Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 433 The Mysterious Man in the Rose Garden

Chapter 433 The Mysterious Man in the Rose Garden

Chapter 460 The Mysterious Man in the Rose Garden

During the day, most of the activities outside are human beings.

The sun is strong during the day, and the vampires hate being exposed to the sun. Basically, the vampires will avoid going out during the day.

Ruan Xiaoli went out during the day. The reason was that she slept during the day and slept at school at night. She slept too much, and she couldn't fall asleep...

Xiao Evil: "Theoretically speaking, a lazy person cannot suffer from insomnia."


Ruan Xiaoli has evidence to prove that Xiao Ei is connoting himself.

Who says lazy people don't suffer from insomnia?Who stipulates that lazy people will not suffer from insomnia!

The whole castle is shady at night, and the whole castle is still gloomy during the day.

Ruan Xiaoli wore a silk dark blue pajamas and walked around the castle, walking from the top floor to the downstairs, and then went out.

As soon as she stepped into the sunny area, she was in a bad mood.

It's so sunburnt, the skin is a little tingling, but this pain can be ignored.

Ruan Xiaoli avoided the maid on purpose, and many maids slept in the coffin during the day, so no one noticed that she walked out of the castle.

The maids in the castle are all vampires, and only vampires are human beings.

A blood slave was washing clothes on the grass of the castle, and there was a well there, and she was drawing water to wash clothes.

The blood slave is very thin and her skin is a little yellow. She is washing clothes seriously.

After washing the clothes, put the washed clothes in wooden barrels and prepare to dry them.

As soon as the blood slave turned around, he saw the young girl in the shade of the castle, and the wooden bucket in her hand fell off, and the freshly washed clothes fell on the grass.

Miss Canali...

How could she appear here during the day?

The blood slaves don't usually see Li Kanali, but occasionally they do meet a few times, and they all remember Li Kanali's appearance.

The particularly long chestnut curly hair and the pair of blood-colored eyes are her distinctive marks.

Ruan Xiaoli's attention was attracted by the sound of the wooden barrel in the blood slave's hand falling to the ground.

She scared the little human.

"You, come here." Ruan Xiaoli opened his lips.

The blood slave turned pale when he heard this, but he didn't dare to delay, and hurried to her: "Honorable Miss Kanali, what are your orders?"

"Go find an umbrella and hold an umbrella for me."

Ruan Xiaoli wanted to go for a walk near the castle, but the sun made her uncomfortable, so she should grab a little servant to hold an umbrella.

The blood slave was trembling, and immediately went to find a parasol to support her.

That blood slave was shorter than Ruan Xiaoli, and he tried to raise his hands higher when holding the umbrella, trying not to let a ray of sunlight shine on Ruan Xiaoli.

Behind the castle is a large grassland, and beyond the grassland is the forest.

The grassland is a golf course, but it seems that the original owner was lazy and never played after it was built.

Going further to the side is a large rose garden, with big and bright red roses blooming on every branch, and the red roses will turn black.

Vampires seem to be particularly fond of roses.

"Later, you will tell the head maid to turn the golf course into a rose garden and plant red roses and black roses."

Large areas of rose gardens open the windows when the time comes, and the night wind blows, and the whole house will have the fragrance of roses.

Ruan Xiaoli is also relatively free, because she doesn't need to do this kind of thing, just say a few words.

Ruan Xiaoli circled around his entire castle, and then told him which places to see and what to do.

The blood slave was very nervous, but he had always written down her words seriously.

"Do you remember it all?"


The blood slave found that although Miss Kanali was indifferent today, she was very gentle and did not have the terrifying aura of the past.

Let her relax a little bit.

Ruan Xiaoli turned around and backed away, the blood slave was in a daze and didn't follow her back, Ruan Xiaoli bumped into her directly, accidentally both of them fell down.


Unfortunately, the blood slave was crushed heavily by Ruan Xiaoli at the bottom.

Ruan Xiaoli was so depressed, it was embarrassing.

The blood slave was in pain, and at the same time was very frightened: "Miss Kanali, I..."

She said this, but looking at the exquisite face enlarged at close range, the blood slave was stunned, stunned, and obsessed...

Miss Canali is so beautiful that it is unreal, if you meet her eyes, you will never run away again.

Ruan Xiaoli noticed the blood slave's expression, and suddenly felt a chill, and quickly got up: "Get lost!"

The blood slave was so frightened that she woke up instantly. She was so frightened that she hurriedly ran away.

"Hahahaha, Xiao Li, you are so attractive that you commit crimes. I didn't understand why the male lead was crooked at first, but now I understand. You are so beautiful!"

Female blood slaves can be attracted, let alone male protagonists.

Ruan Xiaoli frowned: "That's what the original owner looks like."

"No, it's you who look good. You look about the same as the original owner. Your whole personality has been subtly subtle in the original owner's body. It's you."

What Xiao Evil said is not false, Ruan Xiaoli's real appearance is really good-looking, and the body of the villain it chooses is also similar to Ruan Xiaoli's real appearance.

Ruan Xiaoli felt bored and turned back to the castle.

In the rose garden, two male blood slaves came out from the flowers, and they hid here for a long time.

"Isn't Li Kanali resting during the day? Why did she come out suddenly? It's so dangerous here now, I almost found us."

"Maybe it's a whim, come to the back garden during the day, don't worry, she didn't find us."

The two male blood slaves looked to be in their 20s. Although they were thinner and darker, their eyes were particularly radiant.

"It's a good thing they haven't been discovered, otherwise all the painstaking efforts that have been lurking for so many years will be in vain."

"We should go to the forest when we meet in the future, this rose garden is not safe anymore."

Li Canali will come to the Rose Garden, it's not safe here anymore.

"It's almost time, let's go back quickly."

Every blood slave has a job. Basically, they are not allowed to meet and talk. If the vampire finds that the blood slaves meet and talk, they will strictly investigate. If anything is found out, the end will be to be executed...

The two left the rose garden one after the other, and then returned to the castle through different gates.

Everything looks calm, but under the cover of calm there are often turbulent undercurrents.


"Miss Canali, what happened to your wrist?"

Ruan Xiaoli sat comfortably in the middle row, and just as she was about to lie down to sleep, Liusen Mori took her long legs and sat directly in the front row of her seat.

Liusen Mori turned her head and lay down on her table, staring at Ruan Xiaoli's wrist with a teasing smile in her eyes.

Ruan Xiaoli still had gauze tied around her wrist, it was her own loophole, so she put a gauze on to cover up the teeth marks.


"Tsk, wouldn't this be cut with a silver dagger again?"

(End of this chapter)

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