Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 450 Caught the traitor in the castle

Chapter 450 Caught the traitor in the castle
Chapter 477 Caught the traitor in the castle
"Miss Canali, Earl Liusen Mori."

After Ruan Xiaoli and Liusen Moerli skipped class and returned to the castle, they went back to the study to read.

Reading the book, I saw that half of the maid came in with two cups of blood.

The blood of the best blood servant.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't even look at it: "Let it go."

The maid put two cups of blood on the table and withdrew.

Ruan Xiaoli has been sitting on the chair and reading the book in his hand, and has no intention of having dinner at all.

Liusen Mori leaned against the bookshelf, with a smirk on his face, he closed the book in his hand and put it back on the bookshelf.

He walked over to pick up two cups of blood, and smelled one of them: "The humans raised here in Lili are really top-quality, very fragrant, take a sip?"

"Drink all you want."

She doesn't like it.

Liusen Mori actually took a sip, he actually only drank it once a month, and he had never bit anyone for hundreds of years.

Really curious what it would be like to have the fangs penetrate the skin...

Liusen Moerli drank blood, and glanced at the neck of the blood girl who was reading seriously at the table.

He raised the corner of his mouth, and a red light flashed in his dark eyes.

With a cup of fresh blood left, Liusen Mori stretched out his wrist, scratched his wrist with his fingernails, and dripped his own blood into it.

Ruan Xiaoli looked up: "What are you doing?"

Liusen Moerli shook the cup, picked up the cup of blood and handed it to her: "Hey."

The phrase hello to you is the same as feeding a pet.

Ruan Xiaoli originally planned to open her mouth to refuse, but the smell of blood got into her nostrils.

She took the cup of blood with indifference and drank it down.

"It doesn't taste very good."

Liusen Moerli smiled, he looked at the empty glass, it wasn't very good and he had finished his drink.

The wicked Liusen Moerli suddenly lay down on the table and approached her: "Of course it doesn't taste very good, and I added a few drops of my blood. The taste is not pure at all. You bite my neck and take a few bites." Come on, don't you want to have a taste of my pure blood?"

Ruan Xiaoli just drank a cup of blood, and now he is hungry again.

Liusen Moerli did it on purpose, step by step, his blood attracted her like a drug.

"Go away."

"If you don't go away, you don't have it yet, how can I go."

"I'm not hungry."

"Lili, just now your eyes clearly glanced at my neck, you are hungry."


In the end Ruan Xiaoli fled in despair.

Xiao Evil smiled and died in the space: "Xiao Li, it's rare to see you make a fool of yourself. Is the hero so scary? Is it necessary to run so fast?"

"Nonsense, if you don't run away, I will bite him."

"What are you afraid of, baby? Anyway, he is willing, and aren't you also a little tempted by him?"


Xiao Evil thought about it for a while, and said disgustedly: "You scumbag, you are not afraid of responsibility, are you?"


If he bites it, he will really be responsible, Ruan Xiaoli hurried back to his bedroom.

Little Evil: "...a scumbag."

Didn't bite the male lead because he was afraid of being responsible?Pooh.

Ruan Xiaoli filled the bathtub with cold water in the bathroom and took a bath. During the whole process, Xiao E did not make a sound. Ruan Xiaoli felt that Xiao E must be scolding himself in the space.


Insomnia in the middle of the night, because Ruan Xiaoli was so hungry that he couldn't sleep.

Xiao Evil suggested that she drink some human blood to satisfy her hunger, but Ruan Xiaoli refused. The human blood was really not delicious in her mouth at all, and she even felt a little nauseous after drinking it.

Only the heroine and the heroine are bloody.

The male protagonist's is the most fragrant.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the halo of the protagonist.

Unable to sleep and panicking from hunger, Ruan Xiaoli simply got up and went for a walk in the garden.

But as soon as he left the castle, he met Liusen Mori.

Liusen Moerli stood under the moonlight, not knowing what he was doing, his whole body was covered by a layer of moonlight, which was extremely beautiful.

The young man was slender, and he looked thin when he was dressed. He definitely looked fleshy when he took off his clothes, because she had seen it before.

Ruan Xiaoli stopped in his tracks, and even wanted to turn around and go back to his room.

But when she wanted to turn around, she followed Liusen Mori's eyes and saw some blood slaves who were washing clothes not far away.

Blood slaves do the most tiring and hard work in the castle. The maids are mainly responsible for cleaning important places, and they don't have to do other work.

Every night, there are many blood slaves busy washing things by the well outside the castle.

The voices of their voices can still be faintly heard.

Ruan Xiaoli stopped when she was about to leave, because she heard a voice!
Ruan Xiaoli quickly walked towards the well.

Liusen Mori stood under the moonlight and waited for her to come. He had just noticed that Li Kanali was behind him.

Hearing Li Kanali's approaching footsteps, Liusen Mori smiled.

But the reality is that Li Kanali directly passed Liusen Mori and continued on without even looking at him.

Liusen Moerli: "..."

The smug smile on his face immediately froze, and finally followed: "Where are you going?"

Ruan Xiaoli ignored him, but listened carefully to the voice of the blood slave over there.

found it.

As soon as Ruan Xiaoli passed by, he stretched out his palm and slapped a person flying.

The blood slaves who were working were startled, screamed and quickly squatted down and hugged their heads.

The male blood slave who was shot fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood, and a silver dagger fell out of his clothes.

The silver dagger fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the dagger, and everyone was surprised and understood why Miss Li Kanali came here to hit this person.

"Cough cough cough...you, how did you find me?" The male blood slave fell to the ground, his eyes were full of shock and doubt, how did he expose himself?
At the same time, Ruan Xiaoli noticed his small eyes.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the group of blood slaves squatting down: "That male blood slave next to the well, did you come here by yourself or shall I capture you?"

Liusen Moerli stood beside Ruan Xiaoli, his brows were tightly furrowed. He didn't expect that two blood hunters would sneak into the castle.

The man next to the well raised his head and pretended, "I...I don't know, I'm not a blood hunter, Miss Canali, I...I'm not..."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't listen to his nonsense, just slapped him in the past, and the man died on the spot.

The other living blood hunter was extremely surprised: "You devil, you actually killed him, Li Kanali, you will die badly."

Ruan Xiaoli smiled, and then ordered the blood slave next to him: "Search him."

Naturally, they searched for the dead Xue Lie.

A female blood slave tremblingly touched the clothes of the dead blood hunter, and finally took out a silver dagger.

Ruan Xiaoli took the silver dagger: "Is this thing your belief? You still carry it with you knowing that it will reveal your identity."

(End of this chapter)

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