

"What's the misunderstanding?" Nan Qilin asked in a hoarse voice.

Ruan Xiaoli was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "I misunderstood that you like me, that's why you follow me."

She was already exquisite and beautiful, and today she put on a particularly good-looking makeup, and her eyes were charming when she smiled.

Nan Qilin's Adam's apple rolled: "You can misunderstand like this."

... Ruan Xiaoli frowned slowly, and finally showed a disgusted expression, and walked past Nan Qilin directly.

This time Nan Qilin didn't follow, he stood alone in the alley for a long time.

He put his hand on his chest, and it hurt somewhere just now, because of her expression...

Just now he almost expressed his mind completely, but that was also equivalent to expressing his mind.

She didn't respond to herself.

No, I responded, just responded with a disgusted look, this should be rejecting him?
(End of this chapter)

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