Chapter 430

Chapter 457

his seat?

Xiao Evil: "It's really the seat that the hero likes."


For Ruan Xiaoli, lying down was always lying down, and she stood up to change seats for Liusen Mord.

The motivation here immediately attracted the attention of many blood races.

In fact, the girls of the blood clan prefer retro long skirts, and Li Kanali will always appear in front of others in a noble long skirt.

At a glance, Ruan Xiaoli's slender legs caught his attention the most.

"What happened to Miss Canali's dress? Was it torn by something?"

"Miss Canali seems to be wearing a long skirt today."

Liusen Moulder's smile didn't reach his eyes, he reached out and grabbed the girl's hand who stood up: "Sit down, I'm joking with you, it's my honor that Miss Canali likes my seat."


There was a trace of disgust in her eyes, is he idle?
Ruan Xiaoli took out his hand and stood up: "I'll sit somewhere else."

Find another seat and sit down, so that you won't be woken up again when you sleep next time.

She sat directly on the human side, only three seats away from the heroine of the world.

Xiao Evil: "...Aren't you abusing yourself by sitting?"

Sitting so close, the heroine's blood smells so delicious.

"It's good to smell it."

"I'm so fucking afraid that you'd become so beastly that you couldn't hold back and rushed over to bite the heroine."

"Will not."

"I think it's possible."

After all, the vampire's desire is not ordinary.

Ruan Xiaoli sat in this position purely because he wanted to smell the fragrance, even if he couldn't drink it, it was still fun to smell it.

But I never expected that it was like lifting a rock and shooting myself in the foot.

It's really fragrant...

Ruan Xiaoli opened her mouth slightly, a pair of sharp teeth were shining in her mouth.

Ruan Xiaoli lay motionless on the table.

Qiao Huier noticed that Li Kanali was walking towards her, and half her life was almost scared to death.

When he found that she just sat down and lay still, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Qiao Huier breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out her hand to pat her chest to calm herself down a bit, but when she looked up, she saw a vampire boy by the window looking at him unkindly.

Lord Ruthon Morley...

Qiao Huier thought his eyes were terrifying, but fortunately, he wasn't looking at herself.

Qiao Hui'er quickly lowered her head, leaning her body against the wall, reducing her sense of existence.

Liuson Morley stood up and walked to the last row to sit down. This was the seat he had sat for many years. No matter which classroom he moved to, he liked to sit in the last row by the window.

Because the moonlight is the best there, and the surrounding area is also the quietest.


Sitting back in his seat again, he didn't feel any joy?

Sure enough, when my things were touched by others, I didn't like it so much, and I was irritated.

For the whole class in the morning, Ruan Xiaoli slept on his stomach.

While Qiao Huier was wary of the vampire who was less than three seats away from her, she listened to the class seriously and took notes.

There is still one year to graduate, and he passed the cut-off mark in the graduation exam, so she can go to the city to find a good job in a dignified manner.

With a job, she can give her mother a better life.

These thoughts and ideas are the only things that support Qiao Huier's study here.

Qiao Hui'er stretched out her hand and stroked her neck. There was a faint tingling pain on her neck, and she was still a little anemic and dizzy.

In fact, this is already a very good result.

I have been bitten while studying here for so many years, but my life has never been in danger.

The most serious one was when I fainted and was carried to the infirmary, but I woke up and went home by myself.

Qiao Huier felt that she was far better than those classmates who died at the mouth of vampires.

I am lucky to be able to graduate.

During the whole class, Ruan Xiaoli didn't fall asleep, she was secretly grinding her teeth.

Xiao Evil kept laughing at her in his head, and finally became dumbfounded.

"Hey, shall we change places?"

The heroine seems to be very weak, but there are still special merits, for example, the blood is really fragrant.

Ruan Xiaoli could hold back the smell of blood for a class without biting anyone, which is considered very good.

If you don't change to a location farther away, you will really commit a crime.


If she chooses this position, she has to sit, so she doesn't want to change seats.

And this can be regarded as a kind of training, until one day she will not be attracted by the heroine's blood, then it will be a success.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't like the feeling of being driven by primitive desires.

She hopes that she will always be rational, and a calm mind can better complete the villain's mission. This feeling of being driven by desire and being out of control is really bad.

Ruan Xiaoli sat here on purpose, not for the scent, but for training herself to endure the desire.

Xiao Evil blinked his eyes: "Come on."

I can only say that you are doing your best.

During get out of class, everyone was walking around, and some people went to the toilet.

Although this is a night school, and the students in it are vampires and humans, there are some special ones, but the daily life is exactly the same as that of ordinary schools in other worlds. Going to the toilet, chatting and walking around after class is the daily life of the school.

Qiao Huier wanted to go to the toilet, she stood up cautiously, and glanced at Li Kanali who was three seats away from her, she was still sleeping.

do not know why.

Qiao Huier remembered the way Li Kanali looked at herself before class. She felt that she was in danger and paid extra attention to Li Kanali's movements.

From the same class, she knew Li Kanali, a vampire girl, a terrifying primitive vampire.

Qiao Huier is not afraid of being bitten by others, the only thing she prays for is not to be bitten by her.

She didn't want to be a vampire, a monster that drank human blood.

She has always been paying attention to Li Kanali, and stayed away. She is very fortunate that Li Kanali has not noticed herself for several years.

But today, she looked at herself with a smile on her face...

Qiao Huier was terrified.

After leaving the classroom, Qiao Huier breathed a sigh of relief, but looked at the vampires coming and going in the corridor.

As usual, she lowered her head against the wall and quickly went to the toilet.

There are toilets for humans and toilets for vampires.

In the toilet, Qiao Huier breathed a sigh of relief, there are no blood races here, a rare and safe place.

The college is very luxurious, with an area of ​​[-] mu, more than a dozen teaching buildings, rest dormitories, gardens, grasslands and forests.

So even the toilets are luxurious, clean and flawless, without a trace of peculiar smell.

Qiao Huier went into a toilet.

When she came out, there was no one in the toilet, Qiao Huier didn't feel anything strange, she went outside to wash her hands.

The sound of splashing water covered up the footsteps of the approaching girl.

While washing her hands, Qiao Huier looked up in the mirror, trying to take a look at her own face, but when she looked up, she saw a blood-eyed girl with long maroon curly hair standing behind her.

She was smiling, that smile seemed to suck people's souls away, but those blood-red eyes really made people shudder.

She stuck behind Qiao Huier, and Qiao Huier froze instantly...

(End of this chapter)

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