Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 439 Attacked by the Blood Hunter

Chapter 439 Attacked by the Blood Hunter

Chapter 466 Attacked by the Blood Hunter

The original plot only talked about the relationship between the male and female protagonists. As a supporting villain, Li Kanali's plot is not detailed, so Xiao Evil didn't know that there would be such an episode today.

Ruan Xiaoli could tell that Pimo Raoel's marriage proposal was not sincere.

I really want to marry her, but I don't really love her.

Why marry her?
You must know that although the primitive blood family has great power, they basically don't manage any affairs in their hands, just an empty shelf.

Marrying her is better than marrying... For example, Liusen Mori's sister and sister, at least Liusen Mori's family really has a lot of real power in their hands.

Hansa Kanali was stunned when she heard this.

For hundreds of years, his daughter has grown up where he can't see it, but he is not ready to marry her off yet.

Hansa Kanali realized in a trance that her daughter had reached the age of being asked to marry her. If she didn't treat her well, it would be too late if she didn't accompany her...

Liusen Moerli couldn't understand Hansa Kanali's expression, and wondered if Hansa Kanali would really agree to this marriage?

The conditions offered by Pimo Joel can be said to be particularly attractive.

Liusen Mori was really worried that Hansa Canali would agree.


A soft laugh sounded.

Pimo Joel turned his head quickly: "Earl Liuson Morley, what are you laughing at?"

Liusen Mori leaned on the chair and said, "Isn't such a funny scene allowed to make me laugh?"

Since he can sit at the same table to discuss matters, he is no longer a junior, and Liusen Mori will not give Pimo Joel so much face.

Pimo Joel: "Oh? I don't know why Earl Liusen Morley said this is a funny scene. If you don't give a reasonable explanation, I can only think you are insulting me Now, insult my Joel family."

Liusen Mori represents the Mori family.

Pimo Joel's words provoked a fight between the two families.

The other princes all had subtle expressions, and some didn't like Pimo Joel's calculation and politicization.

Liusen Mori leaned on the chair like a lazy bone: "Prince Pimo Joel, if I remember correctly, you are almost [-] years old, and Miss Canali is even your age." Not even a fraction, Miss Canali was born when you were managing the family... This age difference, you proposed to Miss Canali at your age, I really couldn't help laughing at this scene."

This is not to say that Pimo Joel is old.

This is a fact, in fact, several princes present also wanted to laugh.

Although vampires do not grow old and their life is eternal, it still cannot change the age difference that Pimo Joel is tens of thousands of years older than Kanali...

Pimo Joel had never had any contact with Li Kanali in private, but every time the elders would have some contact.

Sitting at the same table and never talking.

Miss Li Canali will come to the Council of Elders after she turns one year old. When she was a child, she was hugged by Master Hanza Canali in baby clothes.

Pimo Joel can also be considered to have watched his parents grow up.

These princes looked at Miss Li Canalie as if they were their own daughters.

With such an age difference, Pimo Joelle actually said that he fell in love with Miss Li Canali due to Yang's experience.

It's really funny and perverted.

For a moment, Pimo Joel fell into an awkward situation, but he had a thick skin: "Lord Hansa Canali, believe it or not, I really want to ask Miss Li Canali to marry her. I watched her grow up, and I love her even more, and I will definitely take good care of her, please Lord Hansa Kanali marry Miss Li Kanali to me."

Liusen Moerli's smile paused on his face, this Pimo Joel is really thick-skinned to a certain extent.


Ruan Xiaoli was almost done watching the farce, and just about to interrupt, she just said a word, and Hansa Kanali spoke.

Hansa Kanali: "I don't intend to marry my daughter now. I want to keep her for hundreds of years, and let her choose her husband instead of others."

This is very clear.

If you don't marry, even if you marry in the future, Li Kanali will choose someone else.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled: "My lord father is wise, thank you Prince Pimo Rael for your love, I have no intention of getting married now, and you have always been an elder in my heart, Lord Pimo Rale. "

Being rejected by the father and daughter in turn, Pimo Joel was humiliated.

This session of the Elders will end in such a farce.

The princes left the castle one after another.

Pimo Joel walked with a dark face the whole time, and when passing by Ruan Xiaoli, he said without giving up: "Miss Li Kanali, what you just said is sincere, I hope that Miss will consider her husband's consideration in the future." It’s time to think about me.”

After speaking, he left quickly.

Xiao Evil: "Hahaha, I think if this Pimo Joelle walks a little slower, I suspect the hero will kick his ass rebelliously."

Liusen Mori was watching from behind with itchy teeth.

Liusen Moerli offended Pimo Joel today because of Ruan Xiaoli.

But is the hero afraid of offending anyone?
At a young age, he took over the rights from his father and came to the Senate meeting. He did not feel stage fright when he came to the meeting for the first time, and he was also praised by other princes. The hero will definitely be a great prince in the future.

Hansa Kanali glanced at her petite daughter: "Li'er, I still have some things to do, you can go back alone."

Hansa Kanali's whereabouts have always been mysterious, and Ruan Xiaoli didn't bother to ask him what he was going to do, but just nodded lightly: "Yes, father, please pay attention to your health outside."

"it is good."

Ruan Xiaoli went back to the castle by car, she specifically asked the driver to drive slowly, she lay on the window breathing the air.

In the quiet forest, the road is very spacious.

In fact, one advantage of vampires in charge of this world is that the forest coverage rate in this world is particularly high and the air is particularly good.

When Ruan Xiaoli was about to fall asleep in a daze, he smelled blood on the tip of his nose.

"what happened?"

Driver: "Miss Kanali, it seems that someone is injured not far away."

They drove closer and closer and even heard the sound of fighting.

Ruan Xiaoli has very good ears, with the voice of Liusen Mori and Leng Weapon.

Driver: "Miss, it was Earl Liusen Morley who was attacked."

Moreover, the attacker was holding something reflective, which was obviously silverware.

Attacked by Blood Hunt.

This can't be done without help, Ruan Xiaoli has no reason to let the driver drive away like this.

Ruan Xiaoli got out of the car with the driver, and she said, "Go help Earl Liusen Morley."

(End of this chapter)

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