Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 432 The hero's blood is more fragrant than the heroine's

Chapter 432 The hero's blood is more fragrant than the heroine's
Chapter 459 The hero's blood is more fragrant than the heroine's
Liusen Moulder pressed Miss Canali, while the maid lowered her head and tried to reduce her sense of existence.

I don't know when the lady became so familiar with Earl Liusen Moulder...

But looking at the entire blood clan, there are really not many men who are worthy of Miss Canali, and those with high status are too old. Count Liusen Moulder is considered among the younger generation who barely match Miss Canali. people.

Ruan Xiaoli originally wanted to push him away with a cold face, but this guy just pushed his nose in the face, getting closer and closer.

Just when she was about to push someone, she unexpectedly discovered...

He was very close, and just now he deliberately turned his neck to her lips. She could smell the blood in the blood vessels under his skin, which was very fragrant...

This fragrance seems to smell better than the heroine's, and it can be smelled through the skin, which is very attractive.

Ruan Xiaoli was already hungry, she opened her mouth slightly, revealing her sharp teeth, and when she was about to press against his neck, Ruan Xiaoli pushed him away with the last bit of willpower.


Liusen Mord hit the car wall heavily and rolled directly to the ground.

The vampire has great strength, and Ruan Xiaoli has no control over his strength, he didn't crash the car and fly out because the car is of good quality.

"Cough cough..."

Liusen Moulder coughed, and stretched out his hand to stroke his chest. He didn't guard against her at all.

He clearly saw her showing her fangs just now, but when he was secretly happy, he didn't expect Li Kanali to push her away like this.

He calmed down his discomfort, looked up at the indifferent girl with a smile: "Miss Kanali is really ruthless, this push really hurts my heart."

Ruan Xiaoli said coldly, "Be quiet, or you'll get out of the car right now."

This is the benefit of disparity in status.

She doesn't need to be polite to the hero of the world at all.

Liusen Moulder smiled and got up and sat down, very well-behaved and not acting like a monster.

Xiao Evil watched a good show: "Xiao Li, is the hero's blood more delicious than the heroine's? It's okay to bite him if you're hungry, don't wrong yourself."

Anyway, the hero is also crooked, so don't be afraid of getting involved.

Ruan Xiaoli can't be hungry for the whole world, don't feel wronged if you have delicious food.

Tsk tsk, what a scumbag.

The male lead has become a food tool man, hahahaha.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't speak.

Xiao Evil knew that she would definitely not bite the male lead to drink blood now, otherwise it would be too scumbag.

Xiao Evil: "At least there is a new discovery today, the hero's blood is even better than the heroine~"

Saying this means Xiao Evil is absolutely sure: "Actually, in the original plot, besides biting the heroine, Li Kanali also peeped at the blood of the heroine, and made various designs, even using her identity as a primitive blood clan to suppress The male protagonist, for a mouthful of blood, he will risk his strength to death."

These plots are all detailed plots that Xiao Evil didn't say.

Ruan Xiaoli could understand the original owner's behavior: "The heroine's blood has already made me lose control, and the male protagonist's blood smell through the skin makes me lose control. I can imagine why the original owner is so greedy for them."

The protagonist of the world is different, blood is so delicious.

Ruan Xiaoli was very hungry, very hungry, she suddenly looked at her wrist: "Little Evil, does my own blood taste good?"


Xiao Evil thought for a few seconds, and finally replied: "I don't know, do you want to bite yourself and try?"

In this world, only vampires bite humans, or vampires bite each other, but I have never heard of vampires biting their own.

Xiao Evil was actually joking, how did he know that Ruan Xiaoli really bit his wrist when he went back at night...

A blood vessel came up on the wrist, the kind that is not afraid of pain, and drank a mouthful of blood.

Ruan Xiaoli also commented: "Well, it's better than the blood slave's, but it's just ordinary, not as fragrant as the heroine or heroine."

"..." Xiao Xi had nothing to say.

Arriving at the castle in the afternoon, Liusen Moulder didn't do anything, he didn't get off the car, Ruan Xiaoli ordered the driver to take him back.

Ruan Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief when nothing happened, she was really afraid that he would come over suddenly.

You said that it was fine when you didn't find out that his blood was fragrant, but since you found out, he has been blatantly tempting her by leaning over, and her eyes can't help but stick to his neck.

This desire is truly indescribable.
"Mom, don't cry. I'm really fine. It doesn't hurt anymore. Besides, I just got a little blood sucked. It doesn't matter." Qiao Huier comforted her crying mother.

When she came back, although she tried her best to hide her neck, her mother was extremely sensitive.

Every day when she comes home from school her mother checks her for bites or something, and it's impossible to hide.

Seeing the two blood-sucking holes in her neck, Qiao Youhua started to cry.

Qiao Youhua slowly scrubbed her neck while crying: "It's nothing, look at your face is pale, how much blood you have been sucked by those demons."

Qiao Huier was startled when she heard this, and hurried to see if anyone passed by outside the house.

Today, my mother was really angry. She dared to say that the blood race is a devil. If someone hears and reports this, they will not be able to bear it.

After finishing speaking, Qiao Youhua also regretted it, and cried even more sadly: "Hurry up and graduate, you are rarely bitten, and once you are bitten, accidents will inevitably occur."

It seems that her daughter's blood tastes good, and after being bitten, the smell of blood is inevitable.

Almost lost my life once.

Qiao Huier was also scared, but she still comforted her: "It's okay, I ran away after I was bitten today, the vampire who bit me didn't notice, I bandaged my neck well, the smell is very light, nothing will happen , I will be more careful not to let those people notice me in the future."

"Well, you sit a little farther away from those blood races."

"Okay, I will."

"Don't be tempted by their skins, they are..."

A devil in good skin!
No matter how good-looking they are, they can't hide the fact that they have harmed countless people.

Many young people were bewitched and volunteered to donate their blood, taking pride in being attached to the blood clan.

Qiao Youhua looked down on this kind of people the most, so she always reminded her daughter not to be fooled by the appearance of the vampires since she was a child. The vampires are not good things, they are devils.

Qiao Huier thought of the girl with stunning blood eyes, the blood race is indeed very good-looking...

"Mom, I know, I have been with those blood races for several years, I will not be confused by them, all I have always thought in my heart is that I can graduate early and find a good job, then make money and be filial to you, and let you not be so Hard."

Qiao Youhua was touched, she gave birth to a good daughter.

"I don't want so much, I just want you to be safe in this life."

(End of this chapter)

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