Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 445 Miss Kanali Is Missing

Chapter 445 Miss Kanali Is Missing
Chapter 472 Miss Kanali Is Missing
Ruan Xiaoli was just joking, how could she be tied into a hedgehog?
But with so many blood hunters, obviously well-trained blood hunters, it is really difficult for her to walk out of here today without leaving a drop of blood.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't be the only car on this road after school, and there are other blood race cars that also take this road home.

With a wave of Ruan Xiaoli's hand, several blood hunters were immediately forced back.

She was counting the time, but no one passed by after waiting for 10 minutes.

"No one will come to rescue me today."

Xiao Evil nodded: "They have already made complete preparations."

Ruan Xiaoli carefully avoided the blood hunter's attack: "The preparations are too complete. To be able to clear the field to such an extent is really not something that some hunters who live in the dark can do."

Vampire hunters have been living in the dark because they are hunted down by vampires all over the continent.

Living in the dark requires basic living security, plus training, and collecting silverware.

It's good to be able to do these things well.

But to be able to operate and arrange such a meticulous assassination, without power and influence, but to be able to clear the field to such a degree...

Ruan Xiaoli felt more and more that there were big shots helping these vampire hunters.

No one came today, everything can only depend on Ruan Xiaoli himself.

Those blood hunters didn't say a word, just slashed at her with their silver knives.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't turn around in time, and a strand of hair was chopped off.

A strand of sorrel curls fell to the floor...

Ruan Xiaoli took a look, raised his head and smiled: "It's okay to cut my clothes, but my hair is my most precious and favorite."

The blood hunter was stunned at the girl's smile, and the next second he felt severe pain in his chest.

I saw that the blood girl had arrived in front of him at some point, and put one hand into his chest.

Inserting his hand into his body, Ruan Xiaoli squeezed the heart and then exerted a strong force.

Xue Lie fell to the ground, Ruan Xiaoli was still holding a crushed human heart in his hand.

"It's ugly."

It's just a piece of rotten meat.

Ruan Xiaoli threw it on the ground in disgust, as if he was in awe of his own lock of hair.

Her hands were covered with blood, and this provocative behavior angered Blood Hunt even more.

One person spoke: "Quick fight, don't let her get out alive!"

Ruan Xiaoli moved her ears, and she turned her head to lock on to the person who spoke: "Little brother, your voice is a bit familiar, where have I heard it?"

The blood hunter who gave the order had a terrified look in his eyes, and he quickly hid behind others: "Kill her!"

There was a lot of blood hunting, and when that person retreated, someone would cover him.

Originally, they were all wearing black cloaks, revealing a pair of eyes, but Ruan Xiaoli didn't pay attention to that person's eyes when these people changed back and forth.

But she can be sure that she has indeed heard this voice before, and she has a little impression, but she can't remember where she heard it.

The blood hunter started to attack, Ruan Xiaoli didn't dare to think about anything else, and focused on their knives.

Ruan Xiaoli restrained his hands and feet when the silverware was suppressed.

Ruan Xiaoli directly grabbed someone else's knife, held it in his hand and endured the pain of the silver corroding the skin, and cut blood like cutting a winter melon to cut a bloody path.


It was daylight, and the sun had just come out.

A row of convoys drove quickly in the forest, and finally stopped at a road section.

Opening the car door, Liusen Mori quickly got out of the car.

"Earl Liusen Morley, there are indeed traces of battle on the road ahead."

Liusen Mori had a serious expression on his face: "Did you find Miss Canali?"

It's been two hours since school ended.

Liusen Moerli was originally going home by car, but he heard a notice that several giant trees had broken down on the road ahead, and this road was temporarily closed to traffic.

The driver changed the route, but Liusen Moerli felt that something was wrong and fell back.

Sure enough, after checking the fallen giant trees, it was obvious that they were artificially destroyed.

Why would someone bring down these trees to block the road?
Liusen Moerli saw such a scene when he brought the people here.

It is obvious that there are traces of battle everywhere, and there are dozens of corpses on the ground.

Liusen Mori glanced at it and checked it.

His subordinates carefully inspected the corpses, and then replied: "Earl Liusen Morley, from the appearance of their clothes and the weapons used by the calluses on their hands, we can tell that these people are the same as the blood hunter who assassinated you last time. organizational."


"Earl Liusen Mori, I found Miss Canali's car."

When Liusen Moerli heard the news, he immediately walked over with long legs.

"My lord, the driver and maid in the car are dead. We checked all the corpses here and found Miss Canali."

Miss Canali... probably hasn't been killed yet.

Everyone's hearts are in suspense. After all, from the traces of the battle, we can see how fierce the battle was. It must be hundreds of people attacking Miss Li Kanali.

No matter how powerful Miss Li Kanali is...

Liusen Moerli's face was frosty, and his eyes swept around the car.

Suddenly he saw something familiar, and Liusen Mori walked over, knelt down and reached out to pinch the trampled hair.

Curly chestnut hair, it's hers.

Such a long strand of hair was chopped off just like that.

Liusen Moerli squatted on the ground, holding a lock of hair in his hand, and the subordinates around him dared not show their breath.

Liusen Moerli stood up and tidied up the hair and put it in his pocket: "Look, expand the scope and find her."



"Hui'er, go and do your homework, mom will cook."

"Oh, I'll help you when I come back. You have to cook for me after a busy day."

Qiao Huier was tossing around in the small kitchen, Qiao Youhua felt sorry for her daughter and didn't want her to cook.

Qiao Youhua: "You are tired enough after studying at school all night, let me cook."

"What's so tiring about going to class? Mom is only tired when she goes to work."

Qiao Huier was washing the vegetables with a smile on her face, but Qiao Youhua couldn't grab her, so she had no choice but to sit by the side and watch her do it, and then give pointers from time to time.

"Knock Knock Knock..."

At this time, someone knocked on the wooden door of their small bungalow, and it was unknown who had come to visit.

Could it be that the neighbor came to borrow something?
"Mom, go and open the door to see who is coming."

Human beings will close the door even during the day, and they are afraid that something will break in.

Qiao Youhua went to the door and opened it, and saw a girl in a fiery red dress standing there.

"Little girl, what's the matter?"

Ruan Xiaoli raised his head: "Can I borrow some water for you?"

Her skin was covered with dust, but she could still see her fair complexion. With her raised head, her delicate facial features and those blood-red eyes were particularly eye-catching.

Qiao Youhua was taken aback, and froze in place: "Blood... blood race!"

(End of this chapter)

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