Chapter 417 She Moved Away
Chapter 442 She Moved Away
From that day on, every time Ruan Xiaoli leaves work, there will be a big cardboard box, which is milk tea, snacks, fruits and fresh vegetables.

The taste of milk tea is different every time, and the snacks, fruits and vegetables are not repeated.

Ruan Xiaoli always took the order and moved the cardboard box into the house.

One day, a bigger cardboard box was placed at the door, and the contents inside seemed to be three or four days' worth.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the things inside the carton, smiled faintly, then took out his phone and sent some messages.


At the airport in City C, Nan Qilin was a little nervous when he got off the plane. It was the first time he had left her city and was so far away from her.

There is a contract to be negotiated here, and I have to travel for three or four days.

Nan Qilin got up very early this morning and prepared things for her doorstep.

She is so smart and must know that the things are from him, and if she is willing to accept them, she must not be angry with him.

"Mr. Nan, we are going to the branch office in city c now. When you arrive at the branch office, you need to inspect it, and then have lunch with the partner at noon to discuss this cooperation."


He probably remembers these procedures, and the assistant reminds him carefully every day.

Still working as usual, but Nan Qilin was a little flustered this time.

I don't know if it was because I was too far away from her that I was flustered.

Three or four days is not long, nor is it short. Nan Qilin felt that he was a little out of shape, but he still negotiated the cooperation perfectly.

On the morning of the fourth day, Nan Qilin ordered his assistant to book the earliest flight back.

"Mr. Nan, you haven't had a good rest for several days. In fact, you can book a flight back at noon. Then you can take a good rest in the VIP room at the airport."

"The earliest one, not at noon."


After boarding the plane, Nan Qilin closed his eyes and rested his mind on the plane. When he got off the plane, he told his assistant: "Push back today's business."


The assistant only listened to Cheng's orders and never asked why.

Although Mr. Nan is not the founder of the company, he is an excellent leader and he is very admirable.

Nan Qilin asked the driver to drive him to the north of the city, and asked the driver to go back at an intersection.

The driver always wondered, what does the president do here every day?
The driver drove away full of doubts.

Nan Qilin checked that there was no one around, and then quickly sneaked into the street. He walked briskly for more than ten minutes before reaching the downstairs of Gonglinli's house.

In fact, he could have sent the driver here, but Nan Qilin didn't want his private affairs to be known.

He had just taken over the position of president of the company, and quite a few people were dissatisfied with him, and even secretly did things that wanted to hurt him.

Nan Qilin was not afraid of those people's schemes because of his martial arts skills, but he was worried about Gong Linli, so he couldn't cause trouble for Gong Linli.

Nan Qilin went upstairs with anticipation, but as soon as he went up, he saw the door wide open, and there were workers moving furniture in and out.

What's happening here?
Nan Qilin glanced at the furniture, the furniture did not belong to Gong Linli at all.

Nan Qilin panicked immediately, but on the surface he calmed down and asked, "Where did the people who lived here go?"

A woman came over: "Are you asking a little girl who lives here?"


"She moved out a few days ago."

"What? Moved away? Hasn't her lease expired yet? Why did she move away." Nan Qilin couldn't believe what he heard.

she moved?

Where can she move alone?
The landlord didn't know either: "I don't know either. She suddenly said that she would cancel the lease and move out early. It just so happened that I also wanted to take this house back first, then renovate it and replace it with better furniture, and then rent it out after raising the rent. "

The landlord ordered the workers to replace the furniture inside. Nan Qilin stood aside with a blank expression, and finally asked: "I'm a friend of that girl, can I go in and have a look."

"Of course no problem, you go in and have a look."

It wasn't a big deal, and the landlord didn't mind letting him go in and take a look.

When Nan Qilin entered the room, the furniture in the room was almost emptied, and many places had been replaced with new furniture.

The landlord suddenly remembered something and followed up and said: "You are his friend, right? Then can you take all these things away, the little girl left behind a large bag of snacks, and her contact number seems to have been changed again, I will contact If I don't go to her, if I don't take away so many snacks, I can only take them back for my children to eat."


Nan Qilin had already guessed in his heart, and sure enough, he followed the landlord and saw several large bags of snacks in the corner of the living room.

All the snacks he bought were untouched.

Nan Qilin looked at those with a blank face, should he be happy or sad?
She accepted the other food but did not accept it for the time being, or should it be said that she threw away everything that could be lost, and put away everything that could not be lost?
"You can give these things to the children at home." Nan Qilin said lightly.

The landlord was overjoyed when he heard it: "Really? These snacks are from famous brands, and they are not cheap to buy. There are so many snacks, why doesn't this little girl take them away?"

"You have her phone number?"

"There was a phone number before, but now she seems to have changed her phone number, and the previous phone number can no longer be reached."

The landlord looked at this man curiously. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He had slightly long hair with personality.

Nan Qilin: "Can you give me her previous number."

If it was her boyfriend, how could she not have her previous number.

It's one thing for a landlord to take advantage of small things, but she still understands, what if this man is a bad guy, then that little girl will be in danger, right?

"You don't have any identity documents to prove your relationship with that little girl or something. I can't give you his number."

Nan Qilin was taken aback for a moment, but in the end he didn't ask anymore, just thanked him and left.

Just as he went downstairs, the company called. There was an urgent matter that he needed to deal with.

Nan Qilin answered the phone and heard that it was an urgent matter. It turned out that the people from the Cheng family were discussing business in Europe, encountered riots and finally died.

Cheng's family has a big business, but they have no heirs. Now that Mr. Cheng died abroad, the company seems to be in trouble.

Those directors are probably watching...

Mr. Cheng is his noble man, and his lifelong wish is to make this company better and better, not to ruin it.

Nan Qilin: "Okay, I'll be right back."

After hanging up the phone, he made another call to other people: "A detective agency? Find someone for me. I will find this person within three days. Her name is..."

(End of this chapter)

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