Chapter 444 Attacked

Chapter 471 Attacked

This group of humans was as frightened as quails, almost frightened.

Just when Xiao Evil thought that Ruan Xiaoli was going to continue to care about, Ruan Xiaoli teleported away.

"Xiao Li, are you going to let those humans go like this?"

"Well, it's just being guided by others. Fortunately, I can think about something clearly because of their words today." Ruan Xiaoli's face was serious.

Xiao Evil: "What did you think of?"

"Remember the last time I sent people to go blood hunting? There were no clues at the end, and then it was very quiet during this period. I always felt that something was wrong. Sure enough, after the silence, a big incident broke out, and I was thinking about this big thing again. Whether there is any conspiracy in the incident, now I understand."

Xiao Evil: "...Speaking human words."

"...Who is affected by this incident?"

Little Evil: "Human."

After all, there are low-level vampires haunting, and the safety of human beings is most affected.

Ruan Xiaoli: "And then?"

Xiao Evil thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized: "Then it's you and your father, our reputation will be damaged, the blood race doesn't care about this, but humans care. Although humans can't deal with you, they must be disgusted and want you both to die. "

In the past, humans hated blood clans, but now humans only hate their father and daughter.

There is a difference between hating a large group of people and hating two people.

The target becomes smaller, and the power of human beings seems to be stronger.

Ruan Xiaoli nodded: "I just heard those students said that they wished for me to die, I just thought of this, maybe the low-level vampires were released by the blood hunters, just to increase the hatred, the best way is to use the hands of the masses to kill Li Ka Nali and Hansa Kanali."

Blood hunting has been hunting vampires for millions of years, but the main hunting targets are primitive vampires.

Because in their thinking, as long as the primitive blood race is destroyed, the prestige of the blood race is destroyed, and without the primitive blood race, human beings no longer have to worry about becoming monsters.

Use the hands of the crowd to kill Hansa Kanali and Li Kanali.

Although this is a bit difficult, I have to say that there is a sense of trend now.

I just can't figure out how the blood hunter created low-level vampires?
I don't know, it's all speculation anyway.

But Ruan Xiaoli was also prepared and vigilant at this moment.

"If I guess correctly, my father and I will be in danger."

Ruan Xiaoxin is as meticulous as a hair, as long as she makes a bold guess, the result of her guess is basically possible.

Xiao Evil: "Be careful in everything, don't die before you bite the heroine."

"I can't hang it up."

Back in the classroom, Liusen Mori immediately stuck to him: "Where have you been?"

"Go for a walk, and listen to some movement by the way."

Liusen Moerli's face was delicate, and he understood what she was saying. He reached out and stroked her curly hair: "Don't pay attention to what those humans say, stupid humans will only be led by others."

Ruan Xiaoli was slightly surprised when he heard this: "You also have this guess?"


Ruan Xiaoli sat down and dragged his chin: "It's no wonder they were led into rhythm, after all, they can't think of deep things, they only think that low-level vampires were made by me and my father."

Liusen Mori has also heard a lot of voices recently, and he secretly executed many people.

It's just some lowly human beings, if you give them some status, they really think they are the masters, and they dare to talk about Lili behind their backs.

The teenager reached out and played with a strand of curly hair.

She glanced at it. Liusen Moerli seems to like to touch her hair recently. As long as she doesn't touch her head, Ruan Xiaoli won't mind.

Liusen Moerli: "I will investigate this matter carefully. Anyway, I believe you. I will find a way to catch a low-level vampire. I should be able to find clues from the fang marks on their bodies."

Speaking of fang marks...

Liusen Mori got close to Li Kanali and realized that the tooth hole on Li Kanali's wrist he saw last time was Li Kanali's own.

Once you are familiar enough, you can recognize it from the smell.

Every time Liusen Moerli thinks about this, he just wants to laugh, besides laughing at himself for thinking it was another man who bit her, and Xiaoli Kanali is really...cute.

Biting herself, how did she come up with it?

Just because you can't find the blood you like, you taste your own?

Liusen Mori played with the hair in his hand, looking at this delicate and beautiful face like a doll.

In the future, she will keep her full every night and never starve her.

During class break, Ruan Xiaoli went for a stroll in the garden.

Qiao Huier ran over: "Miss Kanali, I know that you have good hearing, and you must be able to hear what some people say. Don't pay attention to it, and don't get angry with yourself because of these words. I believe, believe that those low-level vampires are definitely not you Made it with your father."

Qiao Huier also mustered up a lot of courage in the past few days to dare to say this.

Ruan Xiaoli was taken aback by Qiao Huier who rushed out, but he still felt warm when he heard her words.

"Yeah." Ruan Xiaoli nodded with a gentle smile.

It wasn't the first time Qiao Huier smiled when she saw Miss Li Kanali, but she felt so gentle this time.

"Miss Canali..."

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

"Ah, no, no, class is about to start, please remember to go back to the classroom early."

"it is good."

Because of Liusen Moli's secret punishment and suppression, those strange voices have become less and less, but it is hard to guarantee what these people think in their hearts.

Dare to be angry but dare not speak, that's probably what he said.

One morning after school, Ruan Xiaoli went home in the car. Suddenly the car stopped, the driver and the maid fell on their seats, motionless.

Little Evil: "What's going on?"

Ruan Xiaoli smiled: "There is an ambush, the danger I said is coming."

Things will definitely not be like this. Sure enough, someone wants to kill her.

At this moment, a large group of humans wearing black cloaks poured out from all directions. This outfit was exactly the same as that of the Bloodhunter encountered last time.

Killing her a girl sent hundreds of Bloodhunters, really worthy of it.

They surrounded the car silently, as if they were afraid of Ruan Xiaoli in the car.

Xiao Evil: "There are too many people, you will die from exhaustion in a while."

These blood hunters can't beat the blood race, so they like to stand up and fight with more people.

But even though there were so many of them, they were able to disappear without a trace in the end. They always felt that there was some big person protecting them.

"If you are tired from the battle, then run!"

After finishing speaking, Ruan Xiaoli broke out of the window directly.

The blood hunters were waiting for her to come out, and countless long silver knives stabbed at Ruan Xiaoli.

There are three layers of parcels inside and three layers outside, and each person holds a long silver knife in his hand.

"Xiao Evil, I feel like I will be tied into a hedgehog."

Xiao Evil: "...I don't believe it."

(End of this chapter)

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