Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 441 Drinking His Blood

Chapter 441 Drinking His Blood
Chapter 468 Drinking His Blood
Liusen Moerli had a weak face, his whole face was a little pale because of the injury, and he looked really pitiful.

Ruan Xiaoli pulled his hand away: "Besides me, you are the most important here. They are afraid that you will be too late. Why do you feel insecure?"

"It's just not."



The maid was stunned. Are Earl Liuson Morley and Miss so familiar?
I have heard many stories about Earl Liuson Morley's young and promising deeds, but he has rarely seen a real person, let alone such an Earl Liuson Morley.

It's useless for Liusen Moerli to be shameless, Ruan Xiaoli is determined to go back to the room quickly.

Otherwise, he would really be tempted by this little goblin.

Ruan Xiaoli went back to the room and closed the door, hoo, the whole world was quiet.

At this time, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't bring her mobile phone to the Elders' Meeting today. She glanced at the note on the mobile phone, and it was Hansa Kanali calling.

She connected the phone: "Father."

"Li'er, I heard that you and Liusen Mori were attacked by hunters on the way?"

Hansa Kanali regretted saying this, because he was anxious to care for his daughter, and asked her if she was hurt or frightened?
But once you open your mouth, it's business...

Ruan Xiaoli's anticipation disappeared immediately, and she replied indifferently: "Well, there was an attack, the driver died, and the silver dagger cut a big slash on the side of Earl Russen Morley."

Hansa Kanali could imagine how fierce the battle was when she heard these words, and at the same time her heart ached.

So... Li'er, are you injured?

Hansa Kanali hadn't spoken yet.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Earl Liusen Mori is injured and is recuperating in the castle. Father, please pay attention to safety when you are outside. I will go and see Earl Liusen Mori first."



The phone hung up, and Hansa Kanali never said the words of concern.

In the end, he still called the head maid to inquire, and he was relieved when he learned that Li Kanali was not injured.

As long as he was not injured, we must send more people to protect Li Kanali, this is the only child of him and his sister.

"Sister, if it wasn't for Li'er, I would definitely go to accompany you. Although my father is not, I still can't leave Li'er. I want to protect her until she can be alone."

His most beloved person, his younger sister, died in a blood hunting assassination. Hansa Kanali frantically wiped out several blood hunting lairs, which can be regarded as revenge for his sister.

But the younger sister will never come back again. All the anger of Hansa Kanali was sucked away that year, and she is like a walking dead every day, only to keep walking where he and her younger sister used to go, In order to get a little comfort.

At the same time, he has completely neglected his daughter, and I am sorry for this daughter.

The handsome vampire is standing on the top of the mountain. This is the place where he and his sister watched the moonrise. Hansa Kanali looked at the moon sadly, recalling something...
The maid went to Ruan Xiaoli's room with a big cup of blood.

This was just explained by an adult on the phone, you must watch the lady eat on time every day, so as not to let the lady starve.

This cup of blood was released by a newly found blood slave, hoping to suit the young lady's appetite.

"Miss Canali, this is your dinner, please enjoy."

Ruan Xiaoli had just washed her hair, her long hair was wet, and a red towel was covering her head. She looked up at the blood in the cup: "It doesn't smell good, take it away."

The maid was anxious: "Miss Kanali, you haven't eaten for a long time, please drink some."

"I can't drink this stuff."

"My lord told me to serve it, you just have a taste, your lord will be anxious if you keep doing this."

My lord, of course it refers to Hansa Kanali.

Ruan Xiaoli sneered: "Don't use my father to oppress me. I don't even know where my father is. How could my father care about such a small matter as my meal? If he tells you to take it away, don't you understand?"

The girl was about to get angry, and the maid trembled with fright, but finally withdrew.

Xiao Evil: "Xiao Li, it was really the original owner's father who confessed."

"I know."

Ruan Xiaoli knew that the cup of blood was given by Hansa Kanali, but Li Kanali didn't know.

This is Li Kanali's impression of Hansa Kanali. She would not believe that Hansa Kanali would care about herself so carefully.

Xiao Evil: "It fits the character design, points are coming."

In the corridor, the maid held the cup of blood and sighed: "Miss Kanali is becoming more and more picky about eating. It's been a few days since she hasn't eaten. How can I explain this to my lord?"

Liu Sen Mori, who had just bandaged his wound and was about to go upstairs to the guest room to rest, heard what the maid said.

Liusen Mori had several bandages wrapped around his waist, his upper body was loosely dressed in a shirt, and his lips were a little pale.

Liusen Mori came over: "What's wrong?"

The maid was taken aback: "Earl Liuson Morley."

"Why are you holding a cup of blood and sighing here?"

"The adult ordered it to be brought to the young lady to drink, but the young lady is a picky eater. She hasn't eaten anything for several days. Hey, I don't know what to do."

Although it is said that vampires will not starve to death, but thinking about the feeling that Miss endures hunger every day, I feel distressed when I think about it.

Liusen Mori frowned and glanced at the blood, then stretched out his hand.

He put his wrist on the glass, and cut it with his sharp nails.

Tick-tick blood fell into the cup.

The maid was surprised: "Earl Liuson Morley, what are you doing?"

Liusen Moerli smiled: "Of course she doesn't drink the common blood, but seeing her starving makes me feel bad. Tsk, I have to wrong myself."

Seeing that the blood was almost dripping, Liusen Mori withdrew his hand.

"You take this cup of blood again, I promise she will drink it, by the way, don't tell her about my blood dripping."

Tell her I'm afraid she won't drink.

The maid was severely impacted, but she obeyed her orders and carried the blood to Li Kanali's room.

"Miss Kanali, it's a blood slave's blood. It must taste delicious. Miss, you can have a taste."

The maid was frightened and anxious, so I forgive her for describing Lord Liusen Mori as a blood slave.

Ruan Xiaoli wanted to continue to refuse, but the tip of his nose could already smell it.

No, it's really fragrant, and the smell is a little familiar.

Ruan Xiaoli tentatively picked up the cup of blood, and took a sip. It seemed to be the blood of Liusen Moerli, but it seemed to be mixed with other flavors, and the taste of Liusen Moerli was a little weaker.

No matter what, Ruan Xiaoli felt that this cup of blood could still be drunk.

Xiao Evil said, "Xiao Li, is it good to drink?"

(End of this chapter)

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