Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 449 The heroine's mother died

Chapter 449 The heroine's mother died
Chapter 476 The heroine's mother died
"Woooo...cough cough..."

Qiao Huier cried so loudly that she even choked on herself.

Everyone in the class looked this way, and seeing Qiao Huier hugging Miss Li Kanali, all of them opened their eyes wide in curiosity.

Liu Sen. Mo Erli also went out for a while, and when he came back, he saw such a scene, and his entire handsome face turned black.

In the eyes of others, Li Kanali stood there with a cold face and was hugged by humans, but Liu Sen Mori Yue could see that she was actually embarrassed and at a loss.

But even so, she didn't push that lowly human being away.

Because that human being is sad?
"This human has so much guts, he dared to hold Miss Canali like this. Is this a life-threatening thing?"

"What provoked you? How dare you offend Miss Canali like this?"

"My concern is different from yours. I'm going to be stunned now. Miss Canali can tolerate this human offending me like this!"

Liusen Moerli's face became uglier the more he listened to what others said, but he still restrained himself from going forward to tear that human being away.

Qiao Huier cried for a long time before she stopped, and then found that everyone was looking at her, she lowered her head in fear, and slowly let go of her hands.

"I'm sorry..."

Why did she uncontrollably hug Miss Li Kanali just now?

Maybe it's...Miss Li Kanali was the first person to care about her.

When I came to school, I didn't expect that the first person to talk to me and ask me what happened was Miss Li Kanali.

Ruan Xiaoli stretched out his hand to tidy up his clothes, there was no other expression on his face, he just said lightly: "Come out with me."

There are too many people in the classroom and too many eyes for talking.

Qiao Huier's eyes were red and swollen, and she was still crying and belching, so she obediently followed Ruan Xiaoli out.

Liusen Mori also followed.

The three of them came to the deserted garden. Tonight's moon is particularly round and bright, illuminating the whole college. The garden inside the college is full of red flowers.

Under the moonlight, a girl with long chestnut curly hair stood by the flowerbed: "Tell me, what happened? Why haven't you come to school for a few days?"

As soon as Qiao Huier asked this question, she fell into sadness and doubts.

Ruan Xiaoli answered the doubts in her eyes: "Last time you bandaged my wound, it's a debt of gratitude to you, if anything happens at home, you can tell me, I will help you."

It turned out to be a repayment of kindness...

Liu Sen. Mo Erli stood behind Ruan Xiaoli, very close. He didn't speak, but standing beside Ruan Xiaoli didn't feel too strong.

Qiao Huier was a little afraid of Liusen Moerli, and always felt that his eyes were not kind.

Qiao Huier lowered her head, and gradually began to cry again: "My mother is dead..."

Ruan Xiaoli frowned slightly: "What happened?"

Xiao Evil: "In the original plot, the heroine's mother is not dead."

Sure enough, the plot has been crooked out of shape.

Qiao Huier: "Just... not long after you left, a monster broke in. In order to save me, my mother was sucked dry by the monster..."

She was trembling as she spoke, trying to hide her sadness and fear as she witnessed her mother being bitten to death by a monster in front of her... being sucked dry...

She will never forget this scene in her life.

The tip of the nose is full of bloody smell, and the sound of mother's screams and the sound of telling himself to block the door quickly.

Ruan Xiaoli could understand her sadness and pain with his suppressed voice.

Not long after she left?

Then the monster should be nearby when she was there, why didn't she notice it?
Liu Sen. Mo Erli saw Ruan Xiaoli's doubts: "The monster didn't wander away, it was dropped by someone right after we left."

If the monster came by itself, the two of them would definitely be able to detect it nearby.

But if the two of them left, someone put that thing at Qiao Huier's house...

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at Qiao Huier: "The blood race will investigate this matter thoroughly, and if the murderer is caught, I will send it to you and let you deal with it as you like."

Qiao Huier didn't expect Li Kanali to say that. She nodded, her eyes full of hatred: "Okay, thank you."

Ruan Xiaoli felt that this girl was really innocent.

Qiao Huier believed in her very much. Even if her mother died in the mouth of the monster, she would not associate the monster with her original blood.

Xiao Evil: "Isn't it a good thing that the heroine hasn't turned black, but are you willing to bite her?"

If it was a monster that was dropped, why did it happen to be dropped at Qiao Huier's house?

Because Qiao Huier helped Li Kanali.

Blood hunting, monsters, are definitely a group of people.

When they chased him down, Li Kanali had already been taken away by Liusen Mori, and their carefully planned assassination still failed to kill Li Kanali.

So they vented their anger on the mother and daughter Qiao Huier who helped Li Kanali, and released this monster...

Qiao Huier went back to the classroom, only Ruan Xiaoli and Liusen Moerli were left in the garden.

Liusen Moerli hugged her from behind: "This is none of your business, don't blame yourself for human life."


Liu Sen. Mo Erli hugged Ruan Xiaoli's waist, and rubbed his hands together, as if he wanted to stain the skirt around her waist with his breath.

Ruan Xiaoli felt that it was okay to be hugged by him, it was so cool and comfortable, not hot at all.

Liusen Mo Erli put his chin on her shoulder in an insatiable way.

Ruan Xiaoli frowned slightly.

In the next second, Liusen Moerli backed away, as long as he sensed that she disliked her even a little bit, he would immediately back away.

Liusen Moerli turned to hold Ruan Xiaoli's hand: "Should we go back to the classroom or to the rooftop?"


It's boring in the classroom, why not sit on the roof and watch the full moon.

But they seemed to be unlucky, as soon as they went up to the roof, the dark clouds covered the full moon.

The two simply skipped class and went home.

Go back and investigate these things carefully.

There are already many voices pointing to the Kanali family, and his father is not there, so the voices are from Li Kanali.

It has to be said that the father Hansa Kanali is not responsible at all.

But he is so powerful, even if there is no news about him outside, Ruan Xiaoli is not worried that he will be killed.

Xiao Evil: "By the way, let me give you some popular science. In the original plot, after you were killed by the hero, Hansa Kanali completely collapsed and committed suicide."

After the death of the daughter, the father collapsed?

Xiao Evil: "Hansa Kanali loves his wife very much, and originally wanted to die together, but because of you, he has been living in the emotion of missing his wife."

"Is it like this? Then I died, shouldn't he be very happy, and he can reunite with his wife if he has no burden? How could he collapse?"

"I don't know about that." Xiao Xi shrugged.

(End of this chapter)

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