Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 431 Miss Kanali Knows After One Sip

Chapter 431 Miss Kanali Knows After One Sip

Chapter 458 Miss Kanali Knows After One Sip

The girl leaned forward, her entire icy body stuck to Qiao Huier.

Qiao Huier's body was rigid and she stared at the picture in the mirror.

In the mirror, the girl behind her opened her mouth, and the two long fangs in her mouth were particularly eye-catching.

Qiao Huier's heart was half cold, and she closed her eyes in despair and pain.

But the imagined pain didn't appear, instead there was something soft attached to his neck.

Qiao Huier opened her eyes tremblingly, only to see that Li Kanali was actually holding a blood-red handkerchief tied around her neck.

Ruan Xiaoli carefully wrapped Qiao Huier's neck with a handkerchief.

The gauze was soaked with blood, and the smell of blood kept wafting out, making Ruan Xiaoli unable to be quiet.

Wrapping it with a veil again, the scent is not so strong, and she can feel more comfortable if she doesn't have such a strong blood scent in the second half of the night.

"Xiao Li... I really thought you were going to bite the heroine, and also, you thought you scared the heroine." Xiao E covered his face and smiled helplessly.

Qiao Huier was so frightened that there was no blood on her face. Seeing Li Kanali wrapping her neck carefully, she suddenly felt a little unreal.

"Ka...Miss Kanali, you..."

What are you going to do?
Ruan Xiaoli looked up at himself and the heroine in the mirror, smiled sweetly and said, "Blood is coming out of your neck, I'll cover it for you."

"...Thank...thank you, Miss Kanali." Qiao Huier couldn't help trembling as she spoke.

Qiao Huier was really terrified of being stuck by a primitive blood like this.

Ruan Xiaoli couldn't help but reached out and stroked her neck: "Thank you, I don't know how many bloods will be attracted by such fragrant blood. I will cover it with a veil so that it won't attract people."


Qiao Huier didn't dare to move.

In a trance for a moment, Qiao Huier suddenly found that there was no one in the mirror when she looked at the mirror again.

She turned around, and Li Kanali, who was still behind her just now, was gone.

Teleportation, one of the abilities of vampires, is not unusual at all.

Qiao Huier staggered with weak legs, and quickly reached out to support the sink: "Hoo hoo..."

She panted heavily, although she didn't know why Li Kanali did this, but fortunately she was not bitten, fortunately not, fortunately not...


Wrapping the heroine's neck, the smell of blood will not be so strong after a while, Ruan Xiaoli was very happy.

Thinking about the class he was tortured just now, Ruan Xiaoli felt that he should have done this earlier.

"You can't smell such a strong smell when you wrap someone's neck, why do you want to challenge the uniform?" Xiao Evil began to make sarcastic remarks.

Ruan Xiaoli: "This challenge is also divided into the beginner level and the hardest level."

Wrapping the neck doesn't mean that you can't smell it at all, and you can overcome the difficulty level by level.

Back in the classroom, Ruan Xiaoli reflexively wanted to sit in the last row by the window, and there was also an empty seat.

It's very strange that Liusen Mori actually returned to sit in the front row again?

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the last seat, and finally went to the middle row and sat down.

Maybe Liusen Mori likes the two seats in the corner. She can sit casually in the front and the back, so she should not go there. It would be bad if someone wakes her up again while sleeping.

And the task is just to simply negotiate with the male protagonist, and there is no mention of deep friendship, so why do you want to come over?

Lean over to make him crooked?
She didn't have the heart to pay attention to the male lead, she just wanted to drink some delicious blood...

Poor, it's rare in this world to have such a strong identity, but in the end... the whole world may be fighting for a mouthful of blood...

"Ahem, the original owner is a foodie, there's nothing I can do about it." Xiao Evil.

Ruan Xiaoli lay down on the table depressed.

Qiao Huier came back from the toilet, and when she entered the classroom, she lowered her head and carefully passed by others.

But the blood-red veil around her neck was too eye-catching.

"Why are you wearing such a conspicuous veil around your neck?"

"Tsk tsk, the color of this handkerchief is really pretty."

Vampires love red.

Qiao Huier was terrified.

Qina Joelle felt that this handkerchief looked familiar: "It looks like Miss Canali's?"

Qiao Huier lowered her head and nervously passed by them.

But a word of Miss Kanali's handkerchief attracted many people's attention.

Look closely at the corners of the veil, and there is indeed a small totem mark of the Canali family.

"It's really Miss Canali's stuff..."

"How could Miss Canali's veil be tied around the neck of a lowly human being?"

"Did this human steal Miss Canali's things?"

Tsk tsk, how bold, a human dares to steal something from a nobleman.

Ruan Xiaoli raised his head when he heard the voice, and saw Qiao Huier surrounded by a group of vampires.

It seems to be accusing Qiao Huier of stealing her own things.

Ruan Xiaoli stood up and walked over slowly: "What are you talking about?"

Qina Joel: "Miss Canali, this human being is wearing your handkerchief around his neck. Did she steal your things?"

Qiao Huier heard Li Kanali's voice, and immediately raised her head, looking at her with pleading eyes: "Miss Kanali..."

"Why don't you tell them that I gave you the handkerchief? It's useless to stand here and be blocked. Come here."

If I caused trouble for the heroine, I can only rescue the heroine myself.

Isn't it just a handkerchief tied around the heroine's neck?What's the matter.

Qiao Huier hurried to her side.

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the vampires: "How could a lowly human being steal my things? I tied them around her neck, so there's no fuss."



When bullying humans, all kinds of blood teenagers and girls who acted as demons were not good in front of Li Kanali.

Ruan Xiaoli returned to her seat, and Qiao Huier quickly followed her back to the last row of seats.

During class, the blood races sitting in front winked one by one.

Miss Canali actually tied her handkerchief around that human's neck. Could it be that she is looking at the blood of this human being?

They should be more careful in the future, not to compete with Miss Canali.

After watching the farce, Liusen Mori turned around and looked at the empty space behind him, then buried his head and didn't know what he was thinking.


Classes were over, and luxury cars stopped at the entrance of the teaching building to pick up the young masters and ladies of each family.

Human beings leave the academy through the back door of the teaching building with their own bags on their backs.

Ruan Xiaoli got into the car, and the maid saw her short skirt as soon as she got in the car, she was very surprised: "Miss, what's wrong with your skirt?"

"It's just broken by the flowers, it's okay."

The maid felt relieved after hearing this, and she took out a cup of blood from the cabinet next to her: "Miss, let's taste the blood of this newly found blood servant."

Ruan Xiaoli sniffed the smell of blood lightly, but it didn't smell good at all: "No."

The maid was a little worried. Miss Canali hadn't eaten for more than two days.

The sky is getting bright, and if you don't go back, the sun will come out. Vampires are not afraid of the sun, but they hate being illuminated by the sun.

Ruan Xiaoli closed his eyes: "Drive home."

"Wait a moment."

A young boy's voice came, and I saw Liusen Mori approaching her car at some point, he bent down and asked, "Miss Kanali, my car broke down, may I take your car back home?" ?"

The two of them walked along the road for a while.

It's a little closer to Canali's house, and it's farther away from Liusen Morley's house, so you can follow along the way.

car broke down?
Xiao Evil immediately said: "This is the original plot, the hero's car did break down, and then came to Li Kanali's car."

In the original plot, Liu Sen Mori went back in Li Kanali's car, and when he arrived at Li Kanali's house, Li Kanali asked the driver to take Liu Sen Mori back.

Since the original plot is like this, let him get in the car.

"Come on." Ruan Xiaoli said calmly.

Liusen Moerli happily got into the car and sat down on the seat opposite Ruan Xiaoli.

The maid immediately saluted Liusen Mori: "Earl Mori."

Liusen Mori nodded lightly, and he glanced at the cup full of blood on the maid's hand.

"Miss Canali has a bad appetite recently?"

Only when the master has a bad appetite and hasn't drank blood for a few days, the maid will prepare this way.

Just after school, she was ready to donate blood and waited for Li Kanali.

Ruan Xiaoli raised his head lightly: "I didn't find any delicious blood."

Don't drink if you don't find it, that's how willful you are.

The maid put the cup of blood back into the cabinet, and took out a blanket from the cabinet on the floor below to cover Ruan Xiaoli's legs.

Seeing the maid's movements, Liu Sen Moerli suddenly approached the girl: "Miss Kanali, it's really distressing that you have been hungry like this, in fact, you can taste my blood to see if it suits your appetite... "

He approached suddenly, his thin lips were almost pressed against Ruan Xiaoli's face, his smile was full of ruffian and ruffian.

The maid was startled. Is Earl Morley molesting Miss Canalie?

Both are honorable masters, and the maids dare not show their air.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't retreat to hide, she just looked at him blankly.

really at a loss...

"Little Evil, is there this part in the original plot?"

In the original plot, there is Liusen Mori rubbing against Canali's car, but is there this paragraph?

It can't be this paragraph, it's weird.

Little Evil fell silent.

Ruan Xiaoli also understood, oh, there is no such part in the original plot.

Another jackpot hit.

Ruan Xiaoli turned his eyes around and looked directly at the handsome young man who was close to him: "Let me drink your blood? Are you worthy?"

"I am more worthy than those humans." Liusen Mori said.

If it weren't for the two of them not breathing, their breaths would be entangled if they were so close at this moment.

She smiled, narrowed her eyes, and said lazily, "I'm not referring to your identity, but is your blood so delicious, is it worthy for me to suck it?"

He was bent over, and his body was bigger than the girl's, but now he was so close, as if his whole body was on top of her.

Liusen Mori smiled ruffiantly: "Miss Canali will know once she tastes it."

(End of this chapter)

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