Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 423 Meeting the Male Protagonist

Chapter 423 Meeting the Male Protagonist
Chapter 450 Meeting the Male Protagonist
Only, as long as you kill her, she will take revenge.

All these years of suffering are because of her.

Su Lin thought so, she stretched out her trembling hand and picked up the silver dagger.

Only silverware can kill vampires. This is something everyone knows, so silverware in this world cannot be traded and sold. Anyone who has silverware in their home must take it away. If someone uses silverware to create a lethal weapon, then death.

When Su Lin touched the cold silverware, her heart became more determined, and she stabbed directly with the dagger.

The dagger cut through Ruan Xiaoli's arm, and at the same time Ruan Xiaoli grabbed the dagger and plunged it into Su Lin's abdomen.

The smell of blood, besides Su Lin's blood, was also the blood on Ruan Xiaoli's arm.

Ruan Xiaoli looked down at his arm: "It really hurts."

If it is injured by ordinary things, it will not take long for the wound to heal itself.

But if you get scratched by silverware, it takes a month to heal.

And the whole wound will sting extremely, like a fire.

Xiao Evil frowned: "Why did you let her scratch you?"

"I just wonder what kind of pain it would be to be injured by a silverware." Ruan Xiaoli stared at his arm, then looked up at Su Lin who was lying on the ground and spitting blood.

"I gave you a chance, but you're too stupid to kill me."

"Ka..." Su Lin opened her mouth and it was covered with blood, her throat was stuck and she couldn't speak.

With a knife stuck in her abdomen, she will not live long.

Ruan Xiaoli sat lazily on the chair and looked down at the dying man.

"Why do you hate me? When you come to my castle, you can eat and drink, just let you serve me. Do you hate me so much?"

"Ka..." Su Lin vomited blood, her eyes were full of hatred.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled: "If I remember correctly, all the blood servants who came to my castle came voluntarily, or they were sent by their biological parents. If they can't survive in the outside world, they will starve to death and cry on their knees. Begging to come to my castle as a blood servant,
I let you enter the castle, where you can eat, drink and have a place to stay. I just want you to serve me and give me a few cups of blood every month. This deal is fair, at least you didn’t starve to death, and you were the ones who begged to come in. of,
So I can't figure it out, why do you hate me? "

Human beings are indeed greedy and ugly things, begging for help when they need it, and complaining about their situation to hate others when they don't need it.

Want to be born with the best perks?Do you deserve it?

Ruan Xiaoli smiled disdainfully.

Su Lin on the ground spat out blood, and finally died.

The whole car was filled with the smell of blood.

Xiao Evil seems to have seen the villain Li Kanali himself, no, Xiao Li is more creepy than Li Kanali.

Naturally villainous, that's about it.

The car drove into the entrance of the teaching building of the college, and the low-level vampire driver in front got out of the car and opened the door.

The car of the Kanali family attracted many people's attention as soon as it entered the campus.

Ruan Xiaoli got out of the car in full view, the door opened and many people saw the corpse inside the car and the blood all over the place.

Tsk, whoever said that a big night will make Miss Canalie unhappy.

"Dispose of the corpse. When school is over, I don't want any smell of dirty blood in the car to make me sick." She said indifferently.


Ruan Xiaoli entered the teaching building, and soon several noble girls came over.

"Miss Canali, you are here, oh, what's wrong with your arm, this is... a scratch from a silverware."

Generally, Li Kanali will be surrounded by many noble daughters. Li Kanali doesn't like to talk, but they still enjoy being around.

The noble daughter was surprised when she found the wound on Ruan Xiaoli's hand.

As a primitive blood race, Li Kanali's ability is stronger than them, how could his hand be scratched by the silver dagger?
Could it be that he met a hunter?
Ruan Xiaoli glanced at his arm: "Is there any gauze?"

The wound has been burning hot and painful, Ruan Xiaoli is quite able to bear the pain, but it is not good to keep the wound exposed to the air.

"Miss Canali, please go to the infirmary, I will bandage you."

Ruan Xiaoli followed the noble daughter, and at the same time looked at her.

Like other vampires, she is exquisite and beautiful, wearing expensive skirts, giving her an aristocratic atmosphere.

Xiao Evil: "Her name is Qina Joelle."

Vampires tend to have their first name first and their last name last, so this girl is called Qina.

Qina Joel took Ruan Xiaoli to the infirmary, but there was no one in the infirmary, so she went to find the medicine box to bandage Ruan Xiaoli.

Qina Joelle moved very slowly, Ruan Xiaoli carefully noticed her nervousness, she was afraid of herself.

Don't be afraid, everyone knows that Miss Li Canali is moody.

"Miss Canali, your arm must not touch the water, it is best to ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine, or it will hurt forever."


In the medicine box that Qina Joelle was packing, she suddenly heard a sound from inside, as if someone knocked down the medicine bottle.

"Who? Who's in there?"

Qina Joel quickly went to check, only to see a teenager sleeping on a table by the window.

The boy must have been woken up by their voices, then he stretched his legs and touched the medicine bottle next to him.

The young man's facial features were exquisite with an evil spirit, and his black eyes were shining red, which was obviously a vampire.

Qina Joel was slightly surprised when she saw him, and then hurriedly raised her skirt and saluted: "Earl Liuson Morley."

Ruan Xiaoli felt a little familiar when he heard this name, and thought quickly, isn't this the name of the hero of the world?
The hero of the world?

Xiao Evil: "The hero has a title, and everyone almost calls him the Earl."


Liusen Mori jumped off the stage, a little impatiently: "What are you doing here?"

He usually likes to sleep here alone, but he was woken up today, and he was a little bored.

Qina Joel quickly replied: "Miss Canali was injured, and I brought her to bandage her."

Miss Canali, Liu Sen Moer imagined that the Canali family only had one daughter, who seemed to be called Li Kanali.

How could the original blood be easily injured?

"How did you get hurt?" Liusen Mori walked over with a wicked smile.

He walked outside, and sure enough, he saw a girl with long hair in a black dress sitting on a chair.

Liu Sen Mori glanced at her gauze-bound arm: "Miss Canali, may I ask how your arm was injured?"

"Torn by a silver dagger."

Ruan Xiaoli felt that the male protagonist in this world was a bit evil at first glance, and the way he spoke did not seem to be a cold and talkative male protagonist.

Liusen Mori approached, bent down and looked at her hand on her knee: "Silver dagger? You don't look like you've been attacked."

(End of this chapter)

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