Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 420 One Jumps Down the Building

Chapter 420

Chapter 446

Ruan Xiaoli was a little scared, and held the knife against Kong Qing's neck: "How do I know if what you said is true or not..."

Kong Qing was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word, speaking at such a time would kill him.

She doesn't want anything now, she just wants to live.

Nan Qilin heard the sound of the police car downstairs, the police are here!

In fact, Nan Qilin could grab Gong Linli's knife immediately and take her away, but he would not do so until the last moment.

If you go directly to grab it, it will scare her, and she will not believe what she said in the future.

There are still a few minutes before the police go upstairs...

"Lin Li, everything I said is true. The phone is full of calls to the detective agency. Why didn't you eat the snacks I gave you? I've been looking for you since you moved."

Nan Qilin spoke softly, just like chatting normally, not at all like facing a critical moment.

And his eyes are full of her.

Ruan Xiaoli was stunned, and then big tears flowed from his eyes: "Even if what you said is true... But if I do this today, you will definitely hate me, and I don't want to become like this, I In fact, he is a very sensible person, all because of your appearance... woo woo..."

She is now in a state of returning to reason after being excited and dealing with things. At this moment, she is terrified when facing what she has done.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, you didn't do anything, nothing happened today, I'll leave here quickly, okay?" Nan Qilin approached step by step.

This time Ruan Xiaoli didn't retreat, nor did he do anything radical.

"Little Evil, I almost took the heroine away, but I didn't take it away."

"Um, ah?"

Xiao Evil was a little confused.

Then I thought that in the original plot, Gong Linli almost killed the heroine, but how could the supporting role kill the heroine?

Little Evil: "What do you want to do?"

"Do I almost take Kong Qing away now?"

Xiao Evil looked at the towering tall building behind them: "That's okay."


Just when Xiao Evil wanted to guess what Ruan Xiaoli would do next?
Ruan Xiaoli suddenly let go of Kong Qing, threw himself into the arms of Nan Qilin who was walking over, hooked his neck with one hand and put a knife on his neck with the other: "Are you telling the truth?"

If this man is dissatisfied with any detail, his knife will go down.

Nan Qilin didn't expect her to do this, but he wasn't angry at all. Instead, he thought her... this behavior was cute and naughty?


Nan Qilin put his arms around her waist: "The truth."

Kong Qing knelt on the ground with limp legs. She wanted to leave quickly, but her legs were so weak that she couldn't.

"Since you're telling the truth, I won't do anything today, but if one day I find out that you're telling a lie, I'll definitely kill you." Ruan Xiaoli put away the knife slowly .

Nan Qilin had gradually heard footsteps, he put one arm around Ruan Xiaoli: "Close your eyes later and don't be afraid."


Nan Qilin walked up to Kong Qing holding Ruan Xiaoli who obediently closed his eyes.

Kong Qing looked at him with some fear: "Nan... Nan Qilin, what are you doing?"

Nan Qilin quickly stretched out his hand and slashed at the back of Kong Qing's neck with a knife. Kong Qing passed out instantly.

The footsteps in the corridor are getting closer...

Nan Qilin didn't panic at all, he hugged Ruan Xiaoli and jumped directly from the roof of the building.

Quickly jumped to the roof of another house, then continued to flip, and left the building as fast as possible.

With her eyes closed, Ruan Xiaoli could feel the wind in her ears, as well as the feeling of her body falling, full of the feeling of weightlessness, but there was a pair of big hands hugging her tightly around her waist, giving her a sense of security.

Ruan Xiaoli slowly opened his eyes, looking at the fast-moving building in front of him.

She just looked at it without saying a word.

Fortunately, Nan Qilin carefully observed the expression on her face the moment she opened her eyes, Nan Qilin felt a little guilty...

Nan Qilin took Ruan Xiaoli into a small street, and then he called someone.

When he went upstairs, he ordered someone to hack the hotel surveillance, and now he wants to ask the result.

"Mr. Nan, the hotel surveillance has been hacked 10 minutes ago."

The police hadn't arrived 10 minutes ago, and the hotel was in chaos, with no one calling for surveillance.


Nan Qilin was very satisfied with the result.

Ruan Xiaoli looked up at the caller with a smile: "I heard the voice on your phone, it's illegal for you to do this."

"It's okay, you haven't hurt anyone, I don't want you to be hurt."

Just let him be selfish.

"Hmm... Nan Qilin, aren't you going to explain what happened just now?"

Jumping down from a tall building, the height of this tall building is equivalent to an ancient cliff.

Nan Qilin's lightness kung fu is really superb.

Speaking of what happened just now, Nan Qilin was embarrassed and guilty. He has a thorough understanding of this world now, so he knows that people in this world do not have light skills, and they will not believe in such things as crossing.

After all, in the eyes of people in this world, Qinggong only lives in the story.


Ruan Xiaoli: "Don't think about making up lies, just tell the truth, don't care if I believe it or not."

Don't look at Nan Qilin as shrewd, in fact, he doesn't want to be full of loopholes when he is nervous and lying.

Ruan Xiaoli knew that he wanted to lie when he saw his appearance.

Nan Qilin thought about it carefully, and finally told the truth, whether she believed it or not.

"I came here through time travel, from a dynasty that has never existed before in your history. What you saw just now is lightness kung fu." Nan Qilin said it calmly on the surface, but in fact he was extremely nervous inside.

"En." Ruan Xiaoli nodded.

Nan Qilin stood aside nervously waiting for her next words.

Ruan Xiaoli looked him up and down: "Actually, I also guessed it. When I first saw you, you were wearing an ancient costume, and at that time you were strangling my neck. I could barely see it at such a fast speed."


Turn over the old account.

Ruan Xiaoli looked up at the sky: "The sun is so bright, let's go back."

Nan Qilin was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes were full of surprises: "Okay, he wants to leave just holding her hand."

But Ruan Xiaoli didn't move at all, Nan Qilin turned around: "What's wrong?"

"I think you use to fly, I'm too lazy to go."

Lazy if you can, Ruan Xiaoli also wants to experience the feeling of being carried to the sky with lightness skills.

It's like a roller coaster, it's exciting, the wind blows people very comfortably, and the speed of the movement makes people flustered, but the big hands around her waist clasp her, making her feel safe forever.

Nan Qilin smiled: "Satisfy you."

He picked up Ruan Xiaoli and flew away.

"I'll take you to my new home."

"Okay." He was ecstatic.

(End of this chapter)

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