Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 440 Don't Go, I Don't Feel Safe With You Going Away

Chapter 440 Don't Go, I Don't Feel Safe With You Going Away
Chapter 467 Don't Go, I Don't Feel Safe With You Going Away
Ruan Xiaoli moved quickly, and soon saw the overturned car, and some people in black cloaks with silverware in their hands attacking Liusen Mori.

Those people were obviously blood hunters. Liusen Mori's car could turn over like this, and it looked like it was ambushed.

Those blood hunters were holding high-quality sterling silver weapons in their hands, and Liusen Mori was a little bit restrained when fighting.

But Liusen Mori, who has noble blood on his body, cannot be underestimated in his body.

It can knock people into the air with a single punch, and it can also create a defensive net.

The ability of vampires is very magical, as if there is magic when fighting.

Ruan Xiaoli quickly joined the battle.

Liusen Mori found Ruan Xiaoli and was very pleasantly surprised: "Miss Kanali, you haven't gone back yet."

"If I had gone back earlier, I wouldn't have encountered such a scene, Liusen Mori, how did you get into the blood hunt?"

"My identity has offended them."

A vampire hunter isn't just hunting vampires.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't believe it, and Bloodhunter only dared to hunt and kill ordinary vampires, and someone with status like them must plan.

Is Liusen Mori's family too attractive recently, so bloodhunter planned such an assassination?

The two chatted and fought, and it was easy to deal with these blood hunters.

But gradually they realized that something was wrong, there must be too many hunters.

At least hundreds of them.

There are only two drivers, two people, and there are only four in total. Those blood hunters are fighting against them. No matter how powerful the blood race is, it is not inexhaustible.

Liusen Mori's expression became serious: "We must make a quick decision, Lili, pay attention to your own safety."

"it is good."

Xiao Evil: "...there was too much noise just now, what did the hero call you?"

"Miss Canali."

"No." Xiao Ei was sure not.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't pay attention, she had been paying attention to the blood hunter who was fighting with her, and the wind was really strong just now.

Many hunters died on the road, unfortunately the driver brought by Ruan Xiaoli was stabbed in the heart by a hunter with a dagger and died on the spot.

The driver of Liusen Mori was also injured, and in the end he was defeated and died tragically in the hands of the blood hunter.

These blood hunters were dressed in black robes, their faces could not be seen clearly, they did not make a sound when fighting, and they were well-trained.

Usually I can't find out where this group of people are, but now there is so much blood hunting, ha ha.

"Liu Sen Mo Erli, follow me." Ruan Xiaoli shouted.

"it is good."

The two broke through the siege, and finally got into Ruan Xiaoli's car, and Liusen Morli drove away quickly.

For the convenience of ambush, the hunter didn't have any vehicles nearby, so he could only watch the two drive away.

Ruan Xiaoli was panting in the car, he hadn't moved for a long time, he was exhausted after fighting a battle.

The car drove a long way, and it was finally determined to be safe.

Ruan Xiaoli straightened her skirt and brushed her hair, but at this moment she smelled a faint smell of blood.

To say that they are far away from the battlefield now, it is impossible to smell blood.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the young man who was driving beside him. Liusen Mori's face seemed to be a little pale. He was driving seriously, and he didn't smile playfully as usual.

That's right, who could laugh when this happened.

Ruan Xiaoli leaned closer: "Are you injured?"

Liusen Mori's driving hands froze, and he continued to turn the steering wheel calmly: "No."

"You can lie to anyone, but don't lie to the same kind. I can smell the blood on your body."

It's possible that they've smelled of blood from a fight, but that bloody smell exudes a fascinating fragrance.

It was the smell of Liusen Mori's blood.

Having been exposed, Liusen Mori didn't hold on any longer, and smiled weakly: "When I got into the car and closed the door, I was scratched by that damned blood hunter."

Just now he covered Ruan Xiaoli getting into the car, and then got into the car by himself.

The situation was critical, and Ruan Xiaoli didn't notice that he was being rowed over.

"Where is the injury?"

Liusen Mori looked down at his waist over there: "The waist, you can't see it from here."

The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger, Ruan Xiaoli can be sure that his injury is not serious.

"Continue driving for half an hour to reach my old castle. Let's go to my old castle to rest tonight. Let the doctor bandage you later. I will send someone to take you back tomorrow night."

"it is good."

There was a hint of cunning in Liusen Mori's smile, as if he had succeeded in some scheme.

"Open the car window." Ruan Xiaoli said in a low voice with his head lowered.

She was afraid that speaking a little louder would reveal her trembling.

The most narrow car is full of his delicious blood scent, for Ruan Xiaoli who has never had enough, it is simply a fatal temptation.

Seduce her to commit a crime every minute!
Liusen Mori was taken aback for a moment, then he probably understood something, and he smirked: "Okay."

The window of the car was opened, and the smell of blood faded a little, but it was impossible for two people sitting so close not to smell it.

Ruan Xiaoli: "..."

Huh, why torture her like this.

Originally thought that the task in this world was easy, so she just bit the heroine, but only she knew the hardship of this task.

Bite, still have to wait.

But at other times, she was suffering from this inhuman torture, she was too hungry...

Xiao Xi clutched his stomach and rolled on the carpet of the space: "How could the young master give you such an easy task, hahaha, Xiaoli, this is a test for you."

Along the way, I finally returned to the old castle. Ruan Xiaoli got off the car as soon as I arrived at the old castle.

Liusen Mori got out of the car slowly, closed the door, and followed her into the hall of the castle.

As he walked, he looked down at his side waist, tsk, there is a lot of blood, it must be very fragrant to her.

He especially cherished Li Kanali's little expressions along the way, they were so cute.

"Miss Canali, you are back."

The maid immediately came out to greet him. When the maid saw the boy who came in with Ruan Xiaoli, she was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately bowed: "Lord Liusen Morley."

Ruan Xiaoli: "Hurry up and call some doctors. Earl Liusen Morley is injured. We have to go to Nanshanling in the middle of the night. The driver's body is over there."

The maid was shocked when she heard this, and she probably understood it after seeing Liusen Mori's wound.

This was attacked by blood hunting.

Now the blood hunt is getting more and more daring, and dared to attack Earl Liusen Mori.

Ruan Xiaoli: "The doctor will come soon, you wait here."

She has to go back to the room quickly, and can't continue to smell his blood.

Liusen Moerli grabbed her hand: "Don't go, I don't feel safe if you go."


what the hell!

(End of this chapter)

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