Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 419 Lin Li, I Will Be With You

Chapter 419 Lin Li, I Will Be With You
Chapter 445 Lin Li, I Will Be With You
The hotel is one after another, and all the elevators in the hotel are also closed, only the stairs can be used.

Nan Qilin walked up the stairs quickly, first reached out to take off his coat, and loosened his tie.

He feels that person is her...

Since you have that intuition, you must go and see it, don't miss it and make yourself regret it.

It took Nan Qilin less than 10 minutes to climb to the roof of the building. As soon as he got to the top of the building, he saw a girl in a black skirt on the top of the building holding Kong Qing hostage.

The girl turned her back to Nan Qilin, even if she was wearing a black dress and her hair from behind, Nan Qilin could recognize that person at a glance.

is her!

Nan Qilin only had joy in his eyes.

Over there, Kong Qing's face was full of tears, and he looked at the knife on his neck in fear: "Please let me go, I will take a detour when I see you in the future, I will never disturb you again, I beg you You let me go."

Even after killing Kong Qing, he never thought that Gong Linli would do such a crazy thing.

She actually hijacked herself openly.

And Gong Linli actually brought a knife when he came to such a place, it felt like he deliberately came to meet him.

What Ruan Xiaoli said next confirmed Kong Qing's guess.

"Originally, I came to you today to ask you about Nan Qilin's whereabouts. I was thinking that if you don't want to tell me, I will use this knife to force you to tell me."

Ruan Xiaoli played with the fruit knife that was shining coldly in his hand, his eyes were full of distorted smiles.

"I thought you wouldn't tell me so easily. I even prepared the knife to press you, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to tell me where Nan Qilin was."

Nan Qilin originally wanted to go out, but he stopped when he heard the words over there.

He needs to figure out the ins and outs.

There is no surveillance on the roof of this building, and the police have not arrived so soon.

People in this hotel will not come up to this floor for the time being.

Nan Qilin paid attention to the ins and outs of the situation over there, and at the same time paid attention to the movement at the stairs.

Kong Qing: "I've already told you where Nan Qilin is. You don't need to force me to tell you. So can you let me go?"

"Originally, I knew Nan Qilin's whereabouts and I planned to leave, but after hearing what you said later, I just wanted to kill you..."

Kong Qing's face turned pale.

Ruan Xiaoli took the knife and gently slid it on Kong Qing's neck: "You said that you and Nan Qilin were going to get married soon, and the showy expression on your face made me extremely jealous. I was the one who met Nan Qilin first." Qi Lin, why did you take him away?"

Kong Qing felt the knife sliding on her neck, she trembled in fright and dared not speak.

And Nan Qilin over there was surprised.

This kind of Gong Linli was something he had never seen before, and she became like this for him?
Is she so important to her?
Nan Qilin was a man, it was impossible for him to hide in the corner all the time, after listening to a few sentences, he probably understood something, and then he walked out of the dark place.

"Lin Li." He called to her.

This is a legal society, and she must not be allowed to do things that ruin her life.

Ruan Xiaoli froze instantly when she heard this voice, the knife in her hand almost dropped, she didn't dare to turn her head...

Is it Nan Qilin?
Was it really him? He saw... saw her crazy side!

Ruan Xiaoli's face was expressionless, but his eyes were full of panic, like a child who has done something wrong.

Xiao Evil looked at Ruan Xiaoli acting and doing things with a smile on his face, it felt that Ruan Xiaoli was suitable for playing in the entertainment world, hehe.

When Kong Qing saw Nan Qilin, it was like seeing a savior: "Brother Nan, save me, Gong Linli wants to kill me!"

"You are not allowed to call him that!" Ruan Xiaoli suddenly went berserk and grabbed Kong Qing by the collar and pushed him against the guardrail.

"Ah! Don't, don't kill me, I won't bark, I won't bark, I won't call him that, don't kill me."

Suddenly standing on the very edge of the roof, Kong Qing was completely frightened. She closed her eyes and shouted with a strong desire to survive.

Nan Qilin looked calm: "Lin Li, let her go and come here, okay?"

"No, you want to save her, right? Nan Qilin, do you like her?" Ruan Xiaoli acted willfully like a child.

"I don't like her." Nan Qilin smiled softly.

"Don't like it? Don't like it. Why do you still marry her? Why did you leave suddenly without telling me where you went?

Obviously I met you first, you can leave, but you have to say hello to me... Even if you don't like me, then we are still friends, right?
You left suddenly, do you know how sad it is for me to see the empty house?I pretended not to care, trying to make myself used to a person's life,
But I have been alone for several days, I still can't get used to being alone, obviously I have always been alone before,
You planned my life and made me feel very uncomfortable, Nan Qilin..."

Ruan Xiaoli's eyes were red, and with his head down, big tears fell down.

Nan Qilin was at a loss for what to do. Seeing her crying, he felt very uncomfortable: "Lin Li, don't cry, I haven't left you, I've been watching you secretly, don't get excited and come here, okay? ? I'll take you away."

The police may be coming, he must take Gong Linli away, and the police cannot see him.

No one in this hotel saw her face, and then it would be fine to spend a lot of money to hack the hotel's surveillance.

As for Kong Qing...a good warning.

Nan Qilin knew that what he did was to cover up his shortcomings, which was wrong, but he didn't want to see Gong Linli destroyed.

Ruan Xiaoli cried and looked up: "Gong Linli, will you marry her and never appear in my world again?"

"No, when did you say you were going to marry Kong Qing? I lied to you. Even if you are going to get married, then I will marry you." Nan Qilin said firmly.

Ruan Xiaoli was stunned with his crying expression, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

Nan Qilin slowly approached: "Don't kill the rest of your life for this kind of nonsense woman, Lin Li, I have never left you, you moved away suddenly, I have found many detectives this month The firm is looking for you, and I will always be with you."

Nan Qilin has always known that Gong Linli is a girl who is cold on the surface but delicate and lonely.

But she never thought that her departure would deal such a blow to her.

He regretted not saying hello to her, not giving her a sense of security, but throwing her into endless loneliness, which stimulated her.

"Lin Li, I will take you out of here, and I will accompany you."

(End of this chapter)

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