Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 414 Xiaoli, please start your performance

Chapter 414 Xiaoli, please start your performance

Chapter 439 Xiaoli, please start your performance

Later, the store manager called Kong Qing several times, but the call was always busy.

Is this blocked?

No, my niece has always had a good relationship with him, maybe she just turned off her phone during piano lessons.

It might be, it must be.

The store manager looked at the empty and deserted store. He had never done anything successfully in his life. Opening a store has always been his wish.
Ruan Xiaoli dated and played with his friends all day long.

In fact, Ruan Xiaoli almost sat in the corner this day, there was no other way, Ruan Xiaoli really didn't know how to dance.

The character of the original owner is that he can be quiet when he is quiet, and he can be crazy when he is agitated, but the person in this body is Ruan Xiaoli after all. Ruan Xiaoli is a person with a quiet personality and cannot make trouble.

Xiao Evil was helpless: "Are you bored?"


She won't be bored, Ruan Xiaoli won't feel bored, she wished she could sit alone and no one would pay attention to her.

Even if Ruan Xiaoli is locked in a small black room without giving her any entertainment, she will not be bored.

Because she has experienced endless and long boredom before, and she is used to it.

"Lin Li, don't sit around all the time, come and play with us." A girl came over and grabbed Ruan Xiaoli's arm, trying to pull her over to go crazy together.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled: "Forget it, I'm a little tired, just watch you play."

"Why are you tired? It's so boring to sit still when you come here today. Come and play with us."

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Ruan Xiaoli could only urinate in the end.

It is simply too difficult for people who are not used to excitement and don't like it.

Ruan Xiao left a bathroom, washed her hands, touched up her makeup casually, and when she got out of the bathroom, she saw a familiar person.

A handsome boy in a shirt with a familiar face.

Xiao Evil covered his face, and helplessly reminded: "Lin Yi, the little boy who wants to pursue you."

I remembered.

Ruan Xiaoli was about to say hello to him, but before he could speak, he spoke first.

Lin Yi: "Lin Li, have you been in a bad mood recently?"

He didn't seem to come to the toilet, but came to find her specifically.

Ruan Xiaoli brushed the hair next to his ear, and replied: "No, I'm just a little tired from work, so I don't want to make trouble today. By the way, I'll go back first. Say hello to everyone for me."

Lin Yi was a little worried. Every time Lin Li came to play in the past, even if he was really unhappy, he would vent it out while playing. He would never sit by the side in silence. Today's Lin Li is too strange up.

By the way, not only today, but the last few times I came out to play with Lin Li were different from before.

Since when is it different?It seems that something has changed since the man with long hair came.

"Lin Li, it's hard to come out to play, let's play for a while, let's have dinner together at night."

The little evil noticed the subtle expression of this young man, and he swiped the light screen to take a look, and sure enough, he set up a point deduction.

Little Evil wants to cry but has no tears. It's so difficult to have a host who doesn't like to abide by the human design and is discovered by others.

But what can we do?The host I choose, I pamper myself.

"No, I have something to do tonight, let's have dinner together."

There must be two or three hours before the dinner, Ruan Xiaoli is a bit disgusted by the noise here.

Lin Yi became more suspicious, and he couldn't help asking: "Are you going to find that man named Nan Qilin?"


"Lin Li, you've become very strange recently. Is something wrong with you? If you need any help, you can tell us." Lin Yi asked cautiously again: "That man named Nan Qilin , I have a strange feeling all over my body, I suggest you be careful with him."

Ruan Xiaoli digested his words and seemed to understand, did this kid make up a lot of things in his head?

She was helpless: "What are you thinking? I was really tired and calmed down. Nothing happened to me. As for Nan Qilin, he is not surprised. He is a normal person just like us, and he has no bad intentions."

"Lin Li."

"Okay, I'll go first, I wish you all a good time."

Ruan Xiaoli left the bar and didn't go home, but went to sit in the milk tea shop.

The decoration of this milk tea shop is particularly luxurious, and a cup of milk tea costs hundreds of dollars, because this is a consumption area for the rich, and there are luxury cars on the street, and the rich second generation of consumers come and go.

She is waiting for a fish, waiting for the fish to bite.

The little villain in the space rolled on the carpet boredly, until he saw the picture displayed on the light screen, Kong Qing in a long white dress entered the store, and he immediately sat up straight: "Little Li, please start your performance. "

From the corner of Ruan Xiaoli's eyes, he caught a glimpse of Kong Qing who was entering the door, a smile flickered across his mouth, and then he lowered his head and drank milk tea. Ruan Xiaoli adjusted his body slightly sideways, so that people who entered the door could see her side face.

Kong Qing came in alone, she was waiting for the little sister.

I thought today would be an ordinary day, but I knew that I saw an annoying person as soon as I entered the door.

Kong Qing saw the girl sitting by the window drinking milk tea at a glance, Gong Linli?

Can she afford such a place?Wearing such a short skirt to spend money in this kind of place, wouldn't it be to tease the second generation of the rich?

Kong Qing felt that there was a possibility. Thinking of the room last time, she could imagine how poor Gong Linli was.

Kong Qing controlled her expression, tried to look sweet and gentle, and then walked to the seat by the window: "When I entered the door, I thought I had read it wrong, but I didn't expect it was really Miss Gong."

Ruan Xiaoli looked up, with a forced smile on his face: "It's you."

Kong Qing noticed that her expression was not right, what seemed to be sad?
"Can I sit here?"

Although he asked this verbally, Kong Qing sat down opposite Ruan Xiaoli in the next second.

"Why is Miss Gong here alone? Are you waiting for someone?"


"No, the cup of milk tea in front of Ms. Gong should cost one or two hundred. It's rare for you to be willing to come to this kind of place for a drink. I see that Ms. Gong's expression is sad for something?"

The lines between the words are full of yin and yang, but Kong Qing's expression and tone of voice are gentle and sweet.

This acting is amazing.

Others looked at it from a distance and thought it was two girlfriends joking and chatting.

Ruan Xiaoli lowered his eyes, his eyes were full of sadness, but he suppressed it: "No, I don't have any sad things, I suddenly remembered that there are still things to do first."

"Don't leave in a hurry, is something happened between you and Nan Qilin?" Kong Qing asked speculatively.

"No! Nothing happened to us, Nan Qilin will come back, he will come back!"

Suddenly Ruan Xiaoli went crazy, his eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth when he spoke.

Kong Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then there was joy in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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