Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 451 Blood Hunter Confession

Chapter 451 Blood Hunter Confession

Chapter 478 Blood Hunter Confession

Of course it is not their belief, but it is very likely that they will do something tonight if they wear it.

But they were caught by Ruan Xiaoli before they could go out.

"You all back down."

Ruan Xiaoli asked all the other blood slaves to go back, and there was only Ruan Xiaoli Liusen Mo Erli and the injured blood hunter on the lawn.

Liusen Moerli: "How did you find them?"

Ruan Xiaoli smiled: "Voice."

The blood hunter trembled when he heard this answer.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at Xue Lie: "Is it surprising that it was exposed because of the voice, do you regret talking when I committed suicide last time?

That day I felt that I heard your voice somewhere, and now I finally know that it was in my own home. "

Of course, these blood slaves were not close to her, and they didn't even have much contact with her, but Ruan Xiaoli passed by when they were talking.

The memory and hearing of the vampires are particularly good, so it is inevitable that they will have a little impression.

Xuehun's eyes were full of shock and regret.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Would you like to die more quickly? Just tell me who is the master behind you, and what plan do you have."

"Give up, you devil, I won't say anything!"

When he entered the organization, he swore to the sun that he would be absolutely loyal!

"Still tough."

Under the dim moonlight, Liusen Moerli didn't interrupt to speak, and he kept watching her from the side.

As expected of a primitive blood family, a nobleman among nobles, she was born noble, and her aura was simply daunting.

Liu Sen. Mo Erli smiled helplessly. He is willing to be her foil in this life, because he likes to see her radiate with brilliance, and she should stand on a high place like this.

"Are you sure you don't want to say it? If you say it, I will kill you directly. If you don't say it... I will bite you and turn you into a vampire that you hate, and you will be a monster who will attack you The same kind, detested by blood hunters, you are a sinner..."

Liusen Moerli was taken aback for a moment, he knew that Li Kanali might be the blood hunter, but he still couldn't help but feel a little tight.

"Become the vampire that you hate the most..."

Her voice seemed to be magical, and she spoke slowly, weaving a nightmare.

Bloodhunter fell into this nightmare. He seemed to see himself turned into a vampire after being bitten, and then turned into a monster. The bloodhunter brothers who fought together pointed at him...

"No, you devil, you kill me, you kill me!"

"If you want to die, then tell the truth."


Ruan Xiaoli crossed his arms and looked at him condescendingly: "Tell me everything you know, and I'll kill you right away, or I'll turn you into a blood race."

What Bloodhunter fears most is not death, but becoming something that he hates.

Ruan Xiaoli grabbed a psychological line of defense.

Eventually the man breaks down and tells what he knows.

"I... I don't know many things, I just know that I want to assassinate you, and killing you is our mission."

"Who will send you here?"

"I don't know, but that person is definitely a member of your blood clan. He has a lot of power. He can erase the traces of our actions every time, and smoothly arrange me into the castle..."

Ruan Xiaoli's eyes darkened slightly.

Liusen Moerli asked: "Are those monsters related to you?"

"Yes..." Xuehun felt a little guilty.

Liusen Moerli sneered: "Don't you hate blood race the most? Why did you create those monsters to harm humans? How is your behavior different from our blood hunters?"

"It's different, it's completely different! We are different from your group of devils. The monsters kill humans who are unwilling to join our blood hunt, and a group of scum who got close to the blood race and betrayed humans." Blood Hunt was excited Said.

People who are killed by monsters are not guilty of death.

They are attached to the blood clan, weak by nature, unable to stand up when kneeling on the ground mentally, such people are all traitors, traitors who have betrayed the entire human race, and they deserve to die.

Ruan Xiaoli frowned: "Did you release the monsters, or did you let them wander around?"

"We put it in..."

"Where did those monsters come from?"

"I don't know. The monsters were given to us by that big man. They are usually locked up by us. When we need to commit crimes, we put them at the crime site. After killing people, we will take the monsters back and lock them up."

"Where is the place where the monster is kept?"

Bloodhunter hesitated, but still told the location.

Ruan Xiaoli continued to ask: "How do you usually connect the big guy behind you?"


That blood hunter stopped talking, and looked at Ruan Xiaoli with hatred in his eyes: "I won't talk anymore, I won't talk any more, you devil will definitely die, you killed me!"

Ruan Xiaoli smiled: "I've already said so many things just now, and this is the last one, right? Why are you guilty?
And the big man behind is a blood race, right?It must be a big man who can arrange you so well. If you confess him, when I get rid of him, you will have made indirect contributions. You got rid of a very prestigious blood family. "

You must know that Ruan Xiaoli is very good at fooling around, and she can make crooked reasons right, and catch people's hearts bit by bit.

You got rid of a very prestigious blood family, you have done a great job.

Speak up and I'll help you get rid of him.

The person behind that is a vampire, you confess him, I will get rid of him.

Xue Lie's heart was moved, and he slowly told all the ways how he connected to this big man.

After he finished speaking, Ruan Xiaoli turned around and said, "Liu Sen. Mo Erli, have you remembered everything?"

Liu Sen. Mo Erli looked at her dotingly: "Remember, I will check."

This blood hunt has been described in such detail, he will definitely not let her down.

Ruan Xiaoli once again looked down at Xue Lie on the ground: "You are worthless, do you want to die?"

Blood Hunter kept shouting to kill him just now, but now Ruan Xiaoli saw fear in his eyes.

Sure enough, human beings are fickle and hypocritical things.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled grimly: "I think you don't have the face to meet your seniors. You obviously have a good chance to get rid of me, a primitive blood race, but because you said these words, all your plans are ruined, you You are a traitor, I will kill all your accomplices, when the time comes, your predecessors and your companions will come to condemn you underground, you are a complete traitor."

Obviously, he could kill him with one palm, but Ruan Xiaoli wanted to torture his spirit in such a wicked way.

It's a beautiful sight to see a living human being crumble.

Ruan Xiaoli turned around: "Liusen Moerli, help me kill him, my hand hurts."

(End of this chapter)

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