Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 425 The hero sent the heroine to the mouth of the villain?

Chapter 425 The hero sent the heroine to the mouth of the villain?
Chapter 452 The hero sent the heroine to the mouth of the villain?
Ruan Xiaoli opened his eyes and looked at the scene in the classroom.

Xiao Evil: "Don't look at it, it's quite scary."

From a human point of view it's hell, but to a vampire it's entertainment.

"It's okay, I'm a vampire now."

Ruan Xiaoli still has a strong conversion mentality, she is now a villain and not a human being.

At the door, Liu Sen Mori opened the door and walked in, and saw such a scene.

Some bloody people looked up at Liusen Mori and said hello, and some people continued to lower their heads and bite the human neck.

Liusen Moerli had a teasing smile on his face: "The teacher hasn't come to announce the morning self-study, you people are so anxious."

"Earl Morley, would you like to have a taste?"

"No, I don't like this."

Liusen Mori walked towards the last row of the lecture theater, but when he looked up, he saw a girl sitting in his seat.

Seeing who it was, Liusen Mori smiled, and he walked over and asked, "Miss Canali, do you like this position?"

"It's ok."

Xiao Evil is a little nervous, don't look at the male protagonist's meanness, but he is very possessive, and he doesn't allow others to touch anything if he thinks it's his own.

Will the hero take the seat?
I saw Liusen Moerli walking down a flight of stairs with a smile, and sat down on the row of window seats in front of Ruan Xiaoli.

Ruan Xiaoli's front table, seat by the window.

Xiao Evil: "Pfft, I thought he would grab it."

"I won't grab it, there's no need to tear your face because of a position and me."

Xiao Evil thinks about it, and thinks it is, where is the identity of Li Kanali, and there is no need for the male protagonist to grab a seat.

"Xiao Li, turn your head and look at the girl sitting farthest to your right, that is the heroine of the world."


After all, he was the one he was going to bite in the future, Ruan Xiaoli reluctantly turned his head to take a look.

I couldn't see the girl's face clearly, but I could only see that she was very thin and wearing a school uniform. She was holding a book to cover her face to reduce her sense of presence.

Qiao Huier's body was trembling, she desperately lowered her head and covered her head with a book.

Don't ever see her, don't ever see...

She didn't want to die, didn't want to die.

There is one more year to graduate, and Qiao Huier wants to live until graduation.

As long as she graduates and has a degree, she can find a good job, support her mother well, and let her live a better life.

Qiao Huier was very scared, but when she thought of her mother, she felt stronger.

Just wait until the first get out of class is over, it will be fine...

She kept comforting herself.

Although Ruan Xiaoli couldn't see the heroine's face, she could see that she was frightened and strong, and she still had some unique charm.

Liusen Mori turned around and propped his chin with one hand, with a wicked smile on his handsome face: "Miss Canali has taken a fancy to the girl in the corner in the last row, I need my help to catch her for you Come before me, if necessary, I am willing to serve you."

Ruan Xiaoli: "..."

Xiao Evil: "Puff cough cough cough... no, you can't bite the heroine yet, the plot hasn't even started yet."

What's the matter with the male protagonist who wants to send the female protagonist to the villain's mouth at the beginning?

Preliminary identification of the male protagonist is not crooked, after all, this is just the beginning.

So the hero thought it was fun?

Qiao Hui'er has been paying attention to the movement in the classroom, and when she heard someone mentioning herself, she immediately felt creepy and even more frightened.

How to do?Can't escape...?

Ruan Xiaoli withdrew his eyes and said disapprovingly, "I'm not interested in her."

"Are you really not interested? I saw Miss Canali glanced at her several times."

The vampires of the original blood can turn humans into vampires by biting humans. Liusen Mori has only heard of it, but has never seen it.

I heard that Li Kanali bit many humans and turned them into vampires, but in the end these vampires turned into monsters and were beheaded.

These are all heard, but I have never seen her bite.

At every banquet, she just drank blood from a goblet.

"Liusen Moerli, are you following my every move?" Ruan Xiaoli asked indifferently.

"It's right to pay attention to you, my honorable Miss Canali."


If Liusen Mori could put away the smile on his face when he spoke, and put back that mean and foolish tone of voice, she might be able to believe it.

The self-study class is over, and a panic feast is over.

The classroom is full of the taste of blood.

The monster-like vampires stood gracefully one by one, gently wiping the corners of their mouths with handkerchiefs, and their eyes also changed from red to normal.

And some humans in the classroom are anemic and unstable due to being sucked blood.

Among them, a man and a woman lay motionless on the ground.

"do you died?"

"If you die, just throw it out, and you have to go to class later."

Human life is like a mustard, this is the law of this world.

Xiao Evil: "The male and female protagonists are together, which only slightly improves the status of human beings, but does not change the laws of this world. After all, it is difficult for a world where two strong and weak species coexist to be equal."


The more unfair it is, the more people will rebel, and more and more human organizations have joined the blood hunt.

No matter how powerful the blood hunter is, he can only rely on silver weapons and some potions to deal with vampires, and vampires are born with mysterious powers.

This is also the reason why blood hunters have been unable to get rid of blood races for thousands of years.

The class is over, and the classes in the two-race school at night are ordinary classes, and the blood race teacher is speaking on the podium.

Almost all the vampires below were not attending the class.

They have all lived for hundreds of years, and they have all listened to this course for hundreds of years.

As for why you came to class?


Parents are responsible for family affairs, and they are still children even if they are hundreds of years old.

It's boring at home, but it's different when you come to school with friends of the same kind.

Ruan Xiaoli slept on the table, the moonlight shone on her small and delicate face, she was not breathing, her heart was beating, her body was cold, she looked like a fragile porcelain doll when she was motionless.

It's always like this when the blood race is asleep, but Ruan Xiaoli is definitely the prettiest one among the porcelain dolls.

Liusen Mori was used to the seat in the last row, and now he felt uncomfortable sitting in this seat.

There was some impatience in his eyes, and he would have taken that position back if he knew it earlier.

Is it too late to grab it now?

Liusen Mori put a smile on his face again, and turned around: "Kana..."

What he was about to say paused because he turned his head and saw Li Kanali who was asleep.

Is she asleep?

There was no heartbeat or breathing, and she didn't know if she was asleep when she lay still on her stomach.

Liusen Mori looked at her a little closer, tsk, she looks really good.

(End of this chapter)

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