Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 447 Do You Like Li Li?

Chapter 447 Do You Like Li Li?

Chapter 474 Do You Like Li Li?

Could this be regarded as a dog biting Lu Dongbin and not knowing a good heart?
She had a bright smile on her face, but her eyes were full of disbelief in human beings, even though Qiao Huier helped her.

Qiao Huier was a little depressed when she heard this: "Miss Kanali, please trust me once, I will protect you well, you will rest at my house, no one will know that you are here."

Ruan Xiaoli leaned on the table with a lazy look: "You, I believe in a little bit, but I don't believe in your mother."

From the first sight until now, Qiao Youhua has been watching her vigilantly, and when she just heard that she was attacked by a blood hunter, there was obviously a little excitement in Qiao Youhua's eyes.

The most important detail is that when Qiao Huier went to close the door, Qiao Youhua didn't intend to stop her.

You must know that when Qiao Huier brought her in, Qiao Youhua's expression was unwilling.

Qiao Youhua looked away and lowered her head: "My esteemed lady, you can rest at our house for a day. Don't worry, we can't harm you even if we are incompetent humans."

They can't directly hurt Ruan Xiaoli, but they can go to inform them.

Who knows if Blood Hunt is around here.

Quietly go to steal the news, come to catch a turtle in an urn?
Ruan Xiaoli didn't have the strength to fight Xue Lie again.

These are just Ruan Xiaoli's conjectures, but she cherishes her life and must be careful not to put herself in danger.

Ruan Xiaoli stretched out his hand, and the closed door slowly opened.

Under the watchful eyes of the mother and daughter, Ruan Xiaoli left.

Qiao Huier didn't try to stop them, she couldn't stop them, and Miss Li Kanali really didn't believe them...

Qiao Huier glanced at Qiao Youhua. Although her mother was afraid and hated the blood race, she would never hurt Miss Li Kanali. She believed in her mother.

But Miss Li Canali didn't believe them...

Ruan Xiaoli had just walked out a few steps, and the sun was shining so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

It is daytime now, and although the morning sun is not hot, it is quite bright.

She doesn't like being in the sun.

Xiao Evil: "Why don't you go back to the hostess' house and borrow an umbrella?"

"Need not."

In the future, we should reduce contact with the heroine.

She couldn't bear the responsibility, and Ruan Xiaoli felt that he liked Liusen Moerli a little bit.

"...Why hasn't he come yet?"

It's not that Ruan Xiaoli is weak and wants him to save him, but an instinctive sense of dependence on the person he likes.

It is not deceiving to say that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.

As soon as Ruan Xiaoli finished reading silently, she heard footsteps behind her, and when she turned her head, she saw a handsome boy in a shirt standing behind her.

Liusen Mo Erli smiled from the bottom of his heart, and before Ruan Xiao could leave his mouth, he hugged her into his arms: "I found you."

In the past few hours, he has been frantically looking for her, and finally found this piece of human living area.

With the mentality of giving it a try, I didn't expect to see a girl standing on the street after walking for a while.

She's fine, that's great.

Liusen Moerli hugged her tightly: "Do you know how anxious I am, you don't."

He has sunk, but she doesn't know his sincerity, she talks and jokes with her every day, even though they are very close, there is a big mountain in between.

Liusen Mori hated this feeling to death.

After going through this incident today, Liusen Moerli no longer cares about the feeling of being separated by a mountain, as long as Li Kanali is safe and well, as long as she is by his side.

Ruan Xiaoli was a little confused, but she still reached out and hugged Liusen Moerli: "Liusen Moeri, my hand hurts."

When Liusen Moerli heard this, he quickly let go of her: "What's wrong with your hand?"

He carefully held her two hands, and finally found that the right hand was wrapped in gauze. Has it been dealt with?
"Come on, I'll take you back."

Go back and take off the gauze to see what's going on.

Liusen Moerli directly hugged her like a princess, and Ruan Xiaoli leaned against his chest without any resistance.

Liusen Moli's body trembled a little. He felt that Li Kanali was a little different today. He couldn't tell what was different, but he just liked it.

Liusen Moerli took Ruan Xiaoli back.

Qiao Huier saw all the scene just now in her eyes, and just walked away from Miss Kanali, Qiao Huier saw such a scene when she followed.

Earl Liusen Mori and Miss Li Canali and the others...

"Hui'er, don't look at it, close the door quickly, I'm afraid something will come in again."

Qiao Youhua stood in the room, thinking that a primitive blood had entered the room just now, she felt a little afraid.

Fortunately nothing happened.

With lonely eyes, Qiao Huier came back slowly, and then reached out to close the wooden door of the house.

Many families have iron doors. Their families are relatively poor and have no money to customize iron doors. They have always used wooden doors.

The small bungalow has a small space but it is enough for their mother and daughter to live.

The door was closed, and they didn't notice that on the side of the house, a man with a hideous face was standing there, and that man's mouth was drooling all the time...


In the castle hall, a row of maids stood by the aisle, and two doctors waited for orders.

On the sofa, Ruan Xiaoli changed into a long black dress, and her hair was tied up with a headband.

With her hands on the table, Liusen Mori is now carefully administering the medicine to her.

A special potion is specially made to treat this kind of skin injured by silverware. This potion works well, but it is very painful.

Liusen Moerli moved very gently.

Xiao Evil: "Tsk tsk tsk, the hero of the world, a big man, is lighter than the heroine."

There is no harm without comparison.

Liusen Moerli carefully applied the medicine to her as if he was taking care of a porcelain doll.

The more the medicine was applied, the colder his face became, and the whole palm of his hand was burned by the silverware, how painful it was for her.

Liusen Mori would rather see Li Kanali crying and saying that she was in pain than seeing her face calm.

In front of him, there is no need to endure.

It was only when we were in front of each other just now that she said that it hurts, hey.

"Li...Miss Kanali, when you go back to your room and take a good rest, I will check what happened today for you."

She must be extremely tired today, that's why she quietly let him hug her along the way.

Ruan Xiaoli moved closer: "What do you want to call me?"

What he just blurted out was obviously not a respectful name, last time it was too windy and he didn't hear clearly, this time Ruan Xiaoli didn't want to let go of the tail.

Liu Sen. Mo Erli was embarrassed for a moment, he just blurted out something when he was thinking about it, and wanted to call Li Li.

The boy smiled: "Call you Miss Canali."

"Liu Sen. Mo Erli." She lowered her tone slightly, as if she was about to get angry.



Liusen Moerli raised his head, and carefully asked, "Do you like Lili?"

(End of this chapter)

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