Chapter 442 Seduce Her

Chapter 469 Seduce Her


He said it was okay, but he drank the whole glass, obviously satisfied.

"With the male protagonist's blood added, the taste is of course okay."

Ruan Xiaoli's expression was slightly taken aback, his blood red eyes stared at the cup, no wonder the smell is familiar...

Seeing that Li Canali drank the whole cup of blood, the maid was relieved, and when she reported to the adults later, the adults should also be in a good mood.

Hey, the adults clearly care about the young lady but never show it, and the young lady also has a deep misunderstanding of the adults.

Ruan Xiaoli was quite happy at first, she felt a little full after drinking a whole cup of blood, but that night she was hungry again...

Perhaps he had eaten too much, but the hunger at this time was even more menacing.

You said that you are used to being hungry all the time, but what you are afraid of is that you are full and then hungry again...

Especially after drinking the blood of Liusen Moerli, Ruan Xiaoli's whole body screamed.

Go, find Liusen Mori, bite him, bite him hard.

This desire is about to torture Ruan Xiaoli to death, Ruan Xiaoli gritted his teeth: "Sure enough, you shouldn't have sex..."

"Pfft, Xiao Li, you're such a man who's been crazy for a long time and suddenly eats meat, you can't control it."

I believe that people of color can understand the connotation of vegetarian and meat.

Ruan Xiaoli buried herself in the quilt and pretended to be dead, forbearance, she forbearance!

I can't stand it!

On a dark and windy night, Ruan Xiaoli came to the rose garden in the backyard to calm down alone. When he came out, it was windy outside, and maybe he could calm down after being blown by the night wind.

But before being calmed down by the wind, Ruan Xiaoli met Liusen Morli.

Liusen Mori was injured, and he was alone in the rose garden without resting in the middle of the night.

Xiao Evil: "I seriously suspect that the hero of the world is deliberately waiting for you here, and then came to seduce you."


She also doubted it.

The most important thing is that the boy among the roses didn't wear a shirt, just a pair of trousers, his upper body was naked, gauze was wrapped around his waist, and his terrifying waist was particularly prominent.

There was a faint smell of blood under the gauze, which attracted Ruan Xiaoli to approach him step by step.

Given Ruan Xiaoli's status as a vampire, don't expect her to be aloof and reserved, this primitive desire is uncontrollable.

Ruan Xiaoli slowly walked towards Liusen Moerli.

Liusen Mori sat on the grass, surrounded by flowers, which made him more beautiful.

"Miss Canali, you didn't take a break either. We really came here with the same heart. The flowers you planted in the castle are so beautiful. If you have seeds, can you give me some? I will plant one when I go back."


Ruan Xiaoli walked over, but kept his eyes fixed on his waist.

Liusen Mori narrowed his eyes: "Miss Canali, what are you doing looking at my waist?"


"The gauze is wrapped very well, basically it won't ooze blood, but it still smells bloody. I've always heard that Miss Kanali is a picky eater. My blood is very ordinary. You shouldn't have any impulse to smell this bloody smell, right?" .”


Ruan Xiaoli wanted to beat him, what a cheap man.

Xiao Evil covered his eyes, always feeling that the next second there would be a scene of two people sucking on each other.

Ruan Xiaoli's face was still very calm, except for the blood red eyes, she sat down beside Liusen Mori, and reached out to pick a flower.

She pulled the petals one by one as if counting them, but she was actually trying to calm herself down.

Liusen Mori approached and looked down at her: "Miss Canali is a little quiet, is she in a bad mood?"

It's no wonder that I'm in a good mood...

She didn't speak, ignored him, and didn't leave.

Liusen Mori was a little uncertain about what she was thinking, but she was quite patient.

It is rare for a picky eater to resist the food he likes.

It seems that he is going to use strong medicine.

Liusen Mori suddenly approached, and his face was almost pressed against her: "Miss Canali, I'm already like this, you haven't made any moves yet, are you disappointing me too much?"

Naked seduction.

The meaning of blood sucking is almost the same as that of human beings going to bed. Liusen Mori is too hateful.

Xiao Evil: "Xiao Li, for your own comfort, let's go."

Ruan Xiaoli had worked very hard to restrain himself, but in the end he had a system to encourage him.

Under the moonlight, the roses in a large rose garden were blooming very well, and the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers, but Ruan Xiaoli could only smell the seductive smell of blood from Liusen Mori's body.

The two were very close, Liusen Moerli had a smirk on his face, and Ruan Xiaoli was indifferent.

Finally Ruan Xiaoli raised his hand.

Liusen Mori was particularly looking forward to what she would do, bite her neck or bite other places?

Everyone in the blood race has different hobbies, it doesn't mean they only bite their necks.

For example, some people like to bite their chests, shoulders, wrists, or even thighs...

He wondered what her cravings were.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't move, but stretched out his hand and pressed hard on the wound on his waist.


It hurts him.

Ruan Xiaoli used so much force that her fingers had already sunk into his wound, including the gauze, on which blood flowed out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her expression did not have the madness just now, only indifference: "Liu Sen Moerli, are you satisfied?"

Liusen Moerli was in great pain. He was injured by the silverware in the first place, it was hard to heal and painful, and now he was pressed again.

Little Evil: "Bah, you deserve it."

Xiao Evil has been a little bit of a nerd recently.

Ruan Xiaoli let go of her hand. Under the moonlight, her two fingers were covered with blood: "Liu Sen Mori, I am very satisfied with your blood, but I don't like being seduced by others, this feeling of not being able to control I'm sick of it."

It's true, she cares about every emotion, and she's terrified of feeling out of control.

Ruan Xiaoli almost didn't lose control, because even if she fell in love with someone, she loved very rationally, as if she was not in love.

The advantage of reason is that any slightest emotion can be controlled by herself, love or not, can be controlled by her.

This kind of control is abnormal and terrifying.

Ruan Xiaoli got up: "Go to bed early."

After speaking she left.

Back in the room, Ruan Xiaoli didn't wash her hands, but took out a silk handkerchief to wipe her hands clean, and she locked the bloody silk handkerchief directly into the safe.

Xiao Evil: "Xiao Li, you won't take it out wretchedly and put it in your nose and mouth at any time, will you?"

"will not."

"If you're not going to do that, then why are you hiding it in the safe and not throwing it away?"

"Too lazy to throw it away."


In the Rose Garden, Liusen Mori suffered from pain for a long time before he had the strength to stand up. He looked down at the blood stains on his waist and smiled wryly: "Li Li, don't you feel sorry for me at all? It's really cruel." .”

(End of this chapter)

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