Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 418 Kidnapping Kong Qing

Chapter 418 Kidnapping Kong Qing
Chapter 444 Kidnapping Kong Qing
Ruan Xiaoli was wearing a long black dress. This dress looked expensive but it wasn't a famous brand either. It should be designed by a niche brand.

Kong Qing looked her up and down: "Why are you here?"

You must know that the consumption of a meal in this place is [-] yuan. Does Gong Linli have the money to spend in this kind of place?

Ruan Xiaoli retreated: "Don't worry about it, get out of the way."

Seeing no one around, Kong Qing said with a smile, "I won't make way for you. What kind of status do you deserve for me to make way for you?"

Kong Qing had a guess in her mind, the more she looked at her delicate and beautiful appearance, the more she felt it was possible.

"Gong Linli, it's true that people are poor, but don't belittle yourself. I advise you not to go astray."

Ruan Xiaoli frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about? You know it in your heart. Last time we met, you still acted like you were desperate for Nan Qilin's love, and you couldn't do without him. Now you're making yourself miserable like this..." Kong Qing said hesitantly, feeling extremely disgusted. up.

The little evil in the space really seemed to beat Kong Qing violently, the heroine of this world is absolutely perfect.

But also relying on the heroine's imagination, the tasks of this world can be carried out so smoothly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't despise myself." Ruan Xiaoli retorted.

"You don't need to explain. I can understand your behavior. I know that Nan Qilin's departure is a big blow to you, but don't treat yourself like this. Girls should be more self-respecting." Kong Qing frowned and said, Then approached in a soft voice: "And I know where Nan Qilin is."

Ruan Xiaoli's eyes lit up instantly: "Where is he?"

Kong Qing felt that she saw a pitiful wretch: "I tell you, he doesn't belong to you either. He already has a new life. I advise you not to disturb him."

"Just tell me where he is, where he is!"

Ruan Xiaoli's exquisite and beautiful facial features were distorted, and his face became ferocious, instantly becoming very scary.

Kong Qing saw her go berserk last time, this time she was not frightened, but admired Ruan Xiaoli's ugliness like a victor.

"Seeing that you are in such a hurry, let me tell you, Nan Qilin is in this building."

Ruan Xiaoli was overjoyed when he heard the answer, and turned around to find someone.

Kong Qing stopped her: "There are so many rooms in this building, do you know where he is?"

Ruan Xiaoli was stunned.

"Actually, I can tell you which private room he is in..."

Ruan Xiaoli looked suspicious and asked, "How...how do you know where he is?"

Kong Qing smiled: "Of course I know where he is, because I came to see him tonight, my father brought me to see him, do you know why I said that you and Gong Linli are not from the same world? ?Because Nan Qilin is now the president of Chengshi Group, you are very different from him,
But he and I are the same kind of people, do you know why my father brought me to meet him?Have you heard of wealthy marriages?He and I are a natural match, and the dinner tonight is to discuss our marriage. "

Her every word is full of happiness.

The highest state of a person is to lie to himself, and even he almost believes it.

Ruan Xiaoli really suppressed the sneer in his heart, and played the role of a crazy Gong Linli well.

While making fun of others, Kong Qing didn't know that he was a joke in the eyes of others.

Ruan Xiaoli's expression froze immediately, and then he couldn't believe it, and asked word by word: "You said... what?"

"Don't use this expression. I told you that it was out of kindness. Since you helped Nan Qilin before, I will definitely invite you to the banquet when we get engaged."



"If there is no problem, just sign here, then I wish us a happy cooperation."

Nan Qilin handed the contract to Father Kong.

Father Kong knew that this cooperation would definitely make a lot of money, but he still regretted not being able to marry.

This Nan Qilin is really too young and promising, and it won't be long before all the Cheng clan will belong to him.

If they get married, the Kong family's family business can be raised to another level.

"Mr. Nan, little girl..."

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

"Two gentlemen..."

Before the waiter who opened the door finished speaking, Father Kong interrupted angrily: "What are you doing? You came in without knocking, don't you know we are talking about something?"

The waiter said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, two gentlemen, something happened to the hotel, can you leave first?"

The door of the private room opened, and at this moment they could vaguely hear the movement outside.

Nan Qilin asked, "What happened?"

There must be something big going on, so the people here are asked to leave. You must know that the people who come here to consume are of high status, and the venue will not be cleared for any trivial matter.

"A woman took a lady hostage to the roof of the building. She seemed to be trying to kill someone. Our boss has already called the police. Before the police come, we must clear the place, because I don't know if there are any other accomplices of that woman. It won't hurt everyone."

The waiter spoke out quickly.

People who come here to spend are rich people, maybe there is a gang that hates the rich or wants to kidnap and blackmail or something.

It's better to clean up the people first to ensure everyone's safety.

Upon hearing this, Nan Qilin asked, "How old is the woman who kidnapped people?"

"I don't know. She was wearing black clothes, her hair was covered, and she dragged a young lady upstairs. We only heard cries for help." The waiter bowed and said, "The two gentlemen should leave first."

Father Confucius was afraid of death and couldn't wait to leave when he heard about the accident.

"Can you help me find my daughter?"

Father Kong has brought Kong Qing here many times, and most waiters can remember his daughter's face.

"Okay, Mr. Kong, we will help you find Ms. Kong. Many people have already left the hotel. Maybe Ms. Kong has already left. Don't worry, sir."

Nan Qilin followed their lead out of the hotel.

But at this time Father Kong's secretary came over: "Sir, I'm sorry, Miss was kidnapped by a strange woman."


"The person who was hijacked was Miss Qingqing. She said she was going to the bathroom but she never came back, and when I was looking for someone, I saw the woman in black pulling the lady into the elevator to go up to the top floor."

Father Kong: "What's going on? Why did that person kidnap Qingqing? Have you seen that person's appearance?"

"No, her hair covered her face, and she still had a knife in her hand."

"Hurry up and call the police, let the police send more people!"

When they were anxious, they didn't realize that Nan Qilin had left quietly.

Nan Qilin didn't leave the hotel, but walked towards the stairs of the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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