Chapter 415 Nan Qilin Gone

Chapter 440 Nan Qilin Gone

"Don't lose your temper. What's the matter? Did Brother Nan leave you?"

"Brother Nan, what do you call him?"

When Ruan Xiaoli heard this name, he immediately felt like being stimulated, his eyes were terrifying, Kong Qing was a little scared, but thinking that this is a high-end consumer area, there are security guards at the door, so nothing will happen.

Kong Qing liked to see her collapsed, she smiled and said, "Why are you so surprised, Brother Nan and I are very familiar, don't you know?"

"But last time he was clearly driving you away."

"Are you talking about what happened at your house last time? That's because I made Brother Nan angry, but now Brother Nan has forgiven me." Kong Qing lied without guilt, with a natural expression on his face no.

This is hypocrisy since childhood, so it is so natural to lie.

Ruan Xiaoli couldn't believe it, and asked sadly, "What's your relationship with him?"

When this question was asked, Kong Qing on the opposite side blushed, and said vaguely, "It's just friends, even though he's been recently."

Xiao Evil is about to vomit.

"Xiao Li, did you guess that the heroine is such a person and that's why you're here waiting for her?"

Everything that doesn't exist will be said by the heroine of the world. This is really thanks to the heroine.

Ruan Xiaoli was really sure that the character of the heroine was waiting for her, but he didn't expect her to be so "on the road".

Ruan Xiaoli stood up excitedly: "Is Nan Qilin here with you? Has he gone to your place? Obviously I met him first, and I helped him when he was most difficult, but he abandoned him. Me, why, why? I helped him but I'm not even a friend?"

This is the line in the original plot.

Ruan Xiaoli knew it would be abrupt to say it now, but it was appropriate to say it to the heroine, whether it was for the mission or to complete the original plot.

With these words, Kong Qing already understood what happened.

Nan Qilin left?
Kong Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and looked at Ruan Xiaoli with a smile: "Miss Gong, in fact, many things have to be found in oneself. People like Nan Qilin's natural style is not an ordinary person. You Why bother to pick people up?"

Xiao Evil: "Grass, this sentence is exactly the same as in the original plot."

When reading the original plot story, it still felt that there was nothing wrong with this sentence. Gong Linli and Nan Qilin were not on the same ladder. What Kong Qing said was reasonable, but no matter how I listened to it now, I felt discrimination and malicious.

"What do you mean by that? Why did I pick him up? I was the one who picked me up. I gave him a place to eat and live. Why did he leave? He never contacted me after he left, even if he didn't like it." Me, that can be considered a friend." Ruan Xiaoli's mood was very unstable.

Kong Qing was surprised, Nan Qilin was picked up by Gong Linli
No wonder they live together, but judging by the current situation, Nan Qilin has left, and Nan Qilin and Gong Linli have a very cold relationship.

This is easy to handle, as long as he hasn't fallen in love with others, he will always have a chance.

Kong Qing looked at the sad Gong Linli, why not take this opportunity to test her thoughts.

"Gong Linli, it's true that you helped Nan Qilin, but he has no obligation to be your friend or even like you. Your ideas are deformed.

And he already has someone he likes. Sooner or later, I will establish a relationship with him. Please hurry up and live a good life. Don't continue to torture yourself for people who are not yours. "

On the light screen of Xiao Evil, one side is the outside picture, and the other side is the novel version of the original plot.

It looked at the mouth and twitched: "It's exactly the same as the words in the original plot."

This is really owed, but every word and every word makes sense.

Not to mention that the heroine has nothing to do with Nan Qilin now.

Just say that in the original plot, the male and female protagonists are just friends at this time, and the heroine said these words to the original owner, which is too much and obviously intentional.

The heroine of this world is not a kind person, but a scheming girl in disguise.

"He likes you? Did he go to your place?" Ruan Xiaoli quickly approached Kong Qing.

Kong Qing was taken aback: "What do you want to do? Don't be impulsive, be careful I'll call someone."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't hear what she said at all, she was muttering something to herself, then turned around and ran out quickly.

Seeing her run away, Kong Qing was quite frightened.

Why is Gong Linli crazy? Is Nan Qilin so important to her?

It's useless to be important, some things are destined to be beyond her reach.

Kong Qing changed seats in a good mood, then ordered a cup of milk tea and sat waiting for her little sister to come shopping.

After getting the desired result, Ruan Xiaoli was in a good mood.

Xiao Evil: "With the words of the female lead, even if the male lead is not with her, it can be regarded as being together. Xiao Li, when are you going to hurt the female lead?"

"What do you think?"

"I still have to wait, there must be a brewing process, and be more realistic."


I am in a good mood today, it is rare that today is cloudy and the weather is cool, Ruan Xiaoli walked slowly all the way back to his residence.

She also bought ribs, which she plans to cook for the evening.

When she opened the door, although she had expected that Nan Qilin might leave, she was still dazed for a moment when she saw the empty room.

Gone, he really is gone.

The ancient costume that was usually neatly placed on the sofa was gone, and his clothes were not drying on the balcony.

Nan Qilin didn't have anything when he came here, but now he left completely, as if he had never appeared before, and this month's life was just her dream.

Ruan Xiaoli brought the dishes to the kitchen, and then began to cook quietly and orderly.

I cook by myself, quietly by myself, prepare the meals and bring them to the living room, eat alone, take a shower after eating, wash clothes, go back to the room, and live in an orderly manner.

It was like this for the next few days, and Nan Qilin didn't know where he went, as if he had disappeared.

Ruan Xiaoli never looked for him.

Kong Qing was looking for Nan Qilin.

Knowing that Nan Qilin was gone, Kong Qing wanted to seize this opportunity.

It was late at night when Ruan Xiaoli got off work.

She recently found a new job as a graphic model. She is already good-looking and has a good figure, so she can live on this bowl of food. The income of this job is also very considerable, but the early stage is tiring every day, constantly changing clothes and taking pictures.

It was late at night, and there were many people on the street, so Ruan Xiaoli took a taxi to go back.

When getting out of the car, Ruan Xiaoli paused holding the bag, and glanced out the window.

Driver: "A total of 30 yuan."

"Yeah." Ruan Xiaoli paid and got out of the car.

There are few people here, and there are only dim street lights on the street, Ruan Xiaoli needs to walk for a while to get to the downstairs where he lives.

It wasn't until she went upstairs that a man came out of the alley.

Nan Qilin was wearing a black suit, and his slightly long hair was tied up with a small rubber band. He was already angry just now for fear that she would find out.

"It's really annoying to come back so late every time"

(End of this chapter)

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