Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 448 Qiao Huier hugged her waist and cried

Chapter 448 Qiao Huier hugged her waist and cried

Chapter 475 Qiao Huier hugged her waist and cried

As a noble primitive blood, how can she easily say the word "like" without losing her status?

Ruan Xiaoli ignored his question, just stared at his hand, um, the bag is not bad.

Little Evil: "Do it."

"Good boy, little evil."

Don't bully people every day.

Seeing her ignoring him, Liusen Moord felt as if he was being grabbed by a cat's paw.

She is really a little goblin, and she just pretends nothing happened when she teases her so much.

He reached out and stroked her face: "Lili, I'll be by your side to protect you from now on, okay?"

What happened today must not be allowed to happen again.

Being touched on the face, Ruan Xiaoli felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she raised her head: "My hand hurts."

In an instant, his expression changed, and his hand moved away from his face to hold her injured hand: "It won't hurt in a few days, bear with it now."

I have already taken the best medicine, and there is really nothing I can do.

His eyes were full of distress and anger, anger that she was attacked and injured, anger can't heal her pain?

Ruan Xiaoli was a little dazed.

This is the feeling of being cared about, being put in the heart.

Ruan Xiaoli quickly withdrew his hand, turned around and went upstairs, the whole movement was quick and decisive.

Liusen Moerde was stunned in place, he could only look at the back of the girl leaving, and the light in his eyes disappeared little by little.
Ruan Xiaoli didn't go to school for the past few days, and Liusen Moulder also lived in Kanali's castle.

After several days of recuperation, I went to the academy when the pain in my hand was not so strong.

Two people are sitting in a car.

Liusen Moulder poured her a cup of black tea and said, "The number of monsters attacking people has increased again these days. If the chaos continues, we don't have to wait for three months, and the Elders' Meeting will be held again."

His father is still abroad, and he will still be the one who will attend the Elders' Meeting.

Ruan Xiaoli picked up the black tea and took a sip: "Didn't you catch a single monster?"

"No, there is no trace of clues, as if these monsters were released by someone."

After hurting humans, the monsters will leave, and they should be able to find their activity tracks, but no, there are no traces.

It's as if someone dropped a monster and took it away after killing people.

Neither of them spoke, which is very likely to be a conspiracy.

The moon came out, and the car stopped in front of the teaching building. The two of them got out of the car and attracted the attention of many students.

Handsome men and beautiful women, and they are all distinguished people, so they are not eye-catching.

"I heard that the Earl recently lived in Miss Canali's house. Are they going to get married?"

"I haven't heard any news about the marriage."

"Don't you know yet? When Lord Joel proposed to marry Miss Canalie at the Elders' Council, it was Earl Mord who interrupted the Duke's proposal."

"What, there is such a thing? This is a red-faced girl who has offended a prince because of Miss Canali. Earl Mord is really brave."

"Whoever you listen to, you can know the details of the Council of Elders."

"My grandfather said, he is also a veteran, and his mouth is still big hahahaha."

"You talk about your grandfather like that, be careful to go back and chop it up."

In the classroom, two people sat by the window.

Ruan Xiaoli wanted to sleep on his stomach, but when he turned around, he saw that there was no one in the corner seat.

Qiao Huier didn't come?

It's time to go to class, haven't come to school yet?
Qiao Huier has always loved studying, and she comes early every day, why didn't she come so late today.

Qiao Huier didn't come until the first class, Ruan Xiaoli felt very strange.

"Little evil, what happened to the heroine?"

After all, it's the person you want to bite, so it's better to pay attention.

Xiao E has no expression on his face: "I don't know."


"I really don't know, because the plot has all deviated, and the original plot has no reference value. By the way, the plot is completely deviated. You don't have to wait for the opportunity. Just take a bite of the heroine. In this way, we The task is done."

Biting the heroine means turning her into a vampire.

The heroine has the halo of the heroine, and she will definitely not become a monster, but she needs to survive a difficult period, and then she will become a vampire.

Turning into a vampire is tantamount to breaking all the heroine's expectations for the future and killing everything about her.

"it is good."

"Xiao Li, don't be soft-hearted."

"Don't be soft-hearted, I think it's pretty good, just take a sip of the heroine's blood." Thinking of that feeling, Ruan Xiaoli squinted his eyes like a greedy cat.

Qiao Huier hadn't come all this time, Ruan Xiaoli asked his classmates and found out that she hadn't come for many days.

Qina Joel: "That human has been on leave for a long time, I don't know if something happened."

"I heard that there seems to be a monster attack in the village at the foot of the school mountain. She will be fine."

"Who knows, if she really died, the school should make up a new classmate, after all, every class needs to be balanced."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't continue to listen to those vampires chatting, she returned to her seat.

Liusen Moli turned his head: "What? Do you care about that human being?"

"It's not a matter of concern, it's just that the wound I was treated at her house when I was in danger that day, it can be regarded as a gratitude to her." Ruan Xiaoli said lightly.

Upon hearing this reply, Liusen Moerli was immediately overjoyed: "Don't worry, that human should be fine, and the school will definitely fill in new human beings if something happens."

Each class maintains a balanced number of people, one-third are blood races, and two-thirds are humans.

If a human dies, a new human will be called in immediately.

Rather than letting humans go to school, it would be better to say that humans are entertaining these blood races.

Not adding a new human means that this human has not died.

Looking at the empty seat, Ruan Xiaoli had a premonition that something must happen to her family.

The next night, Qiao Huier came to class.

But the whole person was groggy, his eyes were red and swollen, and there were dark circles under his eyes, and he lost a lot of weight in just a few days.

What's wrong?
During class break, Ruan Xiaoli walked slowly to her seat, looked down at her: "Why haven't you come to class these days?"

Qiao Huier was lowering her head in a trance, trying to take out the textbook for today's class, when suddenly she heard a familiar voice, and she turned around and saw that exquisite blood girl.

Qiao Huier was stunned, then her eyes turned red and shed tears one after another.

Ruan Xiaoli was taken aback, what's wrong?
In the next second, Qiao Hui'er hugged Ruan Xiaoli's waist, and burst into tears, the heart-piercing kind of crying without restraint.

Being hugged by a hot human body, this kind of hug is completely different from Liusen Moerli. Liusen Moerli is cold, but Qiao Huier is hot.

Vampires still prefer cold things, Ruan Xiaoli felt a little uncomfortable being hugged by Qiao Huier.

Just as he was about to reach out and push her away, she suddenly cried so loudly that Ruan Xiaoli was too scared to move.

(End of this chapter)

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