Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 424 The Madness of the Full Moon Blood Clan

Chapter 424 The Madness of the Full Moon Blood Clan
Chapter 451 The Madness of the Full Moon Blood Clan
Liusen Mori bent down and looked down at her hands.

Ruan Xiaoli doesn't like him getting too close, especially when they meet for the first time.

"Being attacked." She said lightly.

Li Kanali, who has lived for 500 years, sounds like a teenage girl, but there is a hint of laziness in the tone of that voice.

Liusen Mori had seen Li Kanali on many occasions, but he had never talked to her so closely.

He subconsciously looked up at her face, the delicate and beautiful ancient doll, this is his evaluation of Li Kanali's appearance.

At the same time, he also noticed the indifference and alienation in her eyes. Does she not like others approaching?
Liusen Mori straightened up and said with a smile, "Miss Canali doesn't look like she fought just now, she probably wasn't attacked by a hunter."


Ruan Xiaoli tidied up her skirt, stood up and wanted to leave.

She doesn't want to stay here and chat with strangers.

China Joel hurried to follow.

Liusen Mori smiled wickedly as he looked at the girl's back, and then he also left the infirmary.

"Who attacked Miss Canali?"


The hero of the world is a bit annoying.

Liusen Moerli walked with her long legs, and followed her slowly: "Miss Kanali, it is not a trivial matter to be attacked because of your precious status, can you tell me what attacked you?"

A businesslike tone, in fact, it is obvious that he is just curious.

Ruan Xiaoli stopped, stretched out his hand to brush his long hair and said, "I was attacked by the blood servant."

"Oh, blood servant?"

Under the long corridor, Liusen Mori leaned close to the pillar next to him: "How can the blood servant have silverware?"

"I gave it." The girl said lightly.

Liusen Mori was taken aback for a moment, and then the smile in his eyes deepened: "In the end, it was Miss Canali who hurt herself, tsk, doesn't it hurt?"

Ruan Xiaoli tilted his head slightly, smiled and glanced at his bandaged arm: "You can try it if it hurts."


She continued towards the teaching building, and Qina Joelle followed her.

And Liusen Mori stood in the corridor leaning against the pillars, did not speak nor followed.

Li Kanali is more than 80 years older than him. If you calculate by the age of lowly humans, he should call her grandma.

But the age of vampires, for example, vampires in the same class, the young are three hundred years old, and the old are seven or eight hundred years old.

After a while, the bell rang throughout the college, and it was time to start class.

Liusen Mori glanced at the round moon outside: "Full Moon, there is another good show tonight."

Evening school, the entire college covers an area of ​​[-] mu, with one teaching building for each grade.

Blood race teenagers and girls can be seen everywhere on the campus, as well as some humans holding books and wearing school uniforms, walking quickly with their heads down.

After class, all the people flocked to the teaching building.

The teaching building is very large, and each classroom is a stepped classroom, which is very spacious.

When Ruan Xiaoli came to the classroom, there were already many people in the classroom.

In the large lecture hall, there are windows on the left side, and the moonlight pours in from the windows, making the whole classroom silvery white.

Vampires don't seem to like to turn on the lights, the whole classroom is illuminated by moonlight.

There were a few girls in short skirts at the table, and a few handsome boys were talking around them.

As soon as Ruan Xiaoli walked in, they noticed it, and each of them stood up straight and turned their heads to salute her.

"Miss Canali."


Xiao Evil looked at the picture on the light screen and said: "The identity of the original blood family is good, and anyone who sees it will give face to you."

"But the hero of the world doesn't seem to give me face."

The whole person was sloppy, not standing up straight, either sitting or bending over to approach her, or leaning on things to slouch.

Xiao Evil rubbed his little nose: "It's a way of giving you face, he treats you with a respectful title, as for the other people, that's how they are."

After reading the whole original story, Xiao Evil felt that the male protagonist is mean, abusing the female protagonist physically and mentally, and even teasing the female protagonist of the world to make her cry when she is sweet.

Xiao Evil: "You just find a seat and sit down, there is no fixed seat in this class."


Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the classroom, it seems that all vampires like to sit by the window.

She aimed at the window in the last row of the auditorium.

Where is the quiet and the moonlight shines.

Ruan Xiaoli walked over to sit there, and some blood clans cast strange glances.

Xiao Evil: "...Xiao Li, this is the seat that the hero of the world likes to sit on."


Xiao Evil waited for a long time but didn't wait for Ruan Xiaoli to slap his butt.

"Do you want to sit here? This is the fixed position of the hero."

"Am I older than him?"

"of course."

"Would he dare to chase me while I'm sitting here?"

"...don't dare."

"So can I do it?"


Ruan Xiaoli not only sat, but also crossed his legs, and pushed forward the super long hair behind him with both hands, so that it would not drag the floor.

This hair will still drag the floor, and I have to lose about five centimeters when I get home.

Xiao Evil: "Don't cut it, the original owner has kept this hair for 500 years, and it has always kept the length."


If you don't cut it, you don't cut it.

Ruan Xiaoli crossed his legs, leaned on the table with his chin in his hands, turned his face slightly to the moonlight and closed his eyes to rest.

There was a crackling sound in my ear.

"It's a full moon again tonight."

"I asked why my teeth were so itchy. It turned out to be the full moon."

"Is the first class today a self-study class? I'm already hungry and thirsty."

The full moon is the moment when the vampire's blood-sucking desire is the most restless, and it is also the time when the body is the weakest.

Usually at this time they will drink a lot of blood.

The humans sitting on the far right against the wall in the classroom trembled when they heard their words.

Those humans were fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys and girls. They sat on their seats in school uniforms, lowering their heads and trying to reduce their sense of existence.

A girl sitting in the last row against the right wall is reading a book with her head down.

But from her trembling movements and her hands that haven't turned the pages for a long time, it can be seen that she is not reading at all, and she is also afraid...

With a scream in the classroom.

It was obvious someone had been bitten.

"Linde, you're not kind, don't you know that I've had a crush on her for a long time?"

"Let me help you take a bite and taste it."

"how is the taste?"

"Why don't you come and taste it together?"

The human girl who took a special bite was trembling with fright, and broke down crying: "You two young masters, please let me go, don't bite me, my blood is not good to drink at all."

There was a bloody smell in the air, and there were cries and sucking sounds from many people.

This state will appear every full moon, or this state will also appear when these blood races are interested.

Every month, a few humans will die in each class, and then new humans will continue to enter.

That's what night school is all about.

Ruan Xiaoli listened to the voice in her ear, but she sat idly by.

She is now a vampire, a villain.

Not the Savior and Our Lady.

(End of this chapter)

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